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Product Name: BEAM Version Information: 2.21.1
Maintenance ManagementAccording to the shift filter applied on the resources, the responsible person or the working personnel in the work order were added and the relevant resources were filtered according to their shifts.(BC410)- Added a parameter to Use Shift Filter in Shift Plan for Work Order Responsible Personnel and Working Personnel Selection.
Maintenance ManagementWhile the reports in the system are sent automatically with the timer, if there are links in them, it was determined that the links did not work in the reports sent.Added "WebUISettings.HostPath" to system parameters. Example: http://localhost/BEAM value should be entered.
Maintenance ManagementSelecting the All periodic maintenance option on the Additional Features```>```Defer Maintenance (PostphoneMaintControl) page on the work order page should prevent the user from seeing unauthorized periodic maintenance.The filter found on the corresponding user is checked out in this field
Maintenance ManagementAfter adding the "Asset Migration Custom Codes" field to the options on the System ```> Custom Definitions \>``` Add page, it should be ensured that asset migration custom codes can be made optional and the selection can be made mandatory with the button.Added required fields to the System ```> Custom Definitions \>``` Add page.
Maintenance ManagementAdding a dataset to the Overtime (Shift) Detailed Personnel Performance Report dataset to give the ratio of the total working time to the Work order type Example: The person has worked for 5000 minutes in addition to the total working time in a field 20% of the work order type A is written in work order type A and 80% of it is in work order type BA field named ORANISEMRITUR has been added to the dataset of the related report.
Maintenance ManagementOn the Work Orders Page, it is requested that the contents of the work order add page that is opened when creating the linked Work Order are blank except for the Work Order Type and Asset Code. In this respect, when adding a linked work order, the data from the main work order should not be copied to the linked work order"?Added the company parameter "(BC-412) Do Not Copy Data from Main Work Order to Linked Work Order When Adding a Linked Work Order".
Maintenance ManagementWhen we click on the Document column on the work order list page, it opens a pop-up that will show and view the documents inside the work order. It is desirable to add the same feature to the Maintenance Management ```> Periodic Maintenance \>``` Maintenance Instructions list page.Added document column.
Maintenance ManagementUsers who have been given the Maintenance Fault Code filter in the filter field on the selection page on the user automatically bring up the default maintenance fault code field of the asset on the work order page, and then the corresponding one is deleted again.Fixed the related bug.
Maintenance ManagementAsset Packaged While creating the work order from periodic maintenance, in the Asset Package; If there are Assets marked as "Record Unavailable", work orders should not be created for the inactive assets.Work order opening for Assets marked as "Record Unavailable" has been blocked.
Maintenance ManagementIt is desirable to add a wrapper code filter to the Maintenance by Annual Maintenance Plans report.The Maintenance by Annual Maintenance Plans report has been added to the Winder code filter.
Maintenance ManagementIn the columns of the "Monthly Periodic Maintenance Calendar", it was requested to add the section code and part description next to the consumable location definition.In the Monthly Periodic Maintenance Schedule, next to the Consumable location definition, the part code and the part definition have been added.
Maintenance ManagementMost analysis requests the addition of a "downtime cost" field to the Y axis, so that the lost cost data in the chart data tab is eliminated.Added downtime cost to Y-axis options.
Maintenance ManagementWhen filtering the "Periodic maintenance realization rate report" and "Maintenance according to Annual Maintenance Plans (Excel)" reports under the periodic maintenance reports, the "Main Work Order" button is requested.The main work order button has been added to the report.
Maintenance ManagementIt is desirable that the encryption logic in the login should be used in the function that activates the parameter "BC-386 Use Password Authentication When Closing Work Order"..The improvement has been made.
Maintenance ManagementThe problem of bringing data to the Section Definition (PartName) dataset in the work tracking form dataset has been identified.The necessary adjustment has been made to the SQL query and the data will come when the fields related to the part are pulled from the dataset again
Maintenance ManagementThe Custom Code headings in the "PROGRESS REPORT" come as special code by default. It is desired to change the definitions by bringing the headings here through the Globalization Tags definitions.The ability to change the definition in Globalization Tags has been added.
Maintenance ManagementOn the periodic maintenance definitions list page, multiple records are selected with ctrl / shift and unnecessary periodic maintenance is requested to be deleted.The improvement has been made.
Maintenance ManagementMaintenance Management on BEAM-```>Reports-\>\Cost Reports-\\>Material Usage Report; On the Comments tab of Materials Management->Materials-\>``` it is desirable to add the description field.Added a description field to the report and dataset.
Maintenance ManagementThe user has warehouse privileges over it, and the parameter (BCG1.147) - Can Only See Materials in Their Own Warehouse is active in the user group. In the filter area of the "Material counts" page, the "warehouse" in the "warehouse for which my user is authorized" does not come up. Since the warehouse filter does not come, it can also see the counts of the materials in the warehouses where the user is not authorized.If the user has a warehouse filter applied to the filter field on the material counts page. When the BCG1.147 authorization is turned on, the corresponding filter is read-only.
Maintenance ManagementTo the dataset of the Material Requirements Planning report; All custom codes on the Material Card have been added to Specialcode1 - Specialcode 12.OZELKOD1,OZELKOD2.... OZELKOD11,OZELKOD12 added to dataset
Maintenance ManagementOn the "Material Request/Transfer Receipt" form, which comes with the "Print" button in the Material Request and Transfer field, it is requested to add the "OZELKOD1" field in the assets and the Description field in the Resources."VARLIKOZELKOD1" and "DELIVERYALANEKALAN1" were added to the dataset as "DEMANDEDENEKALAN1".
Maintenance ManagementIn the "Warehouse Inventory Report" report, it was determined that the issue quantities in the transfer-type transactions were not reflected in the relevant warehouse line.Warehouse Transfer (Exit) and Warehouse Stock Quantity were made to arrive correctly.
Maintenance ManagementInto the Material Count Report; After the counts are carried out, it is requested that the Total Available amount be added to the relevant report in order to be able to check the Count amount and the Total Available amount.Added as a total quantity.
MobileWhen a user is granted one or more warehouse filters through warehouse authorizations, he or she can see only the transactions in the warehouse or warehouses that are defined to him on the material transactions page. This filter works on the web. But it doesn't work on mobile.The improvement has been made.
MobileIt is requested to be able to enter data directly by scanning the QR code in the barcode field on the mobile asset insertion screen.The barcode area on the mobile asset insertion screen has been arranged so that direct data entry can be made by scanning the QR code.
MobileWith the power of attorney given through the web application, they request the field of entry with the proxy on the mobile application.The "Power of Attorney Transactions" registration page has been added to the mobile system with all its functions. In order to log in with the powers of attorney given to the person, the "Proxy Login" option has been added to the quick menu side. The user has been made able to log in to the system with the authorizations of that user by clicking on one of the powers given to him from here.
MobileIt is desirable to show the Job type field in the card information that is listed in the Work Order list in Mobile.In the mobile work order list, the work type field was added instead of work order status. The work order status was already evident from the colors, and the customer wanted the work type to be shown.
MobileMaking a design change on the Material Movements page.Necessary arrangements were made within the scope of UX.
Personnel ManagementThe table on the Shift Plan page shows a 31-day column for each month. The number of days in these columns should be based on the number of days in the selected "Month" filter.The improvement has been made.
Personnel ManagementIt is requested to add the "Business" filter to the filter menu on the Shift Plan page and if the user who enters this page has a business filter, this filter is automatically filled and only the authorized personnel in the relevant enterprise are listed. A user cannot add shift schedules for employees belonging to a business without their authority from the shift schedule page.The improvement has been made.
Purchasing• Introducing the more or less scrooling feature to the grid on the Bid Evaluation page • Introducing the milling feature to the top rows of the grid on the Bid Evaluation pageThe improvement has been made.
PurchasingWhen the BC247 parameter is activated, the Discounted Total Amount is colored in the TDF. This parameter should be colored according to the Discounted Unit Price.The improvement has been made.
PurchasingIn the Request/Proposal section, the "Cancel Request Line" button is publicly available. It is desirable that the use of the button is based on the user group.The Cancel Requisition Line button is connected to the user group in the Request Quotation / Order section by adding the Cancel Requisition Line option if this option is checked, the button will appear if it is unchecked, it will not appear.
PurchasingThe user can access unauthorized fields by giving path paths such as "/System/Forms/configeditor.aspx", /System/Forms/user.aspx", "/System/Forms/group.aspx" via BEAM browser.An edit has been made to log off when the user tries to access a page that he does not have authorization.
System ManagementUsers receive an e-mail with the explanation "Signed In On A New Device" with the subject "Login Information" for the devices they log in for the first time. You should be able to change the language settings based on the existing language file. In addition, if mail can make the content can be pulled through a mail template, the content change. doable.-The content of the mail has been revised according to the situation in the description. - Fixed an issue where the content of the mail was not based on the language.
Asset ManagementTo the Report Designer datasets of the Entity Barcode List report: Business Code, Business Description, Linked Entity ID The definition of the entity to which it is linked. The required fields for the Material Barcode List and Print report are: Business Code,Business Description.1- The relevant fields for the asset barcode list report have been added to the dataset. (FACTORYCODE-FACTORYDEFINITION-OWNERCODE-OWNERDEFINITION) 2- Since the fields requested for the material barcode list and printing report are not direct on the material, Uğur was asked and contacted with the customer. Since it is stated that existing custom code fields will be used for related reports, no additions have been made to these reports.