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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 67880 – Login option with Azure AD has been added to the web interface.

2. Improvements

  • 68476 – DR9428 – Headings are on or off when grouping on report screens. config key i (DocumentManagement.AlwaysExpandAllGroups) Has been added.
  • 69036 - DR9696 - Google Auth codes generate different codes for the same people in different environments provided. By looking at the parameter "Security.CustomMFA.TwoFactorAuthenticationTitle" environments are separated.
  • 60628 - DR9367 - Combobox object ejected when Dashboard filter object is selected as list The multi-select feature has been added.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 63867 – DR10053 - Additional size limit set by Web.MaximumAttachmentSize config key Fixed an issue where the check did not work when loading multiple attachments.

  • 68945 - DR11032 - Using quotes when searching the archive screen with FullTextSearch The obligation has been abolished.

  • 69240 - DR11070 - Inability to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in captcha code For the legibility problem, the code should be created only in uppercase or only lowercase letters. The config key (Security.CaptchaCase) has been added. It is also important to note that some letters in the Captcha code The legibility problem caused by the appearance of cuts (such as y, g) has been fixed.

  • 69303 – LDAP Mixed for users with the same ldap username and eBA user code when the mode is active, the user cannot log in by simply entering their LDAP username and LDAP password The problem has been fixed.

  • 71678 - DR11340 – Query that provides full access to the database table (FSFILES), only when needed It has been revised to attract columns.

  • 73877 - DR11619 - Fixed an issue where XL could not be discarded when requesting a signature by Mobile RestAPI.

  • 74858 - DR11698 – Fixed a timeout issue in the bulk mobile signature application.

  • 75878 - DR11833 – To the list-type index field in the job profile created in Capture, Fixed an issue where a parametric query does not return a value when linked.

  • 77466 - DR11974 - When the power of attorney is defined, the user to whom the power of attorney is given is logged in, From the dashboard or power of attorney tab, when the given power of attorney is clicked, the "transaction Cannot be done, the power of attorney may have expired" error has been fixed.

  • 38933 - DR4449 - Fixed the error when receiving UETS after the update.

  • 51697 - DR8491 - Signatory's information in the pdf created after e-signature provided.

  • 56172 - DR9171 - Second combobox connected to the database using the first combobox as a parameter While the DA Autocomplete feature is active, the error received when opening the form has been fixed.

  • 61054 - DR9526 - A previously signed document has an expired signature, Fixed an issue when signing another one. Signature validity because it has expired The situation where the icon is "X" has been corrected.

  • 62748 - DR9858 - Fixed an issue where the date window was closed when scrolling on the form, and It is ensured that the panel opens in a position that is compatible with the object.

  • 46283 - Only one option is selected after select all in header filter in tables The error received in the absence of it has been fixed. Fixed an issue where header filters work in reverse.

  • 41323 - Corruption in the letters ö, ü, ç in the file when exporting to excel in announcements The problem and the problem of transferring announcements to Excel in HTML tag have been fixed.

  • 75154 – Config de Advanced > Web > assigning a value to the Types key in the SingleSignOn breakdown The problem has been fixed.

  • 38759 - Object-object error when exceeding the limit of a certain size file in cap submission Fixed.

  • 70965 - Different data in the "New Password" and "New Password(again)" fields in the first password setting A warning message has been provided when entered, and the spelling in the warning message that appears in the account settings error has been fixed.

  • 71474 - Spelling in the word barcode on the "Mobile" QR code screen on web screens error has been fixed.

  • 71678 - DR11340 – Query that provides full access to the database table (FSFILES), only when needed It has been revised to attract columns.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

  • 73878 - DR11616 - The problem of the form not opening on the Android device has been fixed.
  • 79588 - Android - eBA - Preventing possible permission blocking by editing MutableContext Passed.
  • 61529 - Android eBA Mobile Azure AD integration has been achieved.

4.2. iOS

  • 61530 – IOS eBA Mobile Azure AD integration is provided.

5. Breaking Changes

  • eBA 6.7.1 50 package should be updated.

  • FullTextSearch to specify the search criteria for search text that contains spaces in the search eBAConfigurationEditor.exe the "DocumentManagement.Indexing.SearchWithAnd" key Has been added. This is the definition of spaces as "and" or "or" when searching for Index. It is provided by parameter. Text before and after space when set to True When searching to be precise in the searched text content, when set to false It will search for the texts before and after the space separately in the text content. Parameter The default value is false.

  • For the captcha code to generate only lowercase letters or only uppercase letters The "Security.CaptchaCase" key has been added to eBAConfigurationEditor.exe. This key is "upper" and It can take "lower" values or leave it blank. When specified as Upper, the captcha in Letters come as uppercase letters and should be matched as uppercase letters when matching, the same When it is specified as lower in the figure, the letters in the captcha come as lowercase letters and When matching, it must be matched in lowercase. If left blank, it is confusing.

  • On the eBARESTAPI side for the timeout error received in the bulk mobile signature process A TimeOut parameter has been added to the FinalizeBulkMobileSign method. In the tests to be carried out in this regard The RestTestApplication needs to give a timeout value. RestTestApplication In the FinalizeBulkMobileSign method, finelizeParam should be given as TimeOut 600 in the content and The _client in the REST request. Timeout=600*1000. The equivalent of these values is 10 minutes.

  • Azure service adjustments are being made on the eBAServer.exe.config side for Azure AD registration. Package In updates, this exe.config backup should be taken and re-discarded after the update.

  • The feature that the grouping on the grid is always on-off is linked to the parameter. The parameter name is: "DocumentManagement.AlwaysExpandAllGroups". Parameter "true" When the value is given, the titles appear open after the grouping process. Parameter value When "false" is set, the titles are closed after grouping. The default parameter value is true.

  • The current Digital Signature version must be installed for the MB limit in cap shipping. To be sent If the desired file sizes increase, the XMS and XMX values are also increased, resulting in an error can be prevented from taking it. (512, 1024, 2048 etc.)

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