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Product Name: BEAM Version Information:***

1.Highlights / New Features

  • DR9121 – 55984 - Materials Management - Reports - Warehouse Movements (RWarehouseMovementsReport) report dataset has been added as USAGE TIME, USAGE TIME, UNIT CODE and usage time unit definition fields, respectively.
  • DR9589 – 61389 - Maintenance Management - Reports - Analysis Reports - Asset Type ID / Description fields have been added to the Work Order Counts by Asset (RAssetOrderCounts) report dataset as ASSETTYPECODE / ASSETTYPEDEFINITION.
  • DR9307 – 59678 - Materials Management - Reports - Material Warehouse Transactions Totals (RItemTransactionTotals) report dataset The "Usage Time" and "Unit" fields in the Material have been added as USAGE TIME, KULBIRIMCODE, KULBIRIMDEFINITION, respectively.
  • DR8732 – 52731 - Save-load-apply-clear buttons have been added to filter tabs in charts.
  • DR9633 – 61698 - Adjusted the period of the covered maintenance to be calculated according to the end date of the main maintenance in the covered periodic maintenance (BC435 parameter added).
  • DR8796 – 52999 - Work Order Based Material Usage Report (excel) has been added to the application as specified in excel under maintenance management - cost reports. (Excluding maintenance plan)
  • DR9984 – 63765 - MTTR-MTBF Based Downtime Analysis Report has been added to RD under the name of Downtime Analysis Report.


  • DR9115 – 55529 - Filtering operations have been adjusted to check authorizations according to asset types on the Batch Order Close Page.
  • DR9726 – 62156 - The tags of the description fields on the Material Movement and Material Demand Transfer pages have been separated. The Material Transactions description field has been edited to link to the DescriptionForTransaction tagine, and the Material Request and Transfer description field has been edited to link to the DescriptionForTransfer tag.
  • DR9670 – 61768 - Fixed an issue where material transactions are transferred from excel to another company warehouse.
  • DR9722 – 62168 - Maintenance Management - Maintenance Criticality Score calculation has been provided on the Work Orders page. The calculation has been adjusted to "Maintenance score on the asset * Maintenance score inside the maintenance fault code".
  • DR9612 – 61408 - If the work order number field is full on mobile and web in material movement and demand transfer, the materials in the work order are listed in the material list.
  • DR9131 – 55623 - Arrangements have been made in such a way that manual asset selections in work orders and job requests are selected according to the asset filters on the user and according to the business for which they are authorized.
  • DR7603 – 49139 - System - Common Definitions - Current Account Cards - Current Account Card Information tab, whichever user is selected in the user code field, the current cards belonging to that user are transferred to the authorized service filter field in the reports.
  • DR9756 – 62360 - Fixed an issue where other company information was transferred when transferring material from excel.
  • DR9972 – 63517 – Changed the tag in the Excel content in the material transfer template to "statement".
  • DR9493 – 61429 – In the planned jobs closure analysis report, the Query condition has been revised to fetch Open or Closed work orders as specified in the analysis.
  • DR9810 – 63183 - Detailed display of records that appear as a single transaction in the Material Warehouse Transactions Total report.
  • DR10127 – 64340 – On mobile, the Maintenance Team Code filter has been moved above the Staff Work Status filter.
  • DR9728 – 62143 - Work order schedule has been adjusted as asset code-definition and maintenance-fault code-definition.
  • DR9727 – 62142 - Periodic maintenance schedule has been adjusted as asset code-definition and maintenance-fault code-definition.
  • DR9891 – 63080 - The Material costing type field has been moved under Display Format on the Companies-General information tab.
  • 60509 - Purchase - The deliverer field on the Delivery receipt and receipt operations page and the material receipt list page has been removed. On the Order List - order information tab, the delivery warehouse field has been edited in bold font.
  • 52379 - Materials Management - Reports - Material Output Report & Material Receipt Report - Calculations of the exchange rate and total amount (currency) fields have been adjusted.
  • 62025 - If the user is selected to select an approved supplier in the purchase request, the field is indicated in bold font.
  • 47315 – Mobile and web phone number fields have been edited to 50 characters.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR9816 – 62515 - Fixed an issue where sub-work orders could not be canceled when the main work order was canceled for periodic maintenance with an asset package.
  • DR9979 – 63579 - Fixed the error in saving a work order when the visibility of a tab with data was closed from the designer while the mobile designer was active.
  • DR9714 – 62577 - Fixed Incorrect Calculation of Average Price and Weighted Average Price from Material Movements.
  • DR10103 – 64209 - If the price field is empty in the transfer, it is possible to cancel the transfer and give a warning message.
  • 61939 - Descriptions > > Work Order Types field in the Maintenance Management Management field editor has been separated from the description 1 tag and linked to the Description3 tag.
  • 62024 - Fixed an issue where the unit price is not saved when selecting from three points when adding materials in the Purchasing - Order List - Add - Materials tab.
  • 60358 -Material Management - Material Request and Transfer - Export to Excel operation has enabled the transfer of the selected warehouse in excel.
  • 61709 -System > Common Definitions > Company-based control of coloring processes was provided.
  • 63240 – Fixed an error in material selection on the Material Movements & Material Request Transfer pages when BC.433 Parameter was active in V219\100 on Mobil.
  • 48517 – The first tab in the mobile designer has been made to remain fixed, the general information tab has been given a message when trying to change it.

4.Mobile Updates


  • No Mobile Updates


  • No Mobile Updates

5.Breaking Changes

  • Beam Installation / Update is not done.
  • For the use of Beam Version on the Mobile Side, IOS Mobile Application 1.24.0 Version and ANDROID Mobile Application 1.24.0 Version should be continued.
  • Based on the 64209 WI record, when any error is received during the transfer, the transfer process will be stopped, a message will be given, the message will write on which line the error is received, the customer will have to edit the excel from the line where he received the error and import the excel again.

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