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Table Settings

The table settings area is the page where filtering, sorting, column sizing, page number, number of data to be displayed on the page, grouping, column hiding and whether the selected data will be stored are entered.

Changes made to the settings are stored with the save button. With the Clear button, the stored settings are reset.

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Enable state retention

Specifies whether changes made to the table are kept. While active, the changes are stored. It is passive by default.

Storage location

Specifies where changes to the table should be kept. There are three storage options: Local Storage, Session Storage, and Server. By default, Local Storage is selected.

Remember filters

Specifies whether the filters made on the table will be stored or not. Filters made on the table while active are stored. When entering the same page again, the table is loaded according to the stored filters.

Remember column selections

It can be hidden by selecting the column on the table. This is the setting that specifies whether the hidden column settings are kept or not. Column selections are stored while active. When the same page is entered again, the columns are loaded according to the settings stored in the table.

Remember column rankings

Specifies whether the sorting made on the table should be kept or not. While active, the rankings made on the table are stored, allowing the rankings according to the stored settings to be shown in the next entry.

Remember column size customizations

Specifies whether changes to column dimensions are kept. It stores changes made to column dimensions while active, and is loaded according to the stored column dimensions in the next entry.

Remember the selected number of page elements

Specifies whether to store the number of items to be listed on the table. While active, the number of items listed on the page is stored, and the next entry shows data by pulling the data based on the number of items stored.

Remember selected page number

Specifies whether to store information on which page it is on in the table. Data is shown by pulling according to the page number stored while it is active.

Remember groupings

Specifies whether or not to keep groupings made in the table. When active, the table is shown in a grouped manner according to the stored data on the next accession.

Remember the choices

Specifies whether to keep the selected rows in the table. The selections stored while active are shown the next time the data on the table is selected.