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Product Name: BEAM Version Information:***

1.Highlights / New Features

  • DR8757 – 52728 - Maintenance Management > Reports > 03 Periodic Maintenance Reports > 26 Detailed Periodic Maintenance Report on the Basis of Work Steps Reason for failure and work step note fields have been added to the dataset.
  • DR7686 – 48463 - User Group > General Authorizations > Maintenance Management > Work order general authorizations BCG1.416-Work Order Quick Change Menu can access the working personnel, BCG1.417-Work Order Quick Change Can access the materials used from the menu, BCG1.418-Work Order Do Not Use Asset Documents with Additional Features parameters have been added.
  • DR7860 – 49252 - EMIRARZOLTAR, EMIRARZOLSA, TALEPARZOLTAR, TALEPARZOLSA, TALEPISBILTAR, TALEPISBILSA fields have been added to the RWorkOrderFormA4_2 dataset.
  • DR8184 – 51100 - EMIRBITTR, EMIRBITSA, BRAND, MODEL, SERINO, RESPONSIBLE, SARFYR, ARZNEDEN fields have been added to the work order form A4-2 dataset.
  • DR8761 – 52725 - DURSUR, SARFYRCODE fields Maintenance Management - Reports - Analysis Reports - 47 Added to the Work Order Closure Performance Detail report.
  • 53462 - Added Custom Action property to Call object in SSH module.


  • DR7651 – 48304 - When the work order is deleted, it is ensured that the unsent records are deleted from the mail table.
  • DR7657 – 51542 - Mobile (BC351) - In the Fault Cause Selection, Only the Asset Type Defined Ones That Can Be Used Are Shown" parameter has been activated. When the parameter is active, only those whose asset type matches that can be used in the causes of failure are listed, when the parameter is active, those whose asset type matches that can be used in the causes of failure when it is passive, and those whose asset type is blank that can be used in the causes of failure are listed.
  • DR7822 – 49134 - Prevented from saving the time form when press enter in indicator measurements, it was enabled to save in the line.
  • DR7513 – 48314 - Provided control for work order production status filter in mobile coloring and arranged to color according to filtering.
  • DR7950 – 47353 - The mobile coloring process has been controlled for work order custom code fields. Arrangements have been made from special code 1 to special code 18 according to the coloring option.
  • DR8880 – 53918 - GlobalizationTag of Asset Management>Definitions>Sections Description fields has been revised. The tags of the fields Description 1 - Description 2 - Description 3 are linked to DepartmentDescription1 - DepartmentDescription2 - DepartmentDescription3, respectively.
  • 46216 - Changed BC154,BC226,BC229 parameters checks.
  • 45341 – Filtered entities in the Work order on the web according to the authorization given in the asset type.
  • 45342 - Enabled filtering of assets in mobile work order according to the authorization given in the asset type.
  • 51961 - Edited an incoming message in Web Material Request and Transfer when alerting two materials in the reservation process.
  • 51711 – Fixed an incoming message in Mobile Material Request and Transfer while warning in the reservation process for two materials.
  • 46655 - Material movements, Material demand and transfer in the transfer movement type of the material is selected, while the transfer - output field on the user is also included in the filter.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR8835 – 53224 - Fixed an issue where when adding order information from an order template, it saves the information in the template even though the fields change.
  • DR8612 – 52735 - When a work order says copy to a work order, even if the disassembly/assembly area is full, the disassembly/assembly area is emptied. Then, when the disassembly / assembly operations were done and the save was said, it was ensured that a record was made on the asset transport page.
  • 53593 - Asset Management > Assets > Add/Change/Copy > Map Information tab Increased the number of digits after commas for x and y coordinates.
  • 53573 - Material Management > Material Request and Transfer > Approval Acceptor - Deliverer field obligation control has been adjusted.
  • 53225 - Purchase module Offer List/Entry of Received Bids - Delivery Receipt Form - Material entry form > Notes and Company Description fields have been arranged so that they do not come in bold font.
  • 53227 - Fixed an error in the report when the location information could not be assigned to STARTLOCATION or FINISHLOCATION in the BC_WORK_ORDER_RESOURCES table.
  • 52949 - When the currency type other than TL is selected on the company; The problem in the exchange rate calculation experienced in the material movements consisting of counting has been fixed. The problem in the exchange rate calculation during the transfer of Material Movements to Excel in the Oracle environment> has been fixed.
  • 53708 - Corrected the field that says 'Unit Code' in the Tools tab in the Add work steps form to 'Unit'.
  • 53992 - Material Management > Reports > 7 Material Output Report - 8 Material Receipt Reports Errors have been fixed.
  • 54500 – Fixed the error received when clicking print with long press in work orders in Oracle environment on mobile.
  • 52868 – Fixed the issue of long pressing while the flow is active on the Mobile Materials page and blanking when you want to see the confirmation information.
  • 54452 - Fixed the error ORA-00942: table or image does not exist on the Materials page in the Oracle environment on mobile.
  • 55002 - Fixed the error received in the Order List > Quick Filter.
  • 54927 - Fixed an issue where the production status changed according to the job request page maintenance fault code.
  • 53246 - A notification message has been issued for materials that are not included in the work order selected on the Material Request and Transfer page.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 54016 - For the ability to draw on documents added to the system in the Android Mobile application; It was ensured that the taken photo was transferred vertically after clicking OK. After taking the photo and clicking ok, the size of the screen has been adjusted. After taking the photo and clicking ok, the cancel(x) button was added to cancel the transaction. When a photo is taken horizontally on the tablet, a wi record numbered 54922 was created for the crash.
  • 52935 - Fixed the problem of user-based crash in longpress on the purchase requisitions page.
  • 52269 - Fixed the problem of user-based crash in longpress on the Job Requests, Material Request Transfer and Order List pages.


  • 54498 - Fixed the error 'Module parameter cannot be empty' when clicking on the quick filter field.
  • 52867 – Fixed an issue where downloaded file formats would not open.
  • 53226 - Location information was provided in QR.
  • 52017 - Fixed the problem of not getting a model by brand on the Materials page.

5.Breaking Changes

  • Beam Installation / Update is not done.
  • For the use of Beam Version on the Mobile Side, the IOS Mobile Application must be updated to Version 1.23.0 and the ANDROID Mobile Application must be updated to Version 1.23.0.

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