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Product Name: BEAM Version Information: 2.23.1***

1.Highlights / New Features

  • DR3533 - 36190 - Deselect button added to the Is Done column on the work step tab on the work order.
  • DR3874 - 36241 – Added payment method, unit price and currency fields to excel file in Purchase Summary report.
  • DR3640 – 35691 – Design file added to print field in Embezzlement Transfer and asset part code, asset part name, asset part address fields added to dataset.
  • DR3350 – 34998 – Daily Work Step Based Maintenance (Illustrated) report has been added to the Periodic Maintenance Reports.
  • DR3263 – 36904 – Provided that the meter information of the asset entered in vehicle fuel purchases comes to the assets counter values section with the BC420 parameter.
  • DR3905 – 37148 – Added factory code and factory description fields to the Entity List report dataset.
  • DR2724 – 33886 – Added document field to embezzlement transfer page in mobile.
  • DR3281 – 34966 – Added space-shelf-browse area to the material counting page in mobile.
  • DR2606 – 33685 – Introduction of current section and new section information to the asset move list screen on mobile.
  • DR3876 – 36242 – Added Created Date (Start) and Created Date (End) fields to the filter area of the Work Order Close Performance Detail report in analysis reports.
  • DR4010 – 37141 – Added last approval date (start) and last approval date (end) fields to the filter field on the Single Point Trainings page.
  • DR4088 – 37145 – Added AllDone, AllNotDone, ItWasNotDone and ItWasDone fields to the labels.loc file so that buttons can be changed in mobile job steps.


  • DR3834 – 37140 – Monthly Periodic Maintenance Schedule in Periodic Maintenance Reports In the report, the months are brought to the same length.
  • DR1419 – 37153 – In Material Transactions, the warehouse information requested in the entry and exit movements has been added to the material detail warehouse filter.
  • DR4207 – 37618 – Improvement has been made to use HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme where HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme is used if the WebUISettings.URLScheme key i is not used on the configuration if it is not used.
  • DR4614 – 38237 – The authority to delete records from the document page has been linked to the Admin user and the popup text that appears during the deletion process has been changed.
  • DR3995 – 37142 – Improved to focus on the asset ID when adding new records in the Assets tab within the asset count.
  • DR4613 – 37975 – Provided shift code according to the consummate of the selected asset in the add on work order, assigned shift after asset selection, click on the insert to bring up the active shift code, and these conditions are linked to the BCG1.034 parameter.
  • DR4564 – 37950 – Downtime analysis report in analysis reports has been renamed to Mttr-Mtbf based downtime report and entity field has been added to the report grouping type.
  • 36475 – I started the work order on mobile when a long press was made and the message received when I clicked on completion was edited.
  • 36483 – When long press is made on mobile work orders and clicked on the started or completed options, the incoming messages are corrected if there are mandatory fields in the parameters tab in the transitioned status and the field is empty.
  • 36301 – Order list additional features order entries in excel export also provided that the title and sheet name are by language.
  • 36842 – Work orders additional features maintenance status started, completed and commissioned when selected, if there are mandatory fields and the field is empty, the given message is edited and brought according to the language.
  • 37534 – Purchase Reports Vendor-Based Quote and Order Analysis report has also been brought to the same size as other reports.
  • 37862 – Periodic Maintenance Reports Daily Maintenance by Job Step (Excel) report font size has been corrected.
  • 37863 – Periodic Maintenance Reports Daily Work Step Based Maintenance Illustrated (Excel) report font size has been corrected.
  • 36423 – Hidden unused parameters BCG1.001 and BCG1.011 from user group parameters.
  • 36424 – Revised the description of the BCG1.010 parameter from the user group parameters.
  • 36479 – Analysis Reports Removed the duration unit field in the Monthly Work Order Counts by Entity report because it is nonfunctional.
  • 36587 – Aligned the add Asset Stops page in the language selection.
  • 36667 – Changed the parameter name so that users can only see their purchase authorizations for their purchase requisition.
  • 36875 – Editing of custom code names in the filter field on the Create bulk entity stop page has been introduced.
  • 37709 - Clicking on the appendix on the Periodic Maintenance measurement packages page ensures that the page is aligned according to the language selection.
  • 37710 – Moved the add asset move page to be aligned according to the language selection.
  • 37711 - Clicking on the insert on the Periodic Maintenance measurement package group page makes the page align according to the language selection.
  • 37727 – Clicking on the additive on the system purchase quotation evaluation parameters page ensures that the page is aligned according to the language selection.
  • 37730 – Clicking on the add-on on the System Current Account Cards page makes the page align according to the language selection.
  • 37718 – Material request and transfer in the entry, exit, and transfer processes in the multi-selection of materials provided that the detail warehouse filter comes from the requesting warehouse.
  • 37506 – Improved development to derive user-based culture information in system-wide date and time representations on mobile.
  • 37129 – Mail Service Office 365 integration was made.
  • 37715 – In mobile, all queries were written in accordance with the new oracle structure.
  • 33432 – Provision for the transmission of vacation days on work orders on a consummate basis.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR4581 – 37949 – Fixed the error that occurred because the staff shift plan could not get the month and year information in the excel transfer.
  • DR4651 – 38098 – Fixed an issue where the counters of the covered periodic maintenance increased when the work order was opened and closed more than once in metered maintenance, including periodic maintenance.
  • DR4830 – 38838 – Fixed an issue where the start time and end time times were incorrectly calculated on the multi-select screen in the employee area after change/add work orders.
  • DR4693 – 38730 – Fixed an issue where work orders consisting of assets selected from the Create Batch Order page also did not receive an asset serial number.
  • 33436 – Fixed the problem that Purchase Material Based Average Price Calculation Report, Call inquiry, Daily purchase analysis report, Asset removal installation report, Process performance report, Material request process detail, Vendor-based bill of materials report, Posture plans report, Vehicle-based vehicle fuel purchases and totals, Approval process ongoing proposal and order report, Vendor-based bid order analysis reports not being opened.
  • 38576 – Fixed the moon check error received when saving on the energy consumption page.
  • 36303 – Edited the tooltips that appear when hovering buttons on document loading and changed the remove button to remove.
  • 36320 – Fixed an issue where scrolling does not appear when multiple documents are added to the document upload on the Assets, Job Requests, Work Orders, Work Orders additional properties quick change, Periodic Maintenance Definitions pages.
  • 38194 – Fixed an issue where manual selection of unit of measurement when adding on the materials page could not be distinguished by company.
  • 38279 – Enabled the BCG1.167 parameter to be executed.
  • 38277 – Enabled the BCG1.308 parameter to be executed.
  • 38303 – Fixed an issue where the MTTR-MTBF based downtimes analysis report did not show up in the presence field of the grouping type in Chinese language.
  • 38276 – Fixed error ORA-00942 received in multi-selection on materials using work order in Oracle.
  • 37403 – Fixed error ORA-01743 received in the Oracle Energy Consumption History Summary report.
  • 37754 – Fixed an issue where work orders do not give a message when the last read counter value is a negative value, the BC207 parameter cannot be operated.
  • 36325 – Fixed the sorting issue when previewing the bid evaluation request and bid evaluation approval on the ordering page.
  • 37757 – Fixed warehouse code and detail warehouse code filter in materials multi-selection used in work orders.
  • 37756 – Fixed the warehouse code filter of the filter field in multi-select materials in material demand and tarnsfer.
  • 37368 – Fixed css corruption when buttonedit readonly was made in the filter area on the materials page.
  • 36322 – Fixed an issue where when clicking Create order from request in the Quote/Order Request List, the message from the document type did not come up by language.
  • 37699 – Fixed an issue where the design interface does not appear in the Before / After Kaizen field.
  • 37753 – Fixed an issue where the BC207 parameter is not executed when the counter value on Work Orders is entered less than the last read counter value.
  • 36323 – Fixed an issue where the message from the document type in the bid evaluation request and order submission page was not received by language in the bid evaluation confirmation.
  • 37572 – Fixed an issue where system deadlock was added to vehicle fuel purchases when the BC204 parameter was activated.
  • 36319 – Fixed the error received when parameter BC240 was active on material input from the Quote/Order Request List request.
  • 37758 – Fixed an issue where double-valued counter values did not arrive when parameter BC255 was active on the Work Orders page.
  • 37759 – Fixed an issue where double-valued counter values did not come up when parameter BC255 was active on the Job Requisitions page.
  • 37591 – Fixed the error received when the list was empty when importing Maintenance Management charts target analysis filter chart data.
  • 37633 – Fixed an issue where the sheet name and title of work orders, additional features, custom forms and custom lists, excels were not subject to language.
  • 37667 – Fixed an issue where the work type was not re-selected in the change of work order type in Change Work Orders on Mobile.
  • 37621 – Fixed the job type selection issue in mobile with detailed and fast demand generation.
  • 37663 - Fixed an issue where maintenance fault code was not re-selected when changing work type in Change Work Orders on mobile.
  • 37708 – Fixed an issue where content was not based on language when Kobetsu Kaizen was imported to excele.
  • 37689 – Fixed the problem of loading dates from the filter in Kaizen fire.
  • 37666 – Fixed an issue where the work type was not re-selected when changing work order type in Change work orders.
  • 37695 – Fixed an issue where design file was not selected in the print work permit field.
  • 37613 – Fixed the issue of maximum input mixer of the stop class field in addition of posture classes in maintenance management definitions.
  • 37696 – Fixed an issue where the design file was not selected in the Material transactions print area.
  • 37655 – Fixed an issue where work order calendar was not loaded in Oracle.
  • 37697 – Fixed an issue where the design file was not selected in the after-sales services print field.
  • 37662 - Fixed an issue where maintenance fault code was not re-selected when changing work type in Change Work Orders.
  • 37382 – Fixed the problem of error after callback in mobile and work orders.
  • 37630 – Fixed an issue where the title and sheet name were not based on language when work orders were exported to excel by clicking on the materials used from additional properties quick change.
  • 37552 – Analysis reports Fixed the incorrect field in the Shift Detailed Personnel Performance Report.
  • 37634 – Fixed an issue where the name of the downloaded file was not named by language when exporting the report in the work order service form from the work orders additional features.
  • 37635 – Fixed an issue where the name of the downloaded file was not named according to the language when exporting the report on the work order expense form from the work orders additional features.
  • 37636 – Fixed an issue where the name of the downloaded file was not named according to the language when exporting the report on the work order service invoice form from the additional features of work orders.
  • 36771 – Fixed an issue where when exporting the material input/output form in the Material transactions print area, the downloaded file did not come up by language.
  • 36908 – Resolved the issue where when all fields in the Print work claims and work orders area are exported, the downloaded file does not appear by language.
  • 37425 – Fixed the issue of loading the proposal rubric from the filter.
  • 37432 – Fixed an issue where the order list was not loaded from the filter and fixed the issue of incorrect names in dates.
  • 37446 – Oracle also fixed a system crash issue in purchasing definitions as well as deregistering document types, expense types, and lead times.
  • 37447 – Fixed an issue with entering a comma number into the minimum quotation number in document types in purchasing definitions by preventing comma number entry.
  • 36887 – Fixed an issue where system users could not be deleted.
  • 37394 – Fixed an issue where the BC202 parameter was not processed in mobile de offline mode.
  • 37385 – Fixed an issue where maintenance time is reinstated when downtime changes due to parameter BC202 on work orders on mobile.
  • 37386 – Fixed an issue where maintenance time is reinstated when downtime changes due to parameter BC203 on work orders on mobile.
  • 37392 – Fixed the issue of under- or overwriting when changing downtimes according to the definitions in the stop classes on work orders in mobile.
  • 36522 – Fixed an issue where maintenance management graphs are not downloaded by language in export of most analysis, timescale analysis, mtbf/mttr analysis, measurement values analysis, target analysis.
  • 36527 - Fixed an issue where even soy was not downloaded according to the export of wind energy production analysis, consumption analysis, efficiency analysis, dashboard consumption analysis in energy graphs.
  • 36525 – Fixed an issue where the file was not downloaded by language in the export of purchase max analysis in purchasing graphics.
  • 36523 – Fixed an issue where exporting material maxims analysis in material management charts did not download the file by language.
  • 36789 – Fixed errors received in the work order when the work order design is made in the system page designer and then the design file is selected from the system.
  • 36366 – Fixed the problem of shifting the alignment of pivot analysis in English language selection of pivot analysis charts in maintenance management, maintenance pivot analysis, autonomous maintenance pivot analysis, pivot analysis in purchasing services.
  • 36369 - Pivot analysis in maintenance management, maintenance pivot analysis, autonomous maintenance pivot analysis, Pivot analysis in purchasing, Fixed the absence of delete icon in pivot analysis charts in after-sales services.
  • 36370 – Fixed errors received in unused fields of value metric type in maintenance management timescale analysis chart by removing fields.
  • 36371 – Fixed errors received in unused fields of value measurement type in maintenance management mtbf/mttr analysis chart by removing fields.
  • 36373 – Fixed errors received in unused fields of value metric type in the maintenance management target analysis chart by removing the fields.
  • 36716 – Fixed errors received on work orders based on parameter BCG1.294.
  • 37313 – Fixed the error that occurred when retrieving maintenance management metric values analysis graph data in Oracle.
  • 36480 – Fixed an issue where the old average field in the Analysis reports monthly work order counts by entity report came up with 0.
  • 37302 - Correction made for the running state of the Oracle database mobile service.
  • 36715 – Fixed the issue of creating work order in excel export of vehicle tire measurements.
  • 36372 – Fixed errors received in unused fields of value metric type in maintenance management metric values analysis chart by removing fields.
  • 36374 – Fixed errors in unused fields of value measurement type in the material management material maxims analysis chart by removing the fields.
  • 36375 – In Purchasing, errors received in unused fields of the Value metric type in the Purchase Maxims Analysis chart have been corrected by removing the fields.
  • 36368 – Fixed errors received in unused fields of value metric type in maintenance management max analysis chart by removing fields.
  • 36376 – Fixed errors in unused fields of value measurement type in wind energy production analysis chart in energy by removing fields. The Show average line field has been made operational.
  • 36377 – Fixed errors in unused fields of value measurement type in the energy consumption analysis chart by removing the fields. The Show average line field has been made operational.
  • 36378 – Fixed errors in unused fields of value measurement type in the energy efficiency analysis chart by removing the fields. The Show average line field has been made operational.
  • 36379 – Fixed errors received in unused fields of value measurement type in the energy also dashboard consumption analysis chart by removing the fields. The Show average line field has been made operational.
  • 36380 – Fixed an issue where part data comes in when it is desired to pull cost center data on a graphical time scale in material management material maximums analysis.
  • 36714 – Fixed an issue with creating a work order for vehicle tire measurements every time it said save without leaving the page.
  • 36392 – Fixed an issue that occurred after viewing in linked documents when the BC333 parameter was unchecked when entered with replace on embezzlement transfer.
  • 36505 – Fixed an issue where the file name and sheet name were not based on language in excel export after clicking on order entries from order entries from order list additional properties.
  • 36663 – Fixed an issue where work requests were entering a double value in the work order year.
  • 36664 – Fixed the date of entering a double value in the work order year on work orders.
  • 36502 – Number of card repetitions in autonomous maintenance error cards Fixed the issue where the file name and sheet name cannot be according to the language in excel export.
  • 36501 – Graphical entity tree clicked to show jobs in progress Fixed an issue where the file name and sheet name were not available by language in excel export.
  • 36503 - Fixed an issue where when clicking Add job request but stop production, the file name and sheet name in excel transfer in the window that comes up do not come up according to the language.
  • 36504 – Work orders linked jobs icon clicked Fixed an issue where the file name and sheet name were not according to the language in the ecvel import in the window that came up.
  • 36888 - Fixed MailManager, Raportautomation, Pushmessageservice issues.
  • 36509 - Fixed an issue where the file name was not based on language when printing embezzlement transfer.
  • 36510 – Fixed an issue where printing work requisitions and work order default was not available on export by language.
  • 36511 – Fixed an issue where printing periodic maintenance maintenance instructions does not come by language on export.
  • 36519 – Fixed an issue where the receipt receipt in the purchase material receipt list did not appear by language in export.
  • 36520 – Fixed an issue where Print quality control form in purchase material input list does not appear by language on export.
  • 36521 – Fixed an issue where after-sales services call operations, call stagping operations, progress payments print but not coming up by language in export.
  • 36674 – Fixed an issue where material management would fail when entering more than 50 characters in the floor-shelf-eye field in material counts by preventing more than 50 characters from being entered.
  • 36806 – Fixed Oracle.dataaccess dll issue on mobile.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 36391 – Fixed an issue where application-wide document inserted fields, assets, embezzlement transfer, work requests, and work orders are not deleted when the document added is deleted and another is added.
  • 36673 – Fixed an issue where the place-shelf-eye area in material counts is not empty when it should be empty if it is not present in the selected warehouse.
  • 36790 – Fixed NFC issue on Android 11 and above.
  • 36879 – Fixed an issue where server does not load on https.
  • 37405 – Fixed an issue where the quick filter field in asset migration did not work.
  • 37406 – Fixed an issue where asset migration was not coloring in BC327 parameter unchecked.
  • 37449 – Fixed an issue where returning to the list page after approval and rejection in asset migration would not refresh the page.
  • 37504 – Fixed an issue where when adding on the asset move page, the label would not appear in the list screen when the description field was left blank.


  • 35378 – Fixed an issue where fields with readonly in the work orders tab filter were emptied with the clear button.
  • 35379 – Fixed an issue where maintenance risk info was not displayed in offline mode.
  • 35551 – Fixed an issue with stop-and-stop callback on request in offline mode.
  • 35513 – Fixed crash issue with time change on work order when the time display format of the device was over 12 hours.
  • 35514 – Fixed an issue where maintenance risk info is not displayed after saving work request and work order.
  • 35151 – A warning message for reasons for waiting on work orders has been edited and adjusted to language.
  • 35516 – Fixed an issue where the description in the requested warehouse on the Materials tab on the Material request and transfer page was long.
  • 35518 – Fixed an issue where the personnel singularity control message working on the periodic control form did not come up by language.
  • 35520 – Fixed an issue where the singularity check in the Job requests questions tab was not based on language.
  • 35257 – Date selection is set by language.
  • 36885 – Fixed an issue where the place-shelf-eye area in material counts does not come empty when it should be empty if the place-shelf-eye area is not present in the selected warehouse.
  • 37312 – Provision prevents entry of more than 50 characters into the floor-shelf-eye area in material counts.
  • 37371 – Fixed an issue where the asset move tab filter did not work.
  • 37374 – Fixed a crash issue when long pressing and clicking on confirmation information on the asset migration page.
  • 37378 – Fixed crash issue when clicking on the built-in barcode reader on the server adding page.
  • 37395 – Fixed an issue where add and replace asset code on work orders was not shown when scanning barcode from the camera.

5.Breaking Changes

  • Beam 2.23.1 is not installed / updated.
  • For Beam 2.23.1 Version to Use on Mobile Side, IOS Mobile Application Must Be Updated to Version 1.19.0 ANDROID Mobile Application To Version 1.19.0.