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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features .................................................................................................................... Iii 2. Improvements ....................................................................................................................................... Iii 3. Fixes ....................................................................................................................................................... Iii

3.1. Web Interface .................................................................................................................................... Iii

4. Mobile................................................................................................................................................... Iv

4.1. Android.............................................................................................................................................. Iv

4.2. iOS ..................................................................................................................................................... Iv

5. Breaking Changes .................................................................................................................................. Iv

eBA Version Notes

(6.7.1 49 )

1. Highlights / New Features

  • 65320 – Uses of System.String in the system have been translated to System.Builder.
  • 62537 – DR9 781 – Detailing in logging changes to KEP profiles has been developed.
  • 65854 – Mass mobile signature enhancement has been implemented.

2. Improvements

  • 67075 – System.String usage in the system has been translated to System.Builder. (Phase-3)

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 67776 – DR10806 – Version in documents opened with the ShowModalDocument method The problem of the latest version appearing in the viewer has been fixed.
  • 52568 – DR8710 – Fixed an issue when running on Redis sentinel cache.
  • 67242 – Sort Column on the Remote Operations tab > System Manager > Archive Manager The error received in the field has been fixed.
  • 48259 – DR7640 – Detail table object with "Header Alignment" set to left PDF e The problem of the captions appearing incorrectly when transferred has been fixed.
  • 35185 – Fixed an issue with the project manager date filter.
  • 68158 – Auto complete feature of selected fields in DB connection is active combobox, listbox, Fixed an issue where radiolist and checklist objects were not reflected.
  • 70308 – DR11185 – User, password and targetUser information with SendNewPassword method It has been ensured that a new password is generated by using it.
  • 48077 – DR7579 – Fixed the issue of listing all processes when giving process-based power of attorney.
  • 68217 – DR1 0922 – Listing issue in UserGroup field in System Manager Fixed.
  • 70370 – DR1 1196 – If the ABBYY license is more than the default value (10000) The problem has been fixed.
  • 45031 – Process-based power of attorney problem in Oracle environments has been resolved.
  • 42615 – Issue with Event Log Viewer Datagrid Row Filter, Removal of Feature It has been solved with.
  • 47293 – eBASystemManager – ProjectManager issue with project color has been fixed.
  • 60056 – DR 9382 – Ability to access approvals via widget in the process initiation power of attorney The issue has been fixed.
  • 48833 – The issue of inconsistency in information in the proxy transaction has been resolved.
  • 47335 – The problem of the screen turning off on the Dashboard widget design screen has been fixed.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

No Updates

4.2. iOS

No Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • eBA 6.7.14 9 package should be updated.
  • BimserViewer should be updated.
  • Remote operations to fix the error received in the Remote Operations > Sort Columns field After it is deactivated and saved, it must be activated again.
  • A sentinel structure must be installed to use the Redis sentinel cache structure. Then redis connection on eBAServerConfigurationEditor and BimserViewer/Service/web.config strings should be organized according to the sentinel structure, and the eBAServerConfigurationEditor should also be edited according to the cache structure. It must be set as a sentinel structure.
  • eBAConfigurationEditor in case the ABBYY license is more than the default value (10000).exe - Indexing – "LicencePageCount" parameter should be added to the OCR breakdown and value assignment should be done.
  • eBAConfigurationEditor – Mobile Signature breakdown in bulk mobile signature usage The BulkMobileSignature parameter must be added and assigned a value of "true".

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