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Product Name: BEAM Version Information:***

1.Highlights / New Features

  • DR8718 – 54898 - Maintenance Management - Reports - Cost Reports - Monthly Consumables Costs Report Service cost fields have been added to the dataset.
  • DR8741 – 54940 - Maintenance Management - Reports - Analysis Reports - Work Order Tracking Form "BRAND, BRANDDESCRIPTION, MODEL, MODELDESCRIPTION, SERINO, BARCODE, ISEMOZELKOD9, ISEMOZELKOD10, ISEMOZELKOD11, ISEMOZELKOD12, ISEMOZELKOD13, ISEMOZELKOD14, ISEMOZELKOD15, ISEMOZELKOD16 fields have been added to the dataset. The Work order request description field is available as a DESCRIPTION in the dataset.
  • DR7834 – 49283 - "BC433 - Let the Price of the Material in Demand Transfer and Material Movements be the Final Purchase Price of the Material on a Warehouse Basis" parameter has been added to the Parameters > > System > Companies and Material Management parameters. On the Web and Mobile Material Movements and Material Demand Transfer page, the final purchase price of the material on the basis of the warehouse has been introduced.
  • DR6865 – 46483 – Improvement has been made as specified in the analysis for the request for automating overtime and creating a shift-based personnel line for the personnel working in the work order, BC432 has been added as a parameter and operations are performed if the parameter is turned on.
  • DR6830 – 46276 - For personnel working on system parameters; Added "MobileUISettings.WorkedLabor.ButtonsActiveColour and MobileUISettings.WorkedLabor.ButtonsPassiveColour" for job steps "MobileUISettings.WorkedLabor.ButtonsActiveColour and MobileUISettings.WorkSteps.ButtonsPassiveColour". With the added values and corresponding colors, it was ensured that the work step and employee personnel fields were colored as desired.
  • DR8704 – 52925 - Maintenance Management - Autonomous Maintenance - "Department" field has been added to the Suggestion Form and listing pages.
  • DR8340 – 54800 - "Purchase Request Number" has been added under the "Offer Group No" field in the upper right section of the "Offer Evaluation Form" downloaded by pressing the Report button > the Main Menu > Purchase > Offer Evaluation List.
  • DR9159 – 56034 - Material Management - Reports - Material Stock Analysis Report dataset has added a Material Special Code 8 (MLZOZELKOD8) field.
  • DR9498 – 60773 - Maintenance Management - Work Order/Work Request - Print - A4Added the BRAND, MODEL, and SERIAL information of the entity to the Work Order Form Asset Packed Report dataset.
  • DR9313 – 59775 - Material Entry List report has been added to RD and the MATERIALACK field has been added to the dataset.
  • DR9163 – 56115 - A pop-up is opened to give a warning before resetting the field layout.
  • DR5656 – 41873 - The use of the Rejection button on the Material Request Transfer page has been linked to the parameter BC434 - Reject Function on Line in the Material Tab in Material Request and Transfer. Parameter operation for web and mobile has been provided. System parameters "MobileUISettings.ItemTransfer.RejectButtonActiveColour" and "MobileUISettings.ItemTransfer.RejectButtonPassiveColour" have been added for the button color.
  • 60537 - IsolationLevel parameter has been added to Post methods for use in BEAM Integrations.
  • 53468 - The UserPositionHasProcessRequest() function introduced in eBA version 6.7.144 has been adapted to BEAM.
  • 54022 – The counter values tab has been added to the mobile work order page and it has been made to work as specified in the analysis.
  • 61104 - The eBA Rollback method in BEAM has been moved to the ebaIntegrator class.


  • DR9169 – 56112 - When you export to excel on the "Maintenance Management - Work Orders" page and open excel, the 'Pivot Table' feature on Excel is used.
  • DR8311 – 51127 - Arrangements have been made so that users with Active Directory password type do not receive a new password request screen.
  • DR8744 – 52929 - Delivery Field displacements in the delivery material grid have been recorded.
  • DR9496 – 60777 - In the excel field on the Main menu – Purchasing - Quotation List/Receipt of Received Offers page, the VAT rate field has been moved next to the discount field.
  • DR9134 – 55620 - Autonomous Maintenance > Error Cards > "Error Location" and "Error Definition" fields are emptied when the asset code changes on the Add/Change/Copy pages.
  • DR9192 – 56194 - Procurement - Bid rubric - Bids - Total Bid Amount field is pinned to the far right.
  • 51011 - When the reservation system is used in material request and transfer, it is ensured that the message arrives as desired when adding materials.
  • 51229 – If the BC431 parameter is active on the mobile, the personnel and matches that are not defined as team code, job type and department are listed in the Source in the Work order, and the personnel and matches that are not defined in the job type and department are listed in the job request.
  • 60622 - Prevented edits on rejected lines in the materials tab in material request transfer.


3.1.Web Interface

  • DR9303 – 59676 - Material Management - Reports - Material Warehouse Transactions Sum The AMBARCODE and AMBARNAME fields in the report have been enabled to bring the warehouse code and warehouse definition.
  • DR8367 – 53529 - It has been ensured that the flow does not end after the error received after approval on the material request transfer page.
  • DR9368 – 60017 - Fixed the issue of not reflecting the edit after making changes in the Work Order service form subreports.
  • DR9205 – 56648 - Fixed an issue where when the order quantity entered on the Purchase > Order List page is updated, the remaining amount on the Delivery Receipt page is not updated.
  • DR8949 – 54797 - The distortion in the form when converting the offer evaluation into an order in the procurement module has been fixed.
  • DR9515 – 60769 - Maintenance Management - Fixed an issue when multiple work orders were selected and printed was clicked on the Work Orders page.
  • DR9554 – 61677 - Fixed an issue where the user with power of attorney could not log in while GoogleTwoFactorAuthentication was active.
  • DR9559 – 61632 -Material transfer in non-flow recordings has been ensured to work properly and the appropriate message has been given.
  • DR9277 – 56708 - It has been ensured that the quantity and unit data of the materials in the filter tabs are not received.
  • 60862 – The error received when clicking the "Report" button on the Purchase Offer evaluation list page has been fixed.
  • 60803 – Fixed an error when selecting materials and warehouses on the Mobile Oracle Material transaction and demand transfer pages.
  • 54634 - System - Common Definitions - Company-based control of coloring processes was provided.
  • 61259 - Fixed an error received in a work order when the counter values tab was visible when the mobile page designer was open.
  • 54731 - System - Required Field Settings - 1 Job Request Page - 2 Work Order Pages The problem of filtering mandatory field definitions has been fixed.
  • 53515 – Mobile Materials - Approval Information In the error received in the Flow Header, there was a problem when the Turkish name was used in the eBA flow, and the correct value was provided according to the Turkish names.
  • 61321 - Fixed the error received when clicking the save material button while the mobile designer is active on the Purchase Requisitions page on mobile.
  • 54732 - Purchasing - Definitions - Order Templates & Request for Quotation Templates filter tag fields have been edited.
  • 61249 – Fixed the error received when clicking Import Work Order Record Add Template in the Field Synchronization List on mobile.
  • 61556 - The error received when saying save to mobile work order has been fixed.

4.Mobile Updates


  • 41874 - -Added reject button in materials tab on the Mobile Android Material Request and Transfer page. The operation and coloring of the button was ensured. "MobileUISettings.ItemTransfer.RejectButtonActiveColour" and "MobileUISettings.ItemTransfer.RejectButtonPassiveColour" parameters have been added to the web system parameters for the coloring of the button.
  • 46472 - Added the ability to draw on documents added to the system.
  • 54922 - Fixed an issue where there was a crash when drawing on a document on an Android 13 tablet, when the camera was held horizontally and the photo taken was confirmed.
  • 55152 - Fixed an issue where crashing occurs when clicking print on the work orders page and refreshing the screen that opens.
  • 46277 - With the values and corresponding colors added to the system parameters, it is possible to color the work step and employee personnel fields as desired.
  • 47948 -If the device id cannot be obtained in the application, the problem of "Device information could not be obtained" information after confirming once has been fixed.
  • 59870 - Fixed an issue where there were no notifications on Android 13 devices. With Android 13, notification permission from the user is required to send notifications. In this error, although it was desired to allow it from the settings, the permission appeared to be disabled in the settings because there was no permission in the manifest. The development of this situation for Android 13 will continue in common for all applications. This permission, which is currently in the manifesto, has been adjusted to make the settings side enabled.
  • 54025 - Added the counter values tab to the mobile work order page, making it work as specified in the analysis on Android.
  • 60961 - Fixed an issue where adding records in tabs that can delete records throughout the application and clicking the x (delete) button would crash.
  • 60951 - In the Android 13 version, the issue that the File/Gallery/Camera buttons after clicking + in the document fields in the application did not work was fixed.
  • 61142 - Fixed an issue with media permissions in device settings for the Beam app in Android 13.
  • 60616 - Mobile Android Material request is blocked from editing rejected lines in the materials tab in the transfer.
  • 61176 - The problem of crashing when the job manager and maintenance team are selected in the Work Order general information tab has been fixed.
  • 61428 - Fixed the crash issue that occurred when clicking on the added record in the tabs where records can be added throughout the application and clicking save when a second record is wanted to be added.


  • 52860 - If the application camera setting is turned off, if the Long press is made in the work order, if QR is defined in the system parameters, the camera does not turn on and a message appears, the message is provided according to the language.
  • 46278 - With the values and corresponding colors added to the system parameters, the work step and employee fields are colored as desired.
  • 54026 - Added counter values tab to the mobile work order page and made it work as specified in the analysis in IOS.
  • 61171 - Fixed an issue where an icon did not appear on the top tab in the counter values tab.
  • 61247 – Fixed Issue of Work Orders Not Appearing in Maintenance Team Employees.
  • 61262 – Fixed the Bug of Coloring the Employees Buttons.
  • 54512 - Rejected button has been added in the materials tab on the Mobile IOS Material Request and Transfer page. The operation and coloring of the button was ensured. In the web system parameters of the button, coloring was provided with the parameters "MobileUISettings.ItemTransfer.RejectButtonActiveColour" and "MobileUISettings.ItemTransfer.RejectButtonPassiveColour".

5.Breaking Changes

  • Beam Installation / Update is not done.
  • For the use of Beam version on the mobile side, IOS Mobile Application must be upgraded to version 1.24.0 and ANDROID Mobile Application must be upgraded to version 1.24.0.
  • For the correct use of the newly added counter values tab on mobile, it should be redesigned if the mobile designer is used.

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