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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 48610 – The feature of sending KEP with Mobile Signature has been introduced to the product.

2. Improvements

  • 99268 – In the eBAMessenger app, access the panel that lists online and offline users Vertical scroll has been added.
  • 99270 - eBAMessenger opens the message panel as soon as a message arrives and multiple messages When received, it was ensured that the message boxes were opened side by side.
  • 99270 – The "Shake" feature has been added to the eBAMessenger app.
  • 103395 - In the eBAMessenger application, to improve the performance of correspondence, the typed text It is ensured that it can be sent with the Enter key. Shift+Enter to move to the bottom line in the message content combination has been activated.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 65354 – DR10317 - On an iOS device, "Add" in the table object in the form due to the lack of scroll The issue with the button not appearing has been fixed.
  • 79714 - DR12118 - Data in the MOBILEDEVICES table when logged in on Android devices The problem that it does not write has been fixed.
  • 66890 - DR10567 - Upload files with code to open library with encryption feature in dm The error received when trying has been fixed.
  • 109170 - DR14354 - Pending approvals on the person giving the power of attorney on a position basis, by proxy o Fixed an issue where the person was not visible when replaced.
  • 109182 - When a position-based power of attorney is given, the details of the power of attorney are not visible and the new power of attorney is The issue of not being able to identify has been fixed.
  • 100334 - DR13505 - In the filter field in the archive manager, when multiple selections are made in the list type The error has been fixed.
  • 103845 - Fixed the error when attaching a document to messages.
  • 104924 - The problem of not coming of the processes when the power of attorney given as a full power of attorney is entered Fixed.
  • 99260 - Messenger panel may be opened and closed until the screen is refreshed The problem has been fixed.
  • 99273 - Visual disturbance in incoming messages when the chat window is closed in Messenger The problem has been fixed.
  • 105246 - The problem of discrepancies in the numbers experienced in the proxy transition process has been resolved.
  • 93963 - DR12958 - Dashboard boxes added to their profiles by admin authorized users, Fixed an issue where it was also added to the system default profile.
  • 50982 - eBA - eBAHRAPI - In the AddRoleToUser method, roles that are not in the role list are set to hr The issue of being able to add to the sources has been solved.
  • 50887 - eBAConnect - GetMenuStructure method Fixed an issue where not all breakdowns were visible.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

No Updates

4.2. iOS

No Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • For the enhancement of sending KEP with Mobile Signature, eBAConfigurationEditor e 2 parameters named Kep.DigitalSignatureOnly and Kep.MobileSignatureOnly have been added. According to the values taken by the parameters, the working logic is as follows;
➢ Signature type in case of DigitalSignatureOnly=true and MobileSignatureOnly=true
The selection is coming out.
➢ Direct in case of DigitalSignatureOnly=false and MobileSignatureOnly=true
Mobile signature attachment comes.
➢ Direct e-
The signature screen is coming.
➢ Signature type in case of DigitalSignatureOnly=false and MobileSignatureOnly=false
The selection is coming out.
If the key values are not attached, DigitalSignatureOnly=true by default and
NOTE: If you want to provide control on the DB side, " select * from KEPMESSAGES order by
CREATEDATE desc" query is run to see if the information about the kep process is written to the table
can be controlled.
  • The code structure that should be used for uploading files with code to the encrypted folder in DM is as follows It is like;
➢ using (Stream templateFileStream = templateFile.Download())
➢ Reads stream to byte array
➢ We copy the contents of the templateFileStream to ms using MemoryStream.
➢ templateFileStream.CopyTo(ms); Copies the contents of the stream to the Memory Stream.
➢ byte[] fileContent = ms. ToArray(); Convert the contents of the memory stream into byte arrays
➢ Create MemoryStream from Byte Array:
➢ using (MemoryStream templateStream = new MemoryStream(fileContent)) byte
array, creates a MemoryStream.
➢ We process and save the document
➢ We pass the templateStream to the Build method of the WordDocument.
➢ We save the PDF output using another MemoryStream (pdfStream) and this
We pass the stream to the SaveToDM method.
➢ These changes will help you handle the stream correctly and improve your seeking operations.
It allows you to convert it to a format that supports. The error we received as it was before
It was caused by Seeking, and we can prevent it with this regulation.
DMFile templateFile = con. FileSystem.GetFile(filename);
using (Stream templateFileStream = templateFile.Download())
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
byte[] fileContent = ms. ToArray();
using (MemoryStream templateStream = new
Wd. build(templateStream);
using (MemoryStream pdfStream = new
Wd. Save(pdfStream, SaveFormat.Pdf);
SaveToDM(Folder + "/" + id + "/Test_" + id +
".pdf", pdfStream);

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