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Using the Field Editor and Group Panel

In interfaces with table appearance in Beam, table headers have a dynamic structure. As in the picture below, when the table title is pressed and held, the desired position in the header row can be changed by dragging. The location that will be valid when changing the location is indicated by an arrow.

Columns that are not preferred can be stored in the field editor instead of moving them to the end of the table. In the same way, you can move the information you want to use in the field editor to the column heading.

To open the field editor, click on the button in the image above, circled in red.

Column Chooser and Field Editor mean the same thing. When we drag the non-preferred column into the field editor window, an "X" appears in the lower left corner. When this cue appears, you can release the mouse button.

In the same way we can create a preferred title by dragging and dropping it on top of other titles.

The locations of the headings can be changed and groupings can be made in more than one layer on the basis of the title. For this, it is necessary to open the Group Panel area. There are two methods of grouping.

  1. If "Group By This Column" is selected by right-clicking on the column heading I want to be grouped, it will open the group panel as well as move that group directly to the panel so that it can be grouped.
  2. When you right-click on any column, select "Group Panel" to open the panel.

The Group Panel that opens is marked in red in the image below.

In the same way, drag and drop the title into this area.

As seen below, the table grouped all assets according to their definition of consumables. Show details by clicking on the "+" sign to view the assets belonging to that group

When the details are opened, the column order continues in the same way.

It is possible to make multiple groupings in the Group panel. The priority of this grouping increases from left to right in the group panel. 1. Priority is in the leftmost heading. If desired, these headings can be moved by dragging and dropping them among themselves.

Below is 1. Definition of Priority Consumable, 2. A table grouped with priority for Section Definition is displayed.

If you want to hide groupings, you can hide them without breaking the grouping by clicking the group panel key again.

If you want to cancel the groupings. Right-click on the Group panel and select "Clear Grouping".

Note 1: Screenshots belong to the Assets interface, this usage is also true in other interfaces with table representation.

Note 2: Some table headings are fixed so that they cannot be changed. These are mandatory headings in the table.