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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • No Highlights / New Features

2. Improvements

  • 51005 – License Expire warning mail content, the number of users remaining from the license, the remaining time and It is ensured that e-mails can be sent to more than one user.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 38372 – Problem with the use of dots in library and directory naming Fixed.
  • 48880 – Fixed an issue where the error message in the menu manager could not be closed.
  • 51266 – Document management, button slippage problem in Bulgarian language usage Fixed.
  • 52323 – Font problem with copying in RichTextEditor object Solved.
  • 52686 – Fixed the error of performing retroactive transactions on the proxy screen.
  • 52035 – Fixed the issue where the organization screen is not available in the browser.
  • 49183 (DR7840) – Fixed an issue where eBAScanner does not see the scanner.
  • 52997 (DR8802) – selected in the ComboBox object with the Auto Complete property enabled The issue of data not appearing has been fixed.
  • 35493 – Visual distortion in archive filter fields has been fixed.
  • 44653 – Fixed the problem of downloading libraries and folders in Document Management.
  • 45549 – Attachment insertion page in email sending in Document Management The language issue in the title has been fixed.
  • 33628 (DR1936) – Additional numbering problem in EBYS text creation Fixed.
  • 40965 (DR5587) – Signatures on a document are valid even though no e-signatures are attached to the document The text phrase problem has been fixed.
  • 44884 (DR6629) – Regarding listing of erroneous records on the process request management page The bug has been resolved.
  • 51031 (DR8326) – The problem with queries in EMRA general reports has been fixed.
  • 51945 (DR8577) – Infrastructure-related problem in document verification processes has been fixed.
  • 37224 – Fixed text size problem in workflow management menu.
  • 46827 – Error in document management library rename Fixed.
  • 52980 – Freezing problem in scanning processes in eBACapture scanners Fixed.

4. Mobile Updates

4.1. Android

  • 46341 (DR6906) – Fixed the application slowness issue.
  • 46711 (DR7123) – Crash error when uploading files to Files object Fixed.
  • 42219 – When the search result is returned from the displayed confirmations and notifications The problem of data multiplexing has been fixed.
  • 43673 – Date and time selection in proxy validity date selection in horizontal use Fixed an issue where it couldn't be saved.
  • 44237 – The problem of multiplexing of groups in notifications has been fixed.
  • 44391 – Crash bug in notifications has been fixed.
  • 44392 – The problem of multiplexing of data in notifications has been fixed.
  • 45419 – Workflow management, applications, and horizontal-vertical use of past search The issue of not being remembered in transitions has been fixed.
  • 47031 – Ability to make multiple selections when searching for the selection of a person to be appointed as a proxy The issue has been fixed.
  • 47037 – Fixed an issue where the action button on the form would disappear when the screen was rotated.
  • 44393 – Issue where the number of data on badges in group view is not updated Fixed.
  • 42137 – Fixed the issue of no notification.
  • 47005 – Crash issue when view change after search operation Fixed.
  • 48359 – Fixed an issue where crashing when the screen was rotated in workflow management.
  • 48457 – Fixed an issue where past search remained active.
  • 48567 – Fixed an issue where the form would not load again.
  • 48593 – Fixed crash bug in date and time textbox objects.
  • 48621 – Fixed an issue where Listbox and combobox objects were unresponsive.
  • 48629 – Fixed an issue where the screen could not scroll in the form.
  • 48654 – Fixed the issue of process or position information appearing in full power of attorney.
  • 43867 – Fixed the error when adding servers on tablet.
  • 42008 – Fixed issue when deleting information.
  • 48397 – The problem of multiplexing of the given power of attorney has been fixed.
  • 48691 – Fixed an issue where the tab bar did not maximize in the past and on the form screen.
  • 49292 – Loading pop-up appears while loading form.
  • 49899 – SSL error when registering server address fixed.
  • 49401 – Fixed the error received in accessing the application via incoming notification.
  • 50107 – Choices made in notifications are not remembered when the screen is rotated The issue has been fixed.
  • 50112 – Fixed the issue of direct login when clicking on the notification.
  • 50156 – The problem of opening the application with a password has been fixed.
  • 47035 – Fixed an issue where there was a gap above the flow characteristics.
  • 47053 – Fixed an issue where the existing server address could be re-registered.
  • 50394 – Fixed a multiplexing issue in messages.
  • 50396 – Fixed the problem of data loss when searched in notifications.
  • 42260 – Fixed an issue where there was no data to show warning.
  • 51507 – Problem with not writing 0 at the beginning of single-digit dates in the proxy start date Fixed.
  • 51608 – Fixed an issue where no data to show visual remained on the screen.
  • 47027 – Fixed the search issue on user selection screens.
  • 47048 – Fixed an issue where the Applications screen did not adapt to the landscape screen.
  • 51506 – Elections made when the screen is rotated on the proxy page are not remembered The issue has been fixed.
  • 51976 – Search button disappearing issue in applications and user selection screens Fixed.
  • 51980 – Fixed an issue where the default end date on the proxy page was incorrect.
  • 52180 – Fixed an issue where search fields were half-opened when the screen was rotated.
  • 52252 – Fixed an issue where the landscape screen feature could not be turned off.
  • 52510 – Fixed the issue of DM not opening from applications.
  • 52854 – Fixed an issue when the screen was rotated on the Applications page.
  • 52985 – Crash error when confirming via notification Fixed.
  • 43745 – Visual anomalies in the login and server adding screen have been fixed.
  • 51609 – Fixed the search issue after changing the appearance of messages.
  • 51977 – Fixed an issue where captcha disappears when the screen is rotated.
  • 52983 – Fixed the issue of deleting the proxy start date.
  • 53861 – Application crash bug fixed.
  • 53930 – Fixed the bug of crashing the application on the 2nd opening of the forms.
  • 53431 – Fixed cases that overwhelmed the screen rotation feature.
  • 51426 – Error when opening processes has been fixed.

iOS 4.2.

  • 41147 – Visual error in the proxy screen on a position-by-position basis has been fixed.
  • 41150 – Fixed the issue of multiple selection in the search process on the proxy screen.
  • 42066 – Visual issue with trash on deletion has been fixed.
  • 42069 – LongPress operation on All tab has been improved.
  • 42086 – Error in start – end selection in date filtering Solved.
  • 43153 – Visual bug in view list in landscape usage has been fixed.
  • 43559 – Data overlap problem with horizontal, vertical screen transitions Fixed.
  • 44207 – Fixed the issue of process screens not being refreshed.
  • 45187 – Visual corruption in the server list has been fixed.
  • 41908 – The issue of retrospective power of attorney has been resolved.
  • 45292 – Inactivity of the expiry date after indefinite proxy selection on the proxy screen problem has been resolved.
  • 41252 – A search field has been added to the applications and process-based proxy field.
  • 46659 – Fixed the clock issue in the proxy process.
  • 49607 – Fixed crash issue when deleting informational object.
  • 49546 – Slippage in the search field in apps, history screens The issue has been fixed.
  • 48809 – Fixed the problem of searching in the proxy process.
  • 48808 – Visual errors in the application have been fixed.
  • 48806 – Process power of attorney processing error resolved.
  • 38695 – List edits have been made to the process of sending messages.
  • 42008 – Fixed bug in list view, notification process.
  • 49482 – Fixed an issue with incorrect server address registration.
  • 49585 – Fixed a page issue when listing information.
  • 49611 – Fixed an issue where trash disappears after screen rotation.
  • 49615 – Fixed an issue where notifications were not deleted with the Select all option.
  • 49663 – Naming errors in English and Turkish fields have been fixed.
  • 49664 – Data not coming back after a search in the History tab Solved.
  • 50180 – Fixed an issue where the "History" field in the left menu did not appear.
  • 50185 – Issue where change in appearance is not reflected in other fields and crash The issue has been fixed.
  • 50780 – Fixed an issue where data was lost after screen rotation when using a tablet.
  • 51939 – Changed the Messages tab to work similarly to the web app.
  • 51940 – Fixed the issue of data multiplexing in the Messages tab.
  • 50191 – Crash after navigating between tabs in workflow management menu problem has been resolved.
  • 50193 – Bug in deleting notifications has been fixed.
  • 50195 – Data loss in search fields after screen rotation Fixed.
  • 51133 – Data update has been made on the mobile signature screen.
  • 51418 – Fixed issue with listings in the process of sending messages.
  • 51771 – Fixed listing issue in group view.
  • 49905 – SSL Pinnig bug in the application has been fixed.
  • 50157 – Problem redirecting incoming notifications into the app Solved.
  • 55476 – Fixed an issue with the save button when adding a server.

5. Breaking Changes

  • eBA 6.7.14 5 package update should be done.
  • If a 32-bit scanner is used when using the eBAScanner application eBAConfigurationManager BrowserPlugins -> eBAScanner -> Use32Bit key "true" should be added as .

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