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Product Name: BEAM Version Information: 2.20.48
Maintenance ManagementIt is ensured that the Shift Code and Description field is added as a dataset in the work (shift) list report.
Maintenance ManagementWhen we received the Maintenance-Reports-Periodic Maintenance Reports-Monthly Periodic maintenance schedule report, it was ensured that the relevant periodic maintenance definition was added in the maintenance duration field defined in the work order information tab in the downloaded excel file.
Maintenance ManagementThere are 2 "Entity Definition" fields in the field editors of the Work Orders and Work Requests pages. Necessary arrangements have been made. 1. Entity Definition: Returns the data from the DEFINITION column in the BC_EQUIPMENTS. (In V_WORK_ORDERS, "EQUIPMENTADI2" ) 2. Entity Description: If the asset to which it was connected was full: "OWNEREQUIPMENTNAME -```>``` EQUIPMENTNAME". ("EQUIPMENTNAME" in V_WORK_ORDERS)
Maintenance ManagementIn the indicator metrics tab in the work order (where the measurement packages field is located), authorization is provided according to the user group of the addding authority.
Maintenance ManagementWhen the work order that has been entered in the work orders tries to be edited, the service cost, material cost is zero when it is said that I started or completed the material cost on the web and the service cost and material cost values have been fixed.
Maintenance ManagementIn companies with 1000 and more periodic maintenance, the problem of lack of periodic maintenance service has been corrected.
Maintenance ManagementThe "Brand Definition" field has been added to the Main Menu - Maintenance Management - Reports - Analysis Reports - Job Request Status Report as a dataset in the Report Designer.
Maintenance ManagementFixed an issue where pressing the Save button on a work order recalculated the cost on the employee staff page by taking the current hourly rate on the resource.
Maintenance ManagementFixed the issue that when the stop reason was selected on the work order, the default stop reason appeared in the reports, not the stop reason I selected.
Maintenance ManagementThe pop-up menu opened to the Periodic Maintenance schedule section can be re-sized.
Maintenance Management(BC254) - Fixed an issue where the Apply Selected Fields in Work Order Filters parameter was active.
Maintenance ManagementIn the Barcode List and Printing Report, the selection buttons in the start material code and end material code fields have been adjusted
Maintenance ManagementOn the Vehicle Fuel Purchases page, an asset with KM information previously included was prevented from entering less KM information than the KM information contained in the previous voucher in its later vouchers.
Maintenance ManagementIn the Service Based Work Order List report, the filter for the Company Code of Service Received has been added in the filtering section.
Maintenance ManagementThe problem experienced during the opening of the Overtime (Shift) Detailed Personnel Performance Report report from the Report Designer has been fixed.
Materials ManagementThe Total Quantity field on the Materials page shows only the total quantity in the warehouses filtered out in the detail warehouse filter.
Materials ManagementLOTNUMBER, LOTNUMBER2, EXPIRATIONDATE fields have been added to the Material Request/Transfer Receipt as datasets.
MobileThe parameters of "When BC-168 Work Order Type Changes, Work Type Code Is Not Reselected" and "When BC-049 Job Type Changes, Maintenance/Fault Code Is Not Re-Selected" running on the web platform were also controlled on the mobile side.
MobileFixed the issue in the work order type filter that can be used in the Maintenance Failure code in the BEAM IOS application.
MobileIn mobile applications, all documents were added to a single folder. Here the folder structure was created.
Mobile(BCG1.187) - Addressed issue where the Can Change Default Work Order Type Filter parameter does not work on mobile.
MobileInstead of bringing up all Open/Closed work orders when clicking "Work Orders I am responsible for" on the filter button at the bottom right of the mobile, work orders page, all open work orders are seen if there is no filter when the user enters the work orders page. When I clicked on the work orders for which I was responsible, it was ensured that the open work orders were filtered with the same filter.
MobileThe coloring functions in the Job Steps tab have been ensured not to work on mobile.
MobileThe necessary improvements have been made to enter the last read counter value data on the mobile application detailed business request page.
MobileThe Section filter from the Entity Filters area has been made to work in the mobile application.
PurchasingAdded the Description field to the Purchase Summary report.
PurchasingThe following fields have been added to the dataset of the Purchase Analysis Report. --BC_PURCHASE_ORDER Table SHIPTAR, SIPGENELSTATU, STATUS columns --DESCRIPTION from BC_PURCHASE_REQUEST Table, OZELKOD2 columns --BC_PURCHASE_REQUEST_ITEMS Table SUMAMOUNT, MALSTATU columns
PurchasingThere are two selection fields in the companies proposed in the request card of the purchasing module, namely "Selection from the Vendors of the Material" and "Vendor Code Selection". The issue of these definitions coming in Turkish in the English language option has been fixed.
Asset ManagementIn the Entity Tree, the problem of unrelated parts appearing in consumables where the entity does not belong has been fixed.