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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 42123 (DR5989) – "MobileUrl" parameter to work on mobile app requests Added.

2. Improvements

  • 41613 (DR5848) – with "UserId" in the GetUserRoleContents methoda on the eBAHRAPI side The parameter for querying has been added.
  • 33943 (DR3675) – Downloading a CheckIn document by a different user is blocked.
  • 43314 – Improvements have been made to System Cleaner and queries.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 35440 (DR3353) – Problem with auto-saving password in Google Chrome browser Fixed.
  • 37642 (DR4366) – Capture ram consumption problem has been fixed.
  • 37643 (DR4365) – Capture archiving issue fixed.
  • 39768 (DR5124) – Vector dashboard issue fixed.
  • 38009 (DR4598) – bug received in eBAScanner fixed.
  • 38459 (DR4740) – Oracle issue with profile transitions in Dashboard screen Fixed.
  • 43444 (DR6272) – Problem with logging detail not being seen for cap application Fixed.
  • 37770 – Language problem in metadata sheet and design glitch in "Save" button Fixed.
  • 37706 – Features for adding files and folders with folder and drag-and-drop when "No" is selected The issue of being able to attach files has been fixed.
  • 42999 – From the second page in the Event Log Viewer when using an Oracle database The issue where logs are not listed has been fixed.
  • 32340 (DR1513) – Resolved an issue with loading the Notes tab on macOS.
  • 38928 (DR4821) – Fixed the issue with the signature validity icon on the e-signature screen.

4. Mobile Updates

4.1. Android

  • 38466 – Crashing when the notifications page in group view scrolls down bug has been fixed.

  • 41840 – Crashes when the approvals and messages page is scrolled down in Group view bug has been fixed.

  • 41701 – Error crashing after searching messages and refreshing page has been fixed.

  • 41703 – After searching Workflow Management in Group view and refreshing the page The issue of listing all data has been fixed.

  • 41708 – Issue with months appearing as M01-M12 in the calendar on the Proxies page, and The language issue in the calendar has been fixed.

  • 41710 – Problem with setting the start date to a date later than the end date Fixed.

  • 41717 – History page filtering only when the end date is selected The issue of not being applied has been fixed.

  • 41719 – View change from the History page to the Workflow Management page The non-reflection issue has been fixed.

  • 41776 – Unable to long press messages on All tab in Group view Fixed.

  • 41783 – When long pressing notifications on the History page in list view The warning message is incorrect and the problem has been fixed.

  • 41908 – The issue of giving power of attorney to the past date has been fixed.

  • 42000 – Fixed an issue where the trash bin appeared full after deleting the notification.

  • 42002 – When deselecting after deleting notifications in list view The crash bug has been fixed.

  • 42135 – Alert after deleting notification on All tab in List view The screen retention issue has been fixed.

  • 42145 – Approval after approvals rejected by entering reason after viewing, The error of crashing when entering the notification or message has been fixed.

  • 43472 - After searching the History page in Group view and refreshing the page The issue of listing all data has been fixed.

  • 43519 – Fixed an issue where properties were blank in the Flow tab in messages.

  • 43537 – Issue with messages not having schema tab under flow tab Fixed.

  • 43531 – When the start date is selected later than the end date, the back of this selection The issue of keeping it in the plan has been fixed.

  • 43676 – Incorrect position of the cancel button in search fields in horizontal use Fixed.

  • 43931 – Disappearance of some selections in horizontal-vertical use transition on the proxies page The issue has been fixed.

  • 43932 – "Remember Me" selection in horizontal-to-vertical usage transition on the login screen The disappearance issue has been fixed.

  • 43933 – "To" and "Notifying" in horizontal-vertical use transition for message sending The issue of missing selections has been fixed.

  • 43935 – Switch the operation button to horizontal-vertical use after viewing the process The disappearance issue has been fixed.

  • 44670 – Fixed crash error when invalid server address was entered.

  • 44671 – Fixed crash bug when server alias field was left blank.

iOS 4.2.

  • 39110 (DR4918) – Issue with all page not refreshing after viewing process Fixed.
  • 41908 – The issue of giving power of attorney to the past date has been fixed.
  • 34911 (DR3249) – Fixed an issue that caused an application to crash.
  • 41150 – Fixed the bug in user selection on the proxy screen.
  • 42066 – Fixed bug in trash after deletion.
  • 42086 – Date assignment issue during date filtering has been fixed.
  • 43513 – Fixed the view list issue with horizontal use of the application.
  • 43559 – Image distortion in horizontal use has been fixed.
  • 44207 – Fixed the issue of displaying forms for processes.

5. Breaking Changes

  • eBA 6.7.1 40 package update should be done.
  • eBAConfigurationManager > RestApi > MobileUrl must be entered as parameters.
  • When "UserId" is sent in the GetUserRoleContents method, the roles of the corresponding user fetch, if "UserId" is not sent, all roles are fetched regulated.