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Product Name: BEAM Version Info:***

1.Highlights / New Features

  • DR10811 - 84739 - When the material selection is made on the mobile, a revision has been made to bring the warehouse location-shelf-eye information.
  • DR11419 - 85471 - Parameters have been added so that the name of the document is automatically given by the system when the document is added from mobile.
  • DR11452 - 75114 - Revised the business filter in the source selection to include the authorized businesses tab.
  • DR11756 - 83230 - Embezzlement Transfer New fields have been added to the field editor in the Assets grid.
  • DR11876 - 83195 - Adjusted so that when the main maintenance work order is closed, the covered maintenance will occur at a later date as long as the period of the main work order and not on the date the main work order is closed.
  • DR12418 - 84104 - Planned start date filter field has been added to the most used criteria tab on the work order listing page on the web side. On the mobile side, work orders scheduled for today and scheduled for this week have been added to the quick filter.
  • DR12428 - 85330 - Mail Manager service has been adjusted to send e-mails with different smtp information in multiple companies.
  • 80108 - Added a new field on the material page for the approver to enter their description.
  • 80739 - Revision made to add fields after work order and work request custom code 10 to field synchronization.
  • 84810 - Infrastructure change was made to the user profile file.
  • 86252 - Added the ability to add to the image tab on the Asset and Material pages.
  • 88231 - Mobile Filter Designer has been added to customize filters on Work Order, Work Requisition, Material Movement and Material pages.
  • 89869 - An arrangement has been made on the periodic maintenance definition page so that the last maintenance date does not change when the maintenance date is changed. (BC439) parameter added.


  • DR11767 - 79826 - On the Asset page, the Purchase Price-Minute Production Cost-Maintenance Cost-Downtime fields have been adjusted so that the currencies come from the default company parameters when adding assets.
  • DR12252 - 83751 - Revision has been made to use the user's own code in case the user does not have the eba user code on it.
  • DR12490 - 89119 - If the consumable is defined in the shift and the asset is in that consumable in the work order, a revision has been made to bring the shift information with the consumable defined.
  • 75097 - Revision made to operate parameter BCG1.315.
  • 80094 - Revision has been made to include all of the content in the purchase reports filter heading.
  • 80099 - Language adjustments have been made to the work permit form.
  • 80362 - Revision has been made to edit the warning in file formats that do not include whitelist determinations when attaching documents.
  • 83708 - Language adjustments have been made to the form that opens when Print Call Operations is clicked.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR11452 - 84242 - Revision has been made to check both BC254 and BC380 parameters for the operating filter in source selection.
  • DR11831 - 80726 - Revision has been made to ensure that the BC437 parameter does not work when it is said copy work order and create work order based on additional properties.
  • DR11917 - 81383 - Fixed an issue where inserted rows disappeared after the column header was replaced.
  • DR12050 - 79541 - Fixed an issue where the automatic purchasing service did not work when there were unused materials.
  • DR12297 - 83744 - HttpUnhandledException error received on pivot analysis page is regressed.
  • DR12390 - 86018 - The problem of the "Subtract Employee Days from Total Overtime" filter in the performance report has been fixed.
  • DR12454 - 84874 - Fixed document issue in work orders for incomplete work steps.
  • 79326 - Fixed an issue where the last purchase price and running exchange rate values were not updated when a material transaction was copied.
  • 80097 - Fixed an issue where the default report does not appear on the material movement print, ö/s kaizen kaizen print, call print pages.
  • 80538 - Fixed an issue where the entity tree did not appear.
  • 80747 - Fixed an issue where the Show All Messages option was multiplexed
  • 82688 - Fixed menu stuttering and not loading issue.
  • 84190 - Edited added-updated information fields in document tabs
  • 85415 - Fixed a material transfer issue with purchase requisition excel.
  • 89622 - Edited warnings in the 'Is custom code mandatory?' fields of my job name.


  • DR10784 - 75090 - Validation problems after Mobile Fast Business Request data selection have been fixed.
  • DR12353 - 83843 - Fixed an issue where the status of a material request transfer record does not change when it is approved.
  • 79720 - Fixed an issue where the requesting warehouse would appear in the entry and exit transaction types when the designer was active.
  • 80373 - Fixed an issue of opening the cancellation and closed work order with edit mode when the notification of closed or canceled work orders is opened when clicking on notifications from the menu.
  • 80741 - If there is a maintenance risk in work orders, the maintenance risk information is not displayed when that work order is copied.
  • 80742 - Fixed an issue where the risks above the maintenance fault code were re-added by default when the risk was deleted in the work order.
  • 84843 - Fixed the shutdown issue when using the map feature on IPAD.
  • 85493 - Revised the quantity received field in Material Request and Transfer to be readonly under all circumstances.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Beam Installation / Update is not done.
  • For the use of Beam Version on the Mobile Side, IOS Mobile Application 1.25.6 Version and ANDROID Mobile Application 1.25.6 Version Must Be Continued.

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