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Thanks to the Salaries application, you can easily define salaries, view, edit and delete existing salaries.

To access the Salaries application, you can select the Salaries application under the Human Resources menu as shown in Figure 1.

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> <img src=""/```>``` </div>

<p align="center"> Figure 1 </p>

From the screen that appears, you can add new salaries to users, view, filter, sort and delete the salary you want from the Salaries screen.

Adding Salary

To add a salary, click the New button on the Salaries screen. (Figure 2)

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> <img src=""/```>``` </div>

<p align="center"> Figure 2 </p>

As in Figure 3, the Create Salary form will open on the right side of the screen.

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> <img src=""/```>``` </div>

<p align="center"> Figure 3 </p>

On the Create screen, you can fill in the Manager of the user whose salary will be defined, the start and end dates of the salary, the amount of wages and the currency for the salary information you want to create.

After filling in the relevant sections, you can save the salary information with the save buttons in the upper right corner or lower left corner of the form. It is obligatory to fill in the sections indicated by the red * sign.

Salary Update

Double-click on an existing salary to update the information for that salary. You can enter the information you want to change in the Edit form (Figure 4) that opens and save your edit with the save buttons in the upper right corner or lower left corner.

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> <img src=""/```>``` </div>

<p align="center"> Figure 4 </p>

Filtering Salaries

You can filter the salaries in the salary list by User name, Full Name, Start Date, End Date, Currency, and Wage information.

When you click on the marked part shown in figure 5 in the search section in the User name or Full Name columns, a list like the one shown in figure 5 will appear. Here you can select the operators you want to use for filtering. If you do not want to change the default operator, you can search directly by entering your parameter.

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> <img src=""/```>``` </div>

<p align="center"> Figure 5 </p>

When you click on the search section in the Search section of the Start and End Date columns, which can be seen in figure 6, you can select the relevant dates from the calendar that opens. You can then select the operators you want to use for filtering. You can enter your parameters according to the operator you choose and perform your filtering. If you do not want to change the default operator, you can search directly by entering your parameter.

<div style={{textAlign: 'center'}}> <img src=""/```>``` </div>

<p align="center"> Figure 6 </p>

Sorting Salaries

To sort the salaries in the salaries table, simply click on the respective column names. For example, clicking on the Username column will list all users whose salary information has been entered alphabetically. When you click again, it will sort this list in reverse.