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Error When Transferring with Deploy Management

Error message:


Error while compiling the form FORM ---> System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException:

The given key was not in the dictionary.

location: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'2.get_Item(TKey key) Location: N.Z() Location: D.J() Location: N.J() Location: bk.v() Location: bk.h() location: aj.b(eBADBProvider A_0) --- End of internal exception stack tracing --- location: aj.b(eBADBProvider A_0) position: c6.a(String[] A_0)


This error is received when a workflow project is taken from an environment with SQL and moved to an environment with Oracle with Deploy Management. This error is received because the names of the form objects are changed to be written in all capital letters during the transfer, and they are attached to objects such as the Detail Table with their old names. The error will be corrected when the detail is removed from the Tables and the new versions are added again.