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Error Retrieving LDAP Settings

If you get an error while making LDAP settings through eBA Configuration and you get this error while saving changes in the Config Editor and the error message is as follows, there is a solution.


The ' ' character, hexadecimal value 0x09, cannot be included in a name.

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.CheckName(String name)

at System.Xml.XmlElement.. ctor(XmlName name, Boolean empty, XmlDocument doc)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateElement(String prefix, String localName, String namespaceURI)

at System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateElement(String name)

at eBASystemAPI.Config.Node.a(XmlNode A_0, Node A_1, List'1 A_2)

at eBASystemAPI.Config.Node.ConvertToXml(Node exportNode)

at eBASystemAPI.Config.Node.GetXmlText()


In the Configuration table in the database, the "key" part of the Default LDAP field is spaced "Security. COMPANYNAME is written in a structure similar to "true false", after converting it to the "Security.Default" key, the service was restarted, the problem was solved.