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Product Name: BEAM Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • DR7749 – 67029 - Maintenance According to Annual Maintenance Plans (Excel) A new sheet field has been opened for the report and controls have been provided.
  • DR8980 – 66878 - System - Reports - 05 User Group Based Authorization Report has been created.
  • DR11001 – 68840 - Consumable code 'SARFYERKODU' and consumable definition 'SARFYERİDEFINITION' fields have been added to the daily periodic maintenance plan report dataset and controls have been provided on the report.
  • DR9030 – 66917 - Proxy user information has been brought in the approval information description fields on pages where flow is used.
  • DR9314 – 60197 - Mobile multi-select feature has been added for work order custom codes.
  • DR10936 – 68234 - REQUESTDESCRIPTION field has been added to the Material Request Information Form.
  • DR6543 – 67119 - Improved to close partially met records parametrically by adding the "Close Request" field on web and mobile.
  • DR10531 – 66649 - Added documents tab linked to the Material Movements page.
  • DR10760 – 67464 - String formatting feature has been added in the Warning Codes Message option.
  • DR9150 – 66837 - When the work order is deleted, the relevant notifications are also deleted. This will apply to new records that will be deleted. Notifications of previously deleted work orders and requests will still appear. It needs to be deleted manually.
  • DR10755 – 67549 – Material Management in Mobile - Material Movements, Material Request and Transfer pages while selecting the work order number, the request description, job type definition, maintenance fault definition fields of the relevant work order have been added to the listing screen.
  • DR10703 – 67103 - Added Asset Type Code field to the Detailed Purchase Summary Report filter field.
  • DR10636 – 66883 - RPurchaseQualityControlForm.repx Dataset has been added to the material's ACCOUNTACCOUNTID, ACCOUNTACCOUNTDEFINITION fields.
  • DR11100 – 69971 - It has been enabled to filter so that both code and barcode value can be written in the "Entity" field. If the barcode number is defined, the barcode value can be entered manually from the asset field.
  • DR11101 – 69974 -Added "SALESRESPONSIBLECODE" and "SALESRESPONSIBLENAME" fields to the dataset of the RPurchaseRequestTrackingReport report and provided the purchasing responsible field control in the report.
  • DR8448 – 66881 - The cancel offer button function has been made available on the offer list and the entry page of the received offers.
  • 66858 – A pop-up appeared when the notification date was selected as a future date in a mobile job request.


  • DR10685 – 67020 - Maintenance Management - Reports - 01 Analysis Reports - 89 Progress Payment Reports have been revised according to the demands.
  • DR10670 – 66964 - Provided company-based control for Material Movement Types.
  • DR10676 – 66977 - T.F.P.B. field has been edited to readonly in the materials tab on the Proposal List/Entry of Received Proposals page.
  • DR10668 – 66970 - Maintenance Management - The description field on the Materials used tab in the work order has been separated from the Statement tag and linked to the WorkOrderMaterialStatement tag.
  • DR10546 – 66633 - Maintenance Management - On the Job Requests page, the Description of the Work Done and the Description of the Work Responsible (Work Order) fields have been adjusted to remain constant.
  • DR10472 – 66245 - System - Users - Default Filters, Entity Filters, Search filters in Dashboard Filters have been made to come according to the value in WebUISettings.GridView.AutoFilterCondition.
  • DR11097 – 69994 - Maintenance Management - Reports - Analysis Reports - Filter has been added in the Progress Payment Report as desired and filtering has been provided for the desired situations.
  • 66854 - BC141, BC140 parameters are operated on mobile in the same way as on the web.
  • 67982 - Fields that say BOYSWEB in the language file have been revised to BEAM.
  • 67030 - The reject button has been enabled to work as desired in partially met registrations on Web and Mobile.
  • 67614 - When the maintenance fault code is selected on the Maintenance Management - Job Requests - Quick Request pages, the job type above the maintenance fault code is transferred to the quick request.
  • 67983 - Maintenance Management - Work Permit - Print Isolation List has been enabled to write code-definition for each line in assets.
  • 72243 - Fixed a bug where the custom code field is blank even if it is full if the custom code field is set to mandatory when closing a work order.
  • 72321 - Material Management - Material Movements Error received in excel export has been fixed.
  • 72446 – The situation has been corrected by removing the returns that are taken into account in the calculation of material unit prices, and the error has been fixed.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR10932 – 68154 - Fixed an error in material transfer.
  • DR10895 – 67997 - The Most Recurrent Causes of Failure in Assets Report has been revised according to the desired requirements and its operation has been ensured.
  • DR10740 – 67586 - Daily periodic maintenance plan report filter error has been fixed.
  • DR10773 - 67429 - Fixed the error received in work orders while the parameter (BCG1.250) was active in System - User Groups authorizations.
  • DR11504- 72903 - Fixed the problem of not creating 'Empty Opening Record for Each Warehouse' in material transfer with excel.
  • 68944 - Revised the board definition field on the Board Consumptions page.
  • 67033 - Fixed an error on the System - Localization - Lists page.
  • 68370 - Fixed bug on Materials Management - Reports - 6 Inactive Bill of Materials page.
  • 67044 - Maintenance Management - Work Orders - Travel Information tab has been alerted when the departure date and time is greater than the return date and time.
  • 66905 - Added service code null check and singularity check in Maintenance Management - Work Orders - Services tab.
  • 66900 - In the Asset Management – Assets - Legal Proceedings tab, the start dates are synchronized to the end dates when the start dates are selected to be greater than the end dates.
  • 70410 - Fixed an error in adding Material Management - Material Request and Transfer in Oracle.
  • 69844 - Proposal evaluation list document requirement checks have been provided.
  • 69843 - Purchase - Fixed an issue where checkbox was checked in the confirmation column on the offers tab when entering the offer evaluation list with review. Inspect is not checked when entered with readonly.
  • 70656 - Fixed an issue with selecting a proposal for approval when there is more than one material in the proposal rubric.
  • 70840 - Purchase - The error received in the create offer from request button on the offer/order request list page has been fixed.
  • 70909 – Fixed the error received when the requester was selected in the work order and job request on mobile.
  • 72633 - Fixed an error in the bid evaluation approval at Oracle.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 62620 - Fixed the error received after deleting the personnel who were marked as finished in the work order employee tab.
  • 67055 - Fixed a bug where save does not work when entering a small value on the counter entry page and then entering a large value after receiving a warning.
  • DR9314 – 64121 - Added multi-select feature for work order custom codes.
  • DR9829 – 62565 - All of the notifications have been read and added and made to work as desired.
  • DR11325 – 71493 - Fixed the error that the deviceid could not be obtained after entering the mobile application on some android devices.


  • 62618 - Fixed an issue where an image did not appear on the materials page when the designer was active.
  • 60615 - Fixed an issue with editing lines that were rejected in the Material Request.
  • DR9829 – 62566 - All of them have been read and added to the notifications and they have been made to work as desired.
  • DR9314 – 64122 - Added multi-select feature for work order custom codes.

5.Breaking Changes

  • Beam Installation / Update is not done.
  • For the use of Beam Version on the Mobile Side, IOS Mobile Application Must Be Upgraded to Version 1.25.3 and ANDROID Mobile Application Must Be Upgraded to Version 1.25.4.
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