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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 31229 - DR1115 - Want Distribution List and Attachments to appear on the same page connected. According to the template, the customer can determine whether these fields will be on the same page or on a different page. It has become able to determine with the parameter.
  • 73802 – DR11615 – EBYS document format, the parts that are required to act together A parameter field has been added where it can be specified.

2. Improvements

  • 71488 - Passive documents created by the "Move Attachments to Document" method are not allowed in System Cleaner. "ClearUnusedRecords" -> can be deleted from the "ClearUnusedAttachments" field.
  • 75452 - DR11784 - Separate e-mail for each of the e-mail addresses selected in the to and cc fields in the message was being sent. Sending the message message as a single e-mail to the selected people in to and cc provided.
  • 81252 - Download links in the warning that appears in case of no dsclient installation At.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 66891 – DR10586 - The error received when logging in with 2FA (Google Auth) has been fixed.
  • 64144 - When you say reply to an incoming message in the mobile app, the person from whom the message came to the To section was being written. When you say reply to the incoming message on mobile, the person who sent the message comes to the To section provided.
  • 42820 - DR6137 - PDF conversion in attachment object with "Show Creator" feature turned on The problem of the "Name Surname" information appearing as "userid" in the process has been fixed.
  • 78736 - DR12049 - Fixed the error when logging in with 2FA (Google Auth).
  • 86221 - Fixed a bug in saving DM library properties.
  • 70624 - DR11235 - Log write operation requested to cause IIS Application Pool to stop Parameters have been added to turn off at the time.
  • 77455 - DR11931 - Fixed the error when logging in with 2FA (Google Auth).
  • 44111 - DR6418 - Adding data to combobox and table objects linked to a database object The problem of not having a horizontal scroll in the grid that opens when requested has been fixed.
  • 42316 - DR6025 - In the web interface when a user property is added to the Approvers object The issue of not appearing has been fixed.
  • 75878 - DR11833 - To the list-type index field in the job profile created in Capture, Fixed an issue where a parametric query does not return a value when linked.
  • 62345 - DR9772 - "Make Changes" when "Save Changes" or "Cancel Changes" is said The problem of the disappearance of the button has been fixed.
  • 71782 - DR11347 - DSClient replaces object-object expression reflected on screen when there is an error Meaningful error messages have been removed.
  • 37310 - Corruption in the letters ö, ü, ç in the file when exporting to excel in announcements The problem and the problem of transferring announcements to Excel in HTML tag have been fixed.
  • 66189 - Warning when the same field is tried to be added more than once to the custom profile field in Dm and It is checked that it does not perform the insertion operation.
  • 56172 - DR9171 - Second combobox connected to the database using the first combobox as a parameter While the DA Autocomplete feature is active, the error received when opening the form has been fixed.
  • 73899 - DR11604 - Single sign-on alert also checks for LDAP sessions provided.
  • 68325 - DR10959 - When the "Report Error" button on the error screen is pressed, an error is sent to the person concerned. It has been ensured that the e-mail has been sent.
  • 56201 - DR9096 - Additional file added to the form to which the Details object is linked, link in object column When shown as , the situation where the link comes in the href structure after the PDF transfer has been fixed.
  • 82526 - Signature interface drift issues after DSclient index.js file update Fixed.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

No Updates

4.2. iOS

No Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • The log writing process that causes the IIS Application Pool to stop will be closed at any time. parameters have been added. Logs thrown by "eBALogAPIHelper.dll", under the Common folder eBALogAPIHelper.dll.config and eBALogService.exe.config files It can be turned off by typing "EnableLogWriteExceptionLogging -> false".
  • Parameter for template fields to move with the next field on the page connected. EBYPRM in the OfficialCorrespondence project. In the VWPRP form, named "KPWTHNXT", The parameter titled "Template Sections That Are Desired To Be Kept Together With The Following" should be added. This field, from the superscript appearance properties, the desired field names are separated by commas should be written. For example, when "Attachments, Signatures" is typed in this field, the attachments and signatures section in the resulting document will act together.
  • The creation of attachment list and distribution list pages is linked to the parameter. OfficialCorrespondence EBYPRM in the project. In the VWPRP form, the "Appendices List" named "EKSYF" is on the same page under all circumstances A single electoral list with "Yes/No" values and a list of "DGTSYF" "Yes/No" values titled "Distribution List Should Appear on the Same Page Under All Circumstances" A single pick list should be added in which it is listed. According to the template, according to the Yes/No values selected in these 2 fields, the page creation status of the Attachments and Distribution lists was manageable by parameter.

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