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QDMS Login Error

An error received when a user registration number or password is entered incorrectly.

![](şHatas I.png-efd27a72-e839-4a63-9d33-96c413ca73ea.png)

First of all, SAT > BSAT > DEFINITIONS > PERSONNEL The user should be searched from the Identification screen and checked whether the status section is active.

  • If sending an e-mail via QDMS, after clicking the forgot password button on the login screen, the user can receive his password by entering the E-Mail information on the QDMS Password Reminder screen.

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  • If mail delivery via QDMS is not provided, the system administrator defines an account SAT > BSAT > > after the user who cannot log in is found in the PERSONNEL IDENTIFICATION menu, the Personnel Identification - Update Record screen is entered with the edit button at the top right. On this screen, a temporary password is entered and saved in the password and password repetition section. The temporary password information and registration number are shared with the staff and a re-entry attempt is requested.

  • In cases where the user's status appears as quit work, QDMS can log in by reactivating if the personnel information is updated manually.
  • If the personnel information is automatically transferred with the integration and the employee shows as quit the job, you need to create a Support record.