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eBA Version Notes


1. Highlights / New Features

  • 83813 - DR11603 - Manager structure has been added to the eBAHRAPI side for Get and Post operations.
  • 83819 - DR12092 - Login with Global Domain and Special User definitions in LDAP login options It has been ensured that it can be done.

2. Improvements

  • 80157 - DR12151- Datetimeoffset type field in DbSchemaUpdater It has been ensured that it can be created.
  • 82660 - DR12327 - Filter widget appears as sheet when exporting to Excel Dashboard blocked.
  • 82658 - DR12326 - Wrapped field in Dashboard table object after export to excel It has been made to appear as wrapped. In the case of other objects, such as cards, the column width is the widest It is adjusted to the length of the row.
  • 86135 - Creation of circular definitions in the Organization Maintenance work structure Necessary control and warning mechanisms have been developed in order to prevent it.

3. Fixes

3.1. Web Interface

  • 62339 – DR9767- The document was downloaded during the e-government document verification phase.
  • 73898 - DR11620 - Parameter field as element from a combobox and autocomplete property The error received in case it is open has been fixed.
  • 75860 - DR11809 - The error received during the Process Management position selection has been fixed.
  • 69304 - DR11056 - When the approval of the person giving the power of attorney for closed processes falls It has been ensured that the person who receives the power of attorney does not receive a confirmation e-mail.
  • 51946 - DR8575 - Problem with closing the form when the event form of the externally opened form is closed Fixed.
  • 84855 - DR12452 - Combobox Not Bound to Database Object, Form in Oracle Environments The compilation error received when it was added has been fixed.
  • 62133 - DR9709 - Set the document type value in Job profiles>Additional parsing options in Capture The issue of reverting to default has been fixed.
  • 48003 - DR7553 - Default value after changing the storage location of libraries in Dm The problem of returning has been fixed. Storage in database-only environments for system libraries It is ensured that the place can be selected.
  • 38258 - Small opening of the viewer screen during DM document comparison The issue has been fixed.
  • 88159 - DR12550 - DigitalSignature > SignatureProfile parameter is activated, When the parameter value is given as 4, it is ensured that the profile information is 4.
  • 70744 - DR11241 - Long operation when opening high-dimensional excel files in the viewer As a solution to the problems of taking time and falling out of a timeout, the "RowsCountPerPage" parameter By adding it, it can be parametrically adjusted how many records are desired to appear in each sheet has been brought.
  • 75882 - DR11844 - After the flow rejection action, the error is taken and the rejection action is taken again The reason field error that did not come when requested has been fixed and the reason in the FLOWREQUEST table field has been filled.
  • 86221 - Fixed a bug in saving DM library properties.
  • 40770 - In the menu manager, the "Closability Enabled" feature has been made to work properly.
  • 66113 - DR10438 - Restoring the existing functions to the current html object provided.
  • 87766 - Value in MOBILEDEVICES table not updated after alias information changed The issue has been fixed.
  • 65360 - DR10319 - Files attached to related documents and attachment objects, form pdf e In the case that it appears with full path information on the object after it is transferred, only the file name It is arranged in such a way that it appears.
  • 68454 - DR10968 - Issue where the "Filter" button appears as a cursor on the add interest screen and when this button is clicked, the phrase "Loading" appears.

4. Mobile

4.1. Android

  • 66873 - Issue on Android devices where updated server address is not reflected in notifications Fixed.
  • 79631 - On devices with a large screen size on Android, the application is first when the button is not defined The crash problem that occurred while opening has been fixed.
  • 42222 - Fixed multiplexing issue in workflow management data on Android.
  • 66737 - In the main menu, after searching, the view option is from group to list The data multiplexing problem experienced when changed has been fixed.
  • 52343 - Problem where the main menu does not adapt when switching from vertical to horizontal use Fixed.
  • 87564 - If there is support for the phone language on mobile, the mobile application should be opened with the relevant language, otherwise English is turned on as the default language.

4.2. iOS

  • 70743 - DR11237 - On the Apple Ipad tablet, in the eBA Mobile app, in the left menu, click Work was done for the problem of not being able to access the area through the screen.
  • 87563 - If there is support for the phone language on mobile, the mobile application should be opened with the relevant language, otherwise English is turned on as the default language.

5. Breaking Changes

  • Manager structure has been added to the eBAHRAPI side. User/GetUsers for Get operations, User/GetActiveUsers, User/GetPassiveUsers, and User/GetUserDetail endpoints Managers breakdown has been added to responses. Post operations in User/AddNewUser and Managers breakdown has also been added to the requests of User/UpdateUser endpoints. Mentioned Details of the request and response models of endpoints can be accessed via Swagger.

  • In the Configuration Manager > Security > Authentication Type field, select Advanced-LDAP/LDAPS Added. This option is a more advanced version of the LDAP and LDAPS structure that we already have. It is a state and allows the use of these 2 existing structures.

Since this structure is based directly on the domain name, Configuration Manager > Security >Domains The Use Domain In Logon option is ineffective when using this option. Same Authentication Types also here at the time are ineffective for this structure.

If we have previously applied the LDAP and LDAPS configuration, it is convenient to use in the same way, directly from Authentication Type Advanced-LDAP/LDAPS, Authentication Mode custom and Login It can be used by selecting Mode External or Mixed.

When you want to test, the form opened from the previously used Test button You can perform your test through.

  • E-Government document verification service has been corrected. As specified in the standard service document If the additional DocumentID parameter from the documentQueryV2 method is sent to the documentDownloadV2 method An improvement has been made so that the document attachment will be downloaded, and if not, the original document will be downloaded.

  • As a result of converting too much data into html and trying to display it on the same sheet, it is high It was a problem to view dimensional Excel documents in the viewer. For this reason, this type of To view excel files, in the viewers.config file, click Html5Viewer or When Html5ViewerExcel is set, the "RowsCountPerPage" parameter must also be added. Her sheet How many lines will be displayed on it can be determined with this parameter according to the number of data in the files.

Note: Installation of the latest viewer package is required for development.

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