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Material Counting

It is the definition function on the Material count tab where Add/Change/Review/Copy/Delete operations are performed. This tab is used to check the current position and quantity of materials.

![]( MY%20input%20page-46f81988-485f-4914-a437-4c50376271c8.png)

After clicking the Add button, you can save the material count to the system by entering the code, warehouse information and quantity of the material you are counting on the incoming page.

![]( ADD %20%20button-6c71e028-1d69-4e28-b1fe-766d6bbbc1d7.png)

After the counting process, you can transfer the materials that you are counting to the warehouses by creating a material transaction. Simply click the "Create Material Transaction" button on the material counts page for transfer and confirm.

To make a bulk count of materials and upload it to the system, you need to click on the "Transfer Material Count" button and download the template file. After downloading the template file, you can import the template you have prepared by filling in the relevant fields and selecting the "Import from template file" option on the same menu.

![]( My%20Transfer-2278cc6d-e996-4735-abff-038b7368d106.png)