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Product Name: BEAM Version Information: 2.20.45
Maintenance ManagementFor sending notifications for the evaluation of the work order; When the notification was pressed, the screen for evaluating the work order and not the work order was opened. In the work order status definition, the recipient, message content, and send evaluation notification (checkbox) fields have been added to send the evaluation notification. When the notification sent from this content was pressed on the mobile side, it was directed to the evaluation screen for the relevant work order.
Maintenance ManagementClicking on the Main Menu -```> System -\>``` Documents page would prompt the warning "Specified cast is not valid." The problem that was experienced when the document role was defined on the user where there was an Oracle database was fixed.
Maintenance ManagementOn the maintenance-autonomous maintenance-rewards page, the export to excel option was selected using the upload and transfer button and the errors in the downloaded file were fixed.
Maintenance ManagementMaintenance Management ```> On the Work Order Calendar page, \>``` In the Filter menu: Section or dispenser filters return no results when filtered by multiple selections. Individual filters are allowed. These filter fields have been filtered by multiple selections.
Maintenance ManagementUsers in the User Group General Privileges: (BCG1.027) - On the Job Requisition Card, users in the corresponding group can change the work order type field on the work request even though the Can Change Work Order Type parameter is inactive. When this authorization is inactive, it is ensured that the work order type cannot be changed on the Web and Mobile, Quick and Detailed request pages.
Maintenance ManagementHello, When we assign a number such as 0.029 to the ```>``` Environment conditions value in the Measurement package definitions and use this measurement package on the work order, it appears without rounding the number to 0.03.
Maintenance ManagementHello, Materials Management```> Reports\>``` The format of the date field in the Material Count Report appears incorrectly. For this reason, it was made to appear as a date for viewing.
Maintenance ManagementAfter adding a linked document to a record (work order, work request, asset, periodic maintenance, material, etc.), the corresponding document folder is moved from the document directory to another directory. We get an error when we enter the relevant record and try to open the document. When the name of the document is changed, the DOCPATH in the BC_DOCUMENTS table can be updated with the new name. In the case of transport, this function was made to work.
Materials ManagementWithin the user definition, there is a definition in warehouse privileges. As an example, 200 coded warehouses are defined here. Therefore, when the user enters the material transactions page, the warehouse code comes up as 200 in the filter section. But here comes the selection that starts for the filter given in this section. The customer has warehouse definitions of 200,2000,2001 and so on. Therefore, this field was made to come as equal.
Materials ManagementWhen the Export to Excel (Full) excel on the Materials page is selected and downloaded; Tools and materials come in bulk. Export to Excel (Full)" option came from the "Tool-Tool" column was added into excel.
MobileMaintenance risks were shown in the mobile application.
MobileUsers whose role type is an on-demand user are now able to see the "notifications" area on mobile.
MobileHello, When the user group is authorized to use the quick request button when opening a job request, the "add" button goes on the web and only the "fault / request" button remains. When we want to add a job request on mobile, the problem has been fixed that although the user has only the quick request authorization in his group, he offers two options as "quick form" and "detailed form" in the pop-up that appears.
MobileThe mobile application has added the Employee field to the work order page filters.
Mobile ServiceThe colorization settings made for the "Order List" from the Colorizations page are also active on the "Order List" screen on mobile.
PurchasingWhen we change the receipt date while creating a request on the purchase request page, the question "Should the deadlines on the material lines be updated?" comes up for the materials in it. When we changed the deadline when creating an order, it was ensured that such information did not come.
PurchasingWhen the delivery process is finished and the material is entered, a field was added where we can enter the ground shelf eye information of the material.
System ManagementMaterial demand transfer, material, quality control page approvals were added to the link.
System ManagementHello, a parameter such as "When it is said that I have started a selected work order again, the working date and start time in the employee staff line should be updated" has been added.