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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 103639 - DR13673 - Italian language support has been added to the product.

2. Improvements

  • 65138 – Upgraded to the current Jquery UI version (1.13).
  • 70052 - DR9988 - Expressions (& - AND) for the logical operator AND in assertions and archive grids, It is possible to search for the OR logical operator with (|| - OR) expressions.
  • 101233 - In the Dashboard filter section, the ability to make multiple filters is connected to the parameter.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 96052 – DR13069 - DR13585 - On safari and chrome browsers on Mac devices, apps, streaming The problem of not appearing in the history and history screens has been resolved.
  • 102849 - DR13588 - The case sensitive issue in the power of attorney query has been fixed.
  • 70590 - DR11142 - Dashboard pie chart does not show tips in full-screen mode The issue has been fixed.
  • 97306 - When LogonUser is written as a parameter value to a Combobox object, the object The error received when the Autocomplete feature was turned on has been fixed.
  • 99436 - DR13435 - From the widget even though the process approval is not given in the full and position-based power of attorney The problem of giving consent has been fixed.
  • 98917 - DR13370 - Form project forms with fill a form type and added as dm profile, When it is first opened, it is enabled to open Edit Mode.
  • 98558 - Fixed UI issues with the power of attorney screen in Indonesian.
  • 104924 - The problem of not coming of the processes when the power of attorney given as a full power of attorney is entered Fixed.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

No Updates

4.2. iOS

No Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • In the Dashboard filter section, the ability to make multiple filters is linked to the parameter. Default As a structure, the single filter will come to work. Dashboard-based multi-selection filter is active has been made available. When the multi-filter selection is activated, the dashboard query used is given to should be arranged accordingly.

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