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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 62535 - DR9478 – Document Management grid screens list number parameter Connected.
  • 64847 - DR9977 - Image verification feature is bound to the parameter.
  • 69035 - DR11031 - Selection from approvals screen with Remote Operation enabled It is ensured that the number of registrations to be made is determined by the user.

2. Improvements

  • 65672 - default viewers.config document in the absence of MobileViewers.config It has been provided to be read.
  • 66300 - Organization and Authorization logs detailed and IP for all log details address and user information have been added.
  • 66527 – DM Index improvements have been made.
o Indexe the file data in the deleted versions of the files to the index queue
Improper marking.
o Incomplete top n records when pulling FSFILEDATA records pending Index
o Where Recycle Bin is open, the index status of the files in the Recycle Bin
Marking it as not indexable.
o Description indexing is the description to be indexed in the relevant index session
If the number is 0, it does not go to the index list query
o FSFILEDATA is not suitable for Index when it is too large for you instead of Index data is too large
Taking it to a large state. (default is 25 mb but in eBAConfigurationEditor
DocumentManagement.MaximumDataSizeForIndex with parameter
can be determined.)
o FSFILES and FSFILEDATA index states separately in their own index process
Queued status.
  • 65321 – Usage of System.String in the system has been translated to System.Builder. (Phase-2)
  • 47361 – Remote Operation feature has been added to the approvals grid.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 65770 – DR10367 – Removed the incorrect statement in the warning when adding an attachment with the same name.
  • 34167 – DM functions and indexing operations require the query to work too much The issue has been fixed.
  • 37274 – Fixed an issue with adding a new saved search in the archive.
  • 43003 – Fixed the error received in the eBAConfigurationEditor > Mail Integration tab.
  • 42707 – "Archive Timestamp" and "Index" in document row submenu The issue where the options do not work has been fixed.
  • 34938 - DR2580 - Version deletion in Document Management The update issue has been fixed.
  • 60364 – DR 9464 – The performance problem in the RAM usage of eBA has been fixed.
  • 67115 – Reason problem in the action of rejecting processes in mobile application Fixed.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

No Updates

4.2. iOS

No Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • eBA 6.7.14 8 package should be updated.
  • A new query has been created to retrieve the "FILE" list of the query specified in record 34167. Query The list that can be given to the query has been limited in order not to cause errors while running. This list Advanced > Document Management > in eBAConfigurationEditor It can also be set with the MaximumFileIdCountForGetFiles parameter value.
  • Count the number of listings of grid screens in the eBAConfigurationEditor in the Advanced >Web > By adding a DataGridAllowedPageSizes parameter and putting "," between the numbers can customize.
  • If the image verification parameter is not defined in the application, the default value is " 3 ", the parameter is If defined, it has been developed to be a maximum of " 10 ". In eBAConfigurationEditor Advanced >Security > is used by adding the CaptchaCount parameter.

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