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eBAConnect Document

This document describes the configuration of eBAConnect, the endpoints in it, and the request-response models of these endpoints.


In order to run the eBAConnect API, the values under the appSettings breakdown in the eBAConnect/Web.Config file must be set in the instructions below.

  • eBAPath: The location of the Common folder in the directory where eBA is installed (e.g. C:\BimserCozum\eBA\Common).
  • Server: The instance name of the installed eBA (e.g. PRODUCTION).

General Information

There are 4 different controllers in the API, these are;

  • Login
  • Menu
  • Process
  • ShareLink

NOTE: Endpoints that do not have a response example in the document do not return a value.

The API includes a response wrapper, so all endpoint results are returned in a fixed format. You can check out the format below.


'''json { "Success": true, "Code": 200, "Result": null }

#### Error
"success": false,
"code": 200,
"message": "An error occured",
"stackTrace": "An error occured in PropertyController line:21"


In order to use the endpoints in the API, a token must be obtained with a user registered in the eBA system, and then other endpoints must be used with this token. The api/Login/Login '(POST)' endpoint is used to get tokens. In other endpoints, we need to send this created token with the token value in the header section.

Request Example


Request Body Parameters

  • UserId ('string'): eBA username.
  • ImpersonatingUserId ('string'): The ID of the user on whose behalf the action will be taken.
  • Password ('string'):eBA user password.
  • Language ('string'): The language to be used can be specified, such as English, Turkish.
  • ExternalUserType ('string'): The parameter value that needs to be defined by the eBAConfiguration Manager must be defined in the Security.AcceptedExternalUserProperties key, multiple values can be specified by separating them with "," A custom property must be defined on the SystemManager to be the same as this defined value.
  • ExternalUserName ('string'): The value to be given to the defined ExternalUserType property. This value must be set to the user to be logged in on SystemManager.

Response Example

'''json { "Success": true, "Code": 200, "Result": { "UserID": "admin", "ImpersonatingUser": "admin", "Token": "h7b9g1N+69N2X7VieO75Hd05UcK6YfzYTnwNIFnrJS8maKyK2pFxmrIpofVXBdeHw4CAkH8MlIDoD8VTr3FHMKC6xjUK0VLVX+7Ldaw+Gpc=" } }

## Endpoints

### api/Login/**Logout** '[POST]'
Ends the session by deleting the eBAConnect token.

#### Headers
Content-Type: 'application/json'\
**Token**: 'token'

### api/Menu/**GetMenuStructure** '[POST]'
Based on the token information sent, it brings up menus that the user can see.

#### Headers
Content-Type: 'application/json'\
**Token**: 'token'

#### Request Example
"ExcludeTypes": [

Request Body Parameters

  • ExcludeTypes ('integer[]'): Specifies the menu types that are not intended to be fetched.

Response Example

'''json { "Success": true, "Code": 200, "Result": [ { "id": 0, "ParentId": 0, "Text": "string", "Items": [ { "id": 0, "ParentId": 0, "Text": "string", "Items": [ {} ], "NodeKey": "string", "NodeActionType": 0 } ], "NodeKey": "string", "NodeActionType": 0 } ] }

### api/Process/**GetWaitingProcesses** '[POST]'
Based on the token information sent, the user's checklist is returned.

#### Headers
Content-Type: 'application/json'\
**Token**: 'token'

#### Response Example
"Success": true,
"Code": 200,
"Result": [
"ProcessName": "string",
"ProcessCaption": "string",
"Description": {},
"Count": 0,
"MultiLanguage": true

api/Process/GetWaitingProcessRequests '[POST]'

Based on the submitted values, pending processes and their values are returned.


Content-Type: 'application/json'\ Token: 'token'

Request Example

'''json { "ProcessName": "string", "Skip": 0, "Take": 0 }

#### Request Body Parameters
* **ProcessName** ('string'): The name of the process whose details are to be fetched.
* **skip** ('integer'): Parameter that specifies how many values to skip for the paging operation.
* **Take** ('integer'): A parameter that specifies how many values to fetch for the paging operation.

#### Response Example
"Success": true,
"Code": 200,
"Result": [
"ProcessId": 0,
"RequestId": 0,
"Status": "string",
"Fields": [
"Name": "string",
"FieldName": "string",
"Value": "string",
"OrjValue": {},
"FieldType": 0,
"OrjName": "string",
"DisplayFormat": "string"
"RequestDate": {}

api/Process/GetFlowRequestEvents '[POST]'

Fetches the events of the process according to the values sent.


Content-Type: 'application/json'\ Token: 'token'

Request Example

'''json { "ProcessId": 0, "RequestId": 0 }

#### Request Body Parameters
* **ProcessId** ('integer'): The ID value of the process for which events are to be fetched.
* **RequestId** ('integer'): The Request ID value of the process whose events are to be fetched.

#### Response Example
"Success": true,
"Code": 200,
"Result": {
"Events": [
"id": 0,
"Text": "string",
"ReasonRequired": true,
"Validate": true,
"EventForm": "string",
"EventIcon": "string",
"EventIconColor": "string",
"Confirm": true,
"FastApprove": true,
"DigitalSignatureRequired": true

api/Process/ContinueProcess '[POST]'

According to the sent values, it proceeds the process through the specified event.


Content-Type: 'application/json'\ Token: 'token'

Request Example

'''json { "ProcessId": 0, "RequestId": 0, "EventId": 0, "Reason": "string", "EventFormId": 0 }

#### Request Body Parameters
ProcessId** ('integer'): The ID of the process to be escalated.
* **RequestId** ('integer'): The Request ID of the process to be escalated.
* **EventId** ('integer'): The Event ID value that specifies which event the process will proceed from.
* **Reason** ('string'): The field where to enter the reason value for events with Reason Required.
* **EventormId** ('integer'): If Event will open a form, the ID of that form.

### api/ShareLink/**CreateLinkForProcessItem** '[POST]'
Based on the submitted values, it returns a URL from which to open the process.

#### Headers
Content-Type: 'application/json'\
**Token**: 'token'

#### Request Example
"ProcessId": 0,
"RequestId": 0

Request Body Parameters

  • ProcessId ('integer'): The ID of the process for which the link is to be created.
  • RequestId ('integer'): The Request ID of the process for which the link is to be created.

Response Example

'''json { "Success": true, "Code": 200, "Result": "http://localhost/" }

### api/ShareLink/**CreateLinkForMenu** '[POST]'
Creates a link for the menu according to the MenuItemKey value sent.

#### Headers
Content-Type: 'application/json'\
**Token**: 'token'

#### Request Example
"MenuItemKey": 0

Request Body Parameters

  • MenuItemKey ('integer'): The value of the menu to which you want to link.

Response Example

'''json { "Success": true, "Code": 200, "Result": "http://localhost/" }