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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 70479 - DR6694 - Overlay that loading continues on screen when loading a high-dimensional attachment It has been improved that it is possible to exit and click on another field.
  • 98464 - Dashboard Excel Export information filtered with which data it is imported excel It has been attached to the document as a sheet.
  • 91883 - DR12770 - Indonesian language support has been introduced.

2. Improvements

  • 95883 - Expressing changes in dm comparison process, file comparisons with .txt extension It is ensured that the descriptions of the characters are shown on the screen.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 81815 – DR12243 - Link created with QueryStringLogin expires even though it expires The issue of not being able to do so has been fixed.
  • 46287 - DR6882 - Fixed the error when manually assigning the document group type in Capture.
  • 98372 - Null when index profile with index template is added to document group in Capture The referance error has been fixed.
  • 90424 - DR12699 - System Manager -> After adding a weekly job to the Scheduled Task field, Fixed an error when clicking to edit the definition.
  • 66893 - DR10604 - Details Grid object when a record is deleted from the intermediate line with code The issue of depreciation in the ComboBox object has been addressed.
  • 99048 - DR13397 - Loading when using attachment object via eventform The problem has been solved.
  • 30787 - DR1210 - Clearing the inside of the data representation type field from Pivot Grid fields The problem of restoring old data when saved has been solved.
  • 93477 - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to search on the eBA Comparison screen.
  • 93476 - "Zoom Ratio" on the preview screen that opens after comparison in DM The problem of opening a new web interface as soon as a value is selected from the field has been fixed.
  • 93475 - Fixed an issue where the file selection panel was blank on the comparison screen.
  • 94684 - DR13000 - QR problem in MFA mail has been fixed.
  • 75824 - DR11808 - Fixed an issue where it was not possible to search in sub-breakdowns in menu titles.
  • 92113 - DR12829 - "A datatable named "default" already retrieved while running SAP function belongs to this dataset" error has been fixed.
  • 91882 - DR12784 - System manager -> Authentication manager ->User Permission List field For the timeout problem in export operations, code performance has been improved and timeout parameter has been added.
  • 97806 - Application on System Manager - Authorization Manager - User Permission List screen and when the system buttons are clicked, the error caused by passive users has been solved.
  • 42586 - DR6080 - Fixed the error when clicking on the regex defined index field in Capture.
  • 94320 - Fixed an issue where data does not fit in the Authentication Type field in Configuration.
  • 81034 - The visual problem of nesting objects in the General tab on the archive screen has been fixed.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

No Updates

4.2. iOS

No Updates

5. Breaking Changes

  • The ExpireDateTick field is of type long, but the result of the AddMinutes method is DateTime It will be of type. Therefore, you can use the Ticks property directly DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(int. Parse(varLinkExpire.Value)) is happening.
On the Flow side, the following change needs to be made to the CreateLink method.
if (!string. IsNullOrEmpty(varLinkExpire.Value))
DateTime expireDateTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(int. Parse(varLinkExpire.Value));
queryParameters.ExpireDateTick = expireDateTime.Ticks;
  • When deleting rows in the detail table, the eBADropDownList object in the detail table When accessing,
((DropDownList) dtg1. GetRowObject(i, "List1")). SelectedItem.Value
((DropDownList) dtg1. GetRowObject(i, "List1")). SelectedItem.Text
Instead of its use,
((DropDownList) dtg1. GetRowObject(i, "List1")). SelectedValue
Structure should be used. In this case, the _TEXT value of the eBADropDownList should also be kept
It will not remain.
  • System manager -> Authentication manager ->User Permission List field in export operations For the timeout problem, the following parameter line should be added to the web config file and The timeout value should be set so that it does not fall into error.
```<```httpRuntime executionTimeout="240" targetFramework="4.8" /```>```
Note: Current viewer installation with fixed problems with DM document comparison feature
should be done.

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