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Action Delay Error

The delay process consists of SAT > BSAT > Configuration Settings > Parameters > Action Module parameters;

"Maximum delay time (days)" => The total number of days after which the action can be delayed the parameter for which it is determined

"Maximum Number of Delays" => The parameter by which the total number of times the action can be delayed is determined.

Therefore, the error you received is related to these two parameters. You can edit the two parameters based on your need.

In addition;

SAT > BSAT > Configuration Settings > If you are defined as an action module manager in the Administrator Definition menu; By going to the Action > Realization / Delay menu in the IMS > and selecting "Action Search" tab Check the "Show All Pending Actions" option. Press the search button and find the relevant action. After this operation, the "Change the Deadline" / "Delay" button in the upper right can set the end date of the action from the parameters you can independently postpone it to any date you wish.