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Product Name: BEAM Version Information: 2.21.4
Maintenance ManagementWhen the periodic maintenance work order to which the asset package is attached is formed, when manual material is entered into the subwork orders, when no material is entered into the main work order, the materials in the subwork orders are deleted while the work order is closed, or when the material is added to the manual subwork order, a different material is added to the main work order and when it is closed, it is determined that the materials in the subwork order are deleted and the material in the main work order is copied.The improvement has been made.
Maintenance ManagementIn the recommendation cards on the Autonomous Maintenance -```>``` Recommendation Form page, there was a need to add 3 new fields in the form of Responsible Personnel, Completion Date, Responsible Description to the Recommendation form.The improvement has been made.
Maintenance ManagementReports ```> Analysis Reports \>``` There was a need to add the Progress Payment Report filter and the work order custom code 11 field to the report data.The improvement has been made.
Maintenance ManagementChanges to the Calibration Certificate fields and error lines were found to be incorrect.The improvement has been made.
Maintenance ManagementWork steps can be critical, and there was a need to create separate work orders only when those work steps were not completed.If not, the Create Work Order field has been added to the work steps. If the BC 267 parameter or the Done with newly added field field is not selected, the work order is created.
Maintenance ManagementPeriodic Maintenance Reports -```>``` Monthly Periodic Maintenance Schedule report without any filter after saying prepare the system after withdrawal from the system has been identified as a problem that the data for December does not come.The related issue has been fixed.
Maintenance ManagementKaizen Approval Status - Kaizen Status Filtering Problem in the filter on the Kaizen dissemination page has been identified.The related issue has been fixed.
Materials ManagementThere was a need to add the track changes function to track changes on the material card.The improvement has been made. Added parameters BC414 and BCG1.409.
Materials ManagementOn the material counting page, under the heading "Date of Counting" and "Inventory on Watch", there was a need to add the field that returns the stock on the date and time the material was counted.Added the 'Inventory on Date and Time of Counting' field to the material counting page.
Purchasing ManagementIf there are more than 1 page in the record within the quality control process, the problem of deleting all the data on all the pages except the last page when entering the Accepted Amount on the pages and confirming it has been determined.The related issue has been fixed.
SystemLanguage problems experienced in menu processing and reports in different language support were identified.Related issues have been fixed.
SystemWithin the scope of license file control, there was a need to add company and business control.The improvement has been made.
SystemOn the Colorings page, there was a need to color according to the Kaizen category for the Kaizen page before/after the Kaizen page.The Kaizen category has been added to the condition selection list on the More Information tab of the Coloring page for Kaizen before/after.