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There is an employee with the title of chief who comes to the company by proxy, I have opened a manual user to this employee and I need to define it to the other user as the supervisor, sql de

update OSMANAGERS set MANAGERUSERID='10000028' where USERID='00000243' update in this way and appear to be defined in system manager but do not proceed as defined in the operation (form flows), how can I solve this problem can you help?


There are Bat files that automate the assignment process through this sql, and they run it every morning to do the post-system assignments. They resort to such a method because these are temporary employees. The problem was fixed when the post-assignment eBA Service was restored, but they said they didn't want to do it manually every morning. We added eba restart bat to the windows schedule task section, the first attempt did not get a positive result, but then the problem was fixed with a small change in windows schedule.