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Product Name: BEAM Version Information:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • DR10395 - 66599 - On the Purchasing, ordering, and material transactions pages, a parameter has been added so that when a material with a full accounting account code on the material is selected, the accounting account code field is not filled.
  • DR69401 - 71596 - Added approvers and approval descriptions at the proposal stage to the Print order form.
  • DR11105 - 71130 - The entity filter given on users has been activated on the Entity uptime page.
  • DR11180 - 75086 - New short codes have been defined for sending mails, messages and sms.

RESPONSIBLE_MANAGERPOS% -> Those in the upper position of the responsible personnel position. %CREATOR_MANAGERPOS% -> Those who are in the top position of the resource definition of the creator user. %MODIFIER_MANAGERPOS% -> Those in the upper position of the position of the modifier's resource definition. REQUESTER_MANAGERPOS%-> Those in the upper position of the requesting staff position. APPROVER_MANAGERPOS%-> Those who are in the upper position of the resource definition of the last approver user of the request. Parameters that apply only to mail and message RESPONSIBLEMAINT_MANAGERPOS% -> Those in the top positions of the staff in the maintenance team. MAINWOREQUESTER_MANAGERPOS%-> Those who are in the upper position of the requesting personnel position in the main work order. REGISTERER_MANAGERPOS%-> Those in a senior position of the staff to whom the asset was embezzled."

  • DR11188 - 72029 - Parametric transfer of documents related to work orders consisting of asset packages has been ensured.
  • DR11434 - 75112 - Added the parameter ItemPurchaseRequest.Item.Description to the automatic purchase requisition creation parameters running under the agent service. If this parameter is full, the text specified in this parameter will be written in the description of the purchase requisitions that occur. If left blank, standard text will continue to type.
  • DR11388 - 78240 - Blocked the ability to change the extension of the uploaded document on the Documents page.
  • 73785 - Added whitelist feature to be used for document insertion.
  • 65340 - Cleartext of user information is blocked on the login page.
  • 72570 - Removed the Allow header from the request header.
  • 74420 - Added description information given in the scheduler to the report file name generated in the report scheduler service.


  • DR10798 - 71812 - Enabled the default value of the Maintenance Approval field to be fetched according to the parameters BC221 and BCG1.005 when creating a linked job request.
  • DR10811 - 75092 - On the Material Request and Transfer page, place-shelf-eye information has been added next to the warehouse column.
  • DR10938 - 71566 - Added a new record in the suggestion form so that the Responsible Personnel, Completion Date, and Responsible Disclosure fields do not appear until the record is approved.
  • DR11045 - 75449 - Added the filter "Show only the maintenance traded in the relevant month" into the filter of the Monthly Periodic Maintenance Report (Excel) report.
  • DR11095 - 70668 - In the Material Usage Comparison report, "work order usage amount" and "material movement output amount" were added over RD and revised to display the relevant report.
  • DR11285 - 74928 - Added 5 custom codes to the user registration page.
  • DR11392 - 75088 - 9 more technician fields have been added to the fault information sheet.
  • DR11380 - 77812 - The Completion Time field has been added to the work steps information in the Work Order.
  • DR11607 - 75163 - Added "Company" value in the "Report Grouping Type" field in the filter of MTTR-MTBF Based Downtime Analysis Report.
  • DR11612 - 75168 - Added entity-specific code fields to the purchase requisition list page.
  • 66576 - Embezzlement field has been added to the Embezzlement Transfer History report.
  • 69329 - Default shift information has been introduced according to the consumption in the CreateOrder method in the webservice.
  • 78238 - When there is more than one bidder, the same line has been arranged to give a warning message when the material of two different companies is requested to be approved at the same time. When the approval check is marked on the bid lines, the arrangement has been made to instantly calculate the bottom totals. On the offer evaluation confirmation page, it has been added to check whether there are other offer approvals on a line basis for the Approve all lines for the company checkboxes.
  • 75569 - Edited the message when the company was not selected for approval in the bid evaluation list.
  • 74843 - User group menu privileges have been edited so that codes do not appear.
  • 72435 - Aspose version updated.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR11653 – 74898 - Fixed the issue of unit price blank in the total of material warehouse transactions report.
  • DR11679 - 74755 - The problem of the print proposal evaluation list button not appearing has been fixed.
  • DR11746 - 75219 - Fixed an issue where the amount was displayed incorrectly after material movement.
  • 73217 - Fixed vulnerabilities.
  • 75161 - Removed extra definitions from the list in the error card fields on the Custom definitions page.
  • 77445 - Added date check to Material transactions list report, Warehouse summary report, Energy consumption history summary report, and Daily material control report.
  • 77427 - Fixed sorting issue in reports.
  • 76484 - Fixed an issue where the last entered value was displayed in Group ID filters in reports.


  • 75102 - Fixed issues with the operation of the BC209 parameter on the mobile material page.
  • 75104 - When the BC256 parameter is active, it is possible to make changes to the approved record, and if the change is made, the approval flow is started again.
  • 75446 - Fixed typos in the quick filter on the mobile materials page.

4.Mobile Updates

  • DR10798 - 75677 - The default value of the Maintenance Approval field is fetched according to the BC221 and BCG1.005 parameters when creating a Mobile Connected job request.
  • DR10881 - 76501 - Added location-shelf-eye information to the material adding page on the Mobile Material Request and Transfer page.
  • DR11093 - 70856 - BCG1.130 and BC260 parameters were enabled to be operated while selecting the requester in the mobile work order filter.
  • DR11414 - 76609 - The Custom Code 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 fields on the Codes on material tab and the technical description and description fields on the Comments tab have been added to the filter on the warehouse information list page on mobile.
  • 67738 - Fixed a vulnerability that caused username guessing on the mobile login screen.
  • 72823 - BC219 parameter has been enabled to be operated on the mobile material request and transfer page.
  • 75101 - The reason for downtime field in the work order form has been added to the field synchronization page.
  • 77569 - Performance improvement in mobile work order bill of materials.
  • 72236 - The calibration type field has been placed in the default selection fields in the field synchronization list and the selection fields in it have been imported.


  • 78203 - Fixed the issue of the rejecting button being colored when the BC434 parameter is activated in the Android application.


  • DR11779 – 75432 - Fixed an issue where the application would restart when entering a description field.

5.Breaking Changes

  • Beam Installation / Update is not done.
  • For the use of Beam Version on the Mobile Side, IOS Mobile Application 1.25.4 Version and ANDROID Mobile Application 1.25.4 Version 1.25.4 Must Be Continued.

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