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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • No Highlights / New Features

2. Improvements

  • 47341 - Inclusion of last 1 year active users in the NamedUser License Model provided.
  • 37370 - The indefinite post-election end date has been disabled on the Announcements screen.
  • 37375 - Home page access is provided with the "eBA" logo in the upper left menu.
  • 56558 - Adding parameters in GetUserWaitingProcessRequests() method provided.
  • 54148 - (DR7305) - EBYS in the field of signers and additional documents in the created articles improvements have been made.
  • 60664 - (DR8358) - "GetAllCountQuery" related to notification counts on Dasboard page Revisions have been made in the query.
  • 55571 - Parametric entry of DigitalSignature and MobileSignature TimeOut times provided.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 32337 - (DR1570) - Fixed folder color change issue in DM.

  • 37266 - Language and spelling errors in the interface have been fixed.

  • 37289 - Side panels and "Account Settings" panel remain open in Menu Manager The issue has been fixed.

  • 37404 - Workflow Management > Fixed an issue with filtering in the past.

  • 37463 - Visual glitches in the Menu Manager and Related Documents object Fixed.

  • 37653 - Issue with two scrolls in Project Manager and Menu Manager Fixed.

  • 38473 - Issues with read-only library being able to rename and add indexes Solved.

  • 47089 - Fixed an issue where tags appeared in unauthorized use warnings.

  • 53332 - Header issue in Menu Manager > Default Values panel Fixed.

  • 45660 - Edited error received on table object that has no connection to the database.

  • 44592 - (DR656 3 ) - FREngine10 issue in OCR has been fixed.

  • 46285 - (DR6910) - The indexing problem in subfolders has been fixed.

  • 51614 - Add Dasboard > > Applications > When you want to add an application shortcut The issue in the "Box Size" field has been fixed.

  • 52637 - (DR8733) - Fixed an issue with the EBAWSAPI > GetUser function.

  • 55459 - Document Management, viewer side panel image crushing issue Fixed.

  • 56558 - eBAFileTransporter.exe operation issue fixed.

  • 40884 - (DR5517) - "Password" field in the logs created during the eBAHR transfer process has been removed.

  • 52315 - (DR8664) - The error in the e-signature process by proxy has been resolved.

  • 53134 - (DR8824) - Error in Digital Signature multi-document signing Fixed.

  • 53442 - (DR8854) - DM indexing multiplexing of "No workflow files found to index" log The issue has been fixed.

  • 53629 - (DR8892) - SystemManager - Error in Process Archive query selection has been resolved.

  • 56202 - (DR9139) - The image defect in the DM Viewer side panel has been fixed.

  • 35231 - Resolved error in datagrid grouping by date.

  • 37297 - Problem with the Show deleted checkbox on the Messages page Fixed.

  • 37464 - Fixed an issue where the dynamic archive option was multiplexed.

  • 42319 - The issue of creating empty records in the kep address book has been fixed.

  • 48961 - Typo has been fixed in messages that appear in DM library addition processes.

  • 48974 - Fixed an error in creating a DM relationship record.

  • 51432 - eBACodeManagement > Projects > View Details The bug has been fixed.

  • 54092 - Typo in datagrid numeric and date row filter has been fixed.

  • 61554 - Fixed an error in DM document renaming.

4. Mobile Updates

4.1. Android

No Updates!

4.2. IOS

No Updates!

5. Breaking Changes

  • eBA 6.7.14 6 package should be updated.
  • The folder color is bound to the IsChangeFolderColor parameter, which defaults to false. In the eBAConfigurationEditor, the IsChangeFolderColor parameter must be added > the Web and set to true should be adjusted.
  • BimserViewer should be updated.
  • eBAConfiguration > DocumentManagement > Indexing > IndexingFileDescriptionCountPerSession and IndexingWorkflowFileCountPerSession Indexing of workflow and description documents in case of values " 0 " (zero) blocked.
  • eBAConfigurationEditor > Advanced > MobileTimeOut and DigitalSignatureTimeOut parameters have been added. Default values 100 seconds (100000). The duration can be entered in seconds.

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