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HR Transfer Configuration Parameters


When the value true is entered in the key, the group(s) are created according to the company information received in the human resources transfer and the users are added to the groups belonging to the companies they are in. The key takes a value of true or false.


When the value true is entered into the key, the group(s) are created according to the position code information received in the human resources transfer and the users are added to the groups belonging to the companies they are in. The key takes a value of true or false.


In the development interface, the name of the project designed to be used in the transfer of Human Resources is written in the value field of the key.


The access address of the system to which the transfer will be made is written in the value field of the key.


If the log details of the transfer are to be recorded in the database, true is written in the value field of the key. The key takes a value of true or false.


If the users are located in more than one company, the key value is written to true. If true is used, the query "HROrganizationCompanies" must be added to the transfer project. The key takes a value of true or false.


If users have more than one position, the key value is written to true. If true is used, the "HRPositions" query must be added to the transport project. The key takes a value of true or false.


If user passwords are desired to be stored encrypted in the database, true is written to the key value. The key takes a value of true or false.




When the value of true is defined for the key, if there is a date in the content of the "EMPLOYEMENTEND" column in the "HROrganization" query, the user with the date information is taken to passive status. The key takes a value of true or false.


If the company information containing the users is desired to be transferred by Human Resources Transfer, true is written in the value field of the key. The key takes a value of true or false.


If the group information containing the users is desired to be transferred by Human Resources Transfer, true is written in the value field of the key. The key takes a value of true or false.


If the administrator information containing the users is desired to be transferred by Human Resources Transfer, true is written in the value field of the key. The key takes a value of true or false.


If the position information of the users is desired to be transferred by Human Resources Transfer, true is written in the value field of the key. The key takes a value of true or false.


If Human Resources properties (for example, user properties are desired to be transferred to the system), true is written in the value field of the key. The key takes a value of true or false.


According to the value defined in the key, the format in which the user userids will come during the Human Transfer transfer is specified. For example, the key value can be written en-US.


In Human Resources transfer, it is used to set the userid information of the users to be transferred to the system in lowercase or uppercase letters. The key takes a lower or upper value. The lower key value is transferred to the user userid information in lowercase letters, and the upper key value is transferred to the user userid information in uppercase.


If an error is received during the Human Resources transfer process, if the transaction is desired to be reversed, true is written in the value field of the key. The key takes a value of true or false.