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Product Name: BEAM Version Information:***

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 42358 – WebUISettings.ReportFonts keyname was added to the system parameters to make the downloaded pdf in the reports according to the chinese characters, and the desired language font information was given to the value section to download the report according to the font.
  • 41067 – Added General Use, Section and Finish fields to the Holidays page as desired.
  • DR5913 – 42015 – Whether the demand description field can be changed when there is a flow in the job request is checked by adding the BCG1.414 parameter. Together with the BC221 parameter, it was possible to make changes to the claim description field in the job request when they are turned on.
  • DR5804 – 41448 – RworkOrderFormA4_9V1 (Work Order Form A4(Work Start)) Added Brand, Model, Equipment Special Codes (from 1 to 20) to the report dataset.
  • DR5803 – 41475 – Added the How many days in advance query field to the Failure causes page. If this field is zero on the asset, it has been adjusted to look over the cause of the failure and issue a warning on the work order.
  • DR5777 - 41447 – Added MATERIALACK field to dataset to accommodate description field on the material tab in the Purchase Demand Tracking Report.
  • DR5664 – 41245 – Added parameter BC428 to job requisition. When activated, if the user was in the record, a message was given if another user tried to change the record.
  • DR5417 – 40821 - Added FACTORYCODE and FACTORYDESCRIPTION fields to DWorkOrderFormA4Special dataset.
  • DR5427 – 40873 - Maintenance management > Charts > Added brand and model fields to the most analysis filter section.
  • 39705 – Added in-app message notification feature to alert codes. A message was sent to the web message box, notification was sent on the mobile. In order to receive the message, the AlertManager service must be running and the AlertManager.Interval time must be noted in the System Parameters.
  • 40145 - Added asset, asset move, embezzlement transfer and asset count pages to edits with mobile page designer.
  • DR4817 – 38760 – Mobile meter input area added to ensure that it is operated as desired.
  • DR4493 – 40087 - Added parameter BC427 to prevent the time filter from being applied to create work orders on records whose maintenance date is less than the date of day in periodic maintenance definitions.
  • DR4829 – 38872 - Added shift, overtime, and description fields to the overtime records page.
  • 38858 - Added company parameter BC426. If the parameter is active and BC182 is closed, the meter values have been adjusted to apply to the sub-entities.
  • Added parameter DR4234 – 37281 - BC423 to create material movement based on the last purchase price and currency on the material when the parameter is active.
  • 38864 - Status page Added tools used, work steps, calibration devices, travel information, indicator measurements, maintenance points, connected documents, maintenance risk, dispersion measurements, cause analysis and content parameters to the mandatory field parameters.
  • DR4894 – 38999 - Added the Delivery Mode field to the purchase quotation page.
  • 38775 – Added image tab readonly to mobile assets page.
  • DR4793 – 38839 - BC425 parameter from the company parameters has been opened, the attachment has been clicked on the work order page, the requester part has been made blank. BC011 parameter from the company parameters was opened, the additive was clicked on the job request page, the requester part was made blank.
  • 43343 – Added method for adding embezzlement form from flow to mail in embezzlement transfer.
  • DR6110 – 42996 - Added the parameter Can Change the Description of Materials in the Purchase Order Form to the purchasing parameters on the user and made it work as intended.
  • DR5986 – 42081 - Arrangement has been made so that there is no change in the work order service price and currencies. The BCG1.413 parameter was added and the control was provided according to this parameter.
  • 41398 - Material movements added to the mobile designer.
  • 38990 - Work was done for mobile entry with barcode on the Home Page screen.
  • 38825 – On mobile, the asset code was changed to a combobox, giving it a multi-select feature.
  • DR4486 – 38235 - Maintenance -> The isolation requirement field on the work permit page was changed from a checkbox to a combox and its requirement check was linked to it by adding the BCG1.412 parameter. If this parameter is tic, the necessity control was provided.
  • Added parameter DR4326 – 37573 - (BCG1.411) so that if it is open, the measurement package cannot be changed when the measurement package added in the work order is called change.. Only the values of the measurement package can be changed.
  • DR3872 – 37137 - Request Number and Order Number fields have been added to the excel file of Purchase Invoice List Report.
  • DR4494 – 38224 - Periodic maintenance field has been added to the calculation type field. When this area was selected, it was ensured that the materials added in the periodic maintenance definition arrived.
  • DR3714 – 35836 - Added VAT Amount and VAT Included Amount fields in the receipt field. Added VATORAN, VATLIAMOUNT, VATTUTAR, B.TOPKDVLITUTAR, B.TOPKVATTUTAR fields to the V_PURCHASES_SWES table.
  • DR5417 – 40794 - Added FACTORYCODE and FACTORYDESCRIPTION fields to DWorkOrderFormA4Special dataset.
  • DR2496 – 37282 - Added "Calibration Devices" tab to work order detail page in mobile application.


  • 42073 – Language files updated.
  • 41687 – Login page left password and/or username blank and gives warning when trying to log in.
  • 39855 – The structure used in the login on the web side is applied to the login method on the mobile (Brute Force).
  • DR4971 – 39266 – Ensured that the page requirements provided on the web side are operated on the mobile side.
  • DR4938 – 39199 - If maintenance risk is defined in the maintenance fault code, it is added to the maintenance risk tab in the mobile.
  • DR5599 – 41015 – Default tag value updated. The English equivalent of the place-shelf-eye field has been corrected to "Location-Shelf-Bin".
  • 41042 – Arrangement of default file paths of web and mobile embedded documents.
  • 40713 - Enabled to set up work order opening by scanning Nfc or QR code according to work order type or user.
  • 40769 – Only an integer value can be entered in the Number of records field that appears on all pages.
  • 37795 - Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information edited.
  • DR5032 – 39678 - Default Fault maintenance area The old UpdateWorkOrderEndDate method name has been changed to UpdateWorkOrderEndDateWithDefaultWOTypes. Added the UpdateWorkOrderEndDate method that takes the work order type code parametric.
  • 39845 - CustomErros mode on on WebConfig Fixed the disclosures in the error content (Error Page).
  • 39844 - Ensured that no culture change is made when a value that is not in our culture list arrives (Self XSS).
  • 39843 - Message content edited. The parameters were encoded and invoked (Sensitive Data Exposure).
  • 40283 - System > the BC425 parameter is activated in the mobile application.
  • 40012 - (BCG1.366) - Ensured that the parameters (BCG1.269) are actively working.
  • 40062 - Divide-by-zero operations are controlled on the measurement packages page.
  • DR4971 – 39266 - Page requirement set on the web. It was ensured that the message received on the web on mobile was received.
  • 42358 - Fixed the character problem that occurred when downloading pdf in reports. By passing the keyname WebUISettings.ReportFonts to the system parameters, if the desired language and font information is given to the value section, the reports are downloaded according to this font.
  • 42651 - Work order > Other Information > Estimated Maintenance Cost field has been revised to come in currency format. The Exchange Rate label I was changed to Currency.
  • DR5987 – 42085 - Monthly Periodic Maintenance Schedule Report The Excel file has been moved into the December Scheduled tab.
  • DR5780 – 41579 - Directional keys so that the number does not change and the list does not move.
  • DR4231 – 37255 – The barcode inscription in the field to be entered barcode is 'Barcode/QR Code' and the unit price field is made to appear as desired after the comma.
  • 43310 - Work Orders > Personnel Added "Completed" control to -1 on first addition.
  • DR3242 – 35534 - After the BC424 parameter is activated, when the user is added and the password is set, the user is directed to the password change screen on the first login.
  • DR4109 – 37576 - Can use card types field has been added to the tab on the Business Type Definitions page. When the BC422 parameter is on, if there is a card mode defined in the card types that can be used, the job type is provided when that card type is selected.
  • DR2283 – 34402 - Risk code and risk definition fields have been added to e-mails sent on statuses in the work order. For the table view in the mail, %WORKRISKTB% can otherwise be edited by typing %WORKRISK% keyname in the email content field.
  • DR4468 – 38223 - Warning message is given when the user who is logged in tries to delete his own user.
  • DR4481 – 38236 - Removed the requirements for the Unit of Measure Code, Unit of Measure Definition, Material Group Code, Material Group Description fields.
  • DR4364 – 37694 - Measurement packages have been made to appear in the interface of the values resulting from the calculation of the lower acceptance value and upper acceptance values.
  • DR4322 – 37575 - Made available to the user according to the user's choice in all three of the Dashboard, Landing Page and Start boxes.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR6008 – 42142 - Provided for the arrival of those who have no dispenser filters in the shift or who meet the definition of the dispatcher in the shift selection list within the Work Order.
  • 41861 – Fixed an issue where image propagation was displayed in the viewer.
  • DR5954 – 42006 – Parameters BC229, BC226 and BC154 worked as requested.
  • 41523 – Changed the warning message given in the page requirements on mobile.
  • 40280 – Fixed the save error received in overtime records.
  • 42730 - Fixed an issue where previously marked fields were unchecked when searching in parameters.
  • 43099 - 03 Periodic Maintenance Reports > 16 Periodic Maintenance Work Order List and 04 Measurement Values Report > 05 Annual Calibration / Validation Plan reports have been fixed issue where they are not downloaded.
  • 43101 - Fixed an issue where BC226 - BC154 Parameters were not processed correctly.
  • 42813 - Fixed an issue where gauge measurements calculations do not calculate the measurement uncertainty value.
  • DR6214 – 43122 – Graphs > Time-Scale Analysis introduced the definition required for each chart.
  • 43071 – Fixed the time filter issue on the Purchase Quote Evaluation and Ordering listing page.
  • 43081 - Fixed the issue where Asset Embezzlement Report does not open.
  • 42419 - Work Order > Additional Features > Custom Form and Custom Lists have been arranged to come according to multi-language support.
  • 42406 - Fields in the Print Purchase Requisitions > Requisition form have been edited by language.
  • 42679 - When creating a work order for periodic maintenance, the work order is not attached to mandatory area checks.
  • DR6178 – 42994 - Updating the delivery warehouse in order items is also provided when the delivery warehouse is changed and updated in the order record on the order page.
  • 42601 - On the Materials page, the Bidders, Purchased Companies, and Equipment Used tabs provide alerts for unsaved changes when field placements are reset in the grids.
  • 42678 - Enabled the BC198 paramter to be active on the mobile asset page. Embezzlement Transfer special code1 and 2 fields were provided as multiple choice according to their special definition values.
  • 42409 - Delivery Delivery and Entry Procedures > Quality Control Form The print fields are organized by language.
  • 42396 - Adjusted the do not contain filter in all modules.
  • 42407 - Fields in the Proposal Rubric > Print Proposal form have been arranged by language.
  • DR6051 – 42562 - Fixed the error received when selecting from the spare parts list of the maintenance / fault code and multi-selection if the user has any material group privileges on it.
  • DR6078 – 42593 - Adjusted the no-show status of all records in protective measures and spill spill spread grids when work order status is closed in the work order maintenance risk tab.
  • 42418 - Multilanguage work was done on Work Order service form, work order service invoice form, price evaluation forms.
  • 42395 - Fixed an issue where double-clicking on the details of the delivery consignment listing page grid causes logouts.
  • DR6032 – 42390 - boys.asmx Fixed the error received in the GetItemTransferNotificationContentFromID method.
  • 43578 - Fixed the error received when saying copy mobile work order.
  • 43582 - Fixed the status of no image when the asset page designer is active on mobile.
  • 43083 - Mobile Maintenance risk add/update bugs fixed.
  • 44465 - Fixed the error that occurred when attempting to create an order through the Purchase > Request for Quote and Ordering page.
  • DR6358 - 43732 - When adding a work order, if the user had a job type and maintenance fault code in the work order filters on the user, the default would come accordingly. Based on the request, this regulation was removed.
  • 44848 - Fixed an issue where asset embezzlement report does not open in oracle.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 40777 – Provided that the name of the photo taken from the camera and added to the work orders is assigned as a unique value.
  • 38975 - Adding server is enabled when reading a Qr code from the camera on the server adding page.
  • 38976 - Added image tab readonly to mobile assets page.
  • 38974 - Maintenance Management > work orders > work steps > All done – All not done – Done – Not done coloring done.
  • 37517 – Fixed incorrect chinese characters.
  • 41201 - Fixed an issue of throwing multiple data into the main page.
  • 41512 – Fixed the problem of calculating time cost in personnel working on work orders.
  • 42603 – Fixed the error in date format in work orders with different language selection.
  • 42797 – Fixed the crash problem when changing the job manager several times in work orders.
  • 42953 – The coloring of the working personnel started and finished buttons was done as desired.
  • 41785 - Work Order - Working Personnel - Fixed the crash that occurred when personnel were removed.
  • 43856 – Fixed an issue where the confirmation screen did not appear on the first page on streaming pages when the mobile designer was active.
  • 38971 - Added "Calibration Devices" tab to work order detail page in mobile application.
  • 40040 - Fixed the status of not receiving notifications in Version 12 and above.
  • 43118 – Introduction of the BC344 parameter for job requests.
  • 44676 - Forgot password field reverted to user code format.


  • 41615 – Fixed the bug in the api address where all menus were sending requests.
  • 40136 - Adding the server is added when the Qr code is read from the camera on the server adding page.
  • 39289 - Maintenance Management > work orders > work steps > All done – All not done – Done – Not done coloring done.
  • 39214 - Added image tab readonly to mobile assets page.
  • 37518 - Fixed incorrect chinese characters.
  • 41747 – Fixed the problem of calculating time cost in personnel working on work orders.
  • 42528 – Fixed the sizing problem of the image in the Assets image tab.
  • 42605 - Fixed the error in date format in work orders with different language selection.
  • 42641 – In barcode fields, the barcode writing has been brought to the desired format and adjusted according to the language.
  • 42798 – Fixed an issue where the responsible person for work orders does not add his team to the working staff.
  • 42954 - The coloring of the working personnel started and finished buttons was done as desired.
  • 43726 – Assets image tab sizing done.
  • 43806 - Fixed incorrect arrival in listing after adding measurement package in work orders measurement packages tab.
  • 43940 - Fixed an issue where no image appears in the assets image tab if the designer is active for assets in the mobile designer.
  • 38970 - Added "Calibration Devices" tab to work order detail page in mobile application.
  • 44635 – Fixed an issue where DB Line No numbers appear in fields that require application-wide code.

5.Breaking Changes

  • Beam is not installed / updated.
  • For Beam Version to Use on the Mobile Side, the IOS Mobile Application Must Be Updated to Version 1.20.0 and the ANDROID Mobile Application To Version 1.20.0.