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The eBALogAPIHelper dll i is located in the "Common" folder under the eBA installation directory. This is the dll used to print the log record to the system.

The eBALogAPIHelper DLL i consists of the following namespace. All the classes that this namespace contains, the methods and properties of the classes are discussed in detail in this document.

eBALogAPIHelper ''>``````>``````>``````>''' eBALogAPIHelper.Helper

##1 eBALogAPIHelper.Helper

Contains the classes and value lists required to print the log as a result of an operation performed with code. It contains the following list of classes and values;


public class eBALogAPI

public class eBALogAttachment

public class eBALogFileInfo

public class eBALogItem

public enum eBALogType

##1.1 eBALogAPI

The basic logging class is.


public void AddLogAsync(eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogItem logInfo)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with the "logInfo" parameter

public void AddLogAsync(eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogItem logInfo, int debuglevel)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with "logInfo" and "debuglevel" parameters

public void AddLogAsync(string logText)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with the "logText" parameter

public void AddLogAsync(string logText, string logDetailsText)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with "logText" and "logDetailsText" parameters

public void AddLogAsync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with parameters "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType" and "userId"

public void AddLogAsync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId, int debuglevel)

Add asynchronous log to the system with "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", "userId" and "debuglevel" parameters

public void AddLogAsync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId, System.Exception exception)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", "userId" and "exception" parameters

public void AddLogAsync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId, System.Exception exception, int debuglevel)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with parameters "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", "userId", "exception" and "debuglevel"

public void AddLogAsync(string logText, string logDetailsText, System.Exception exception)

Add asynchronous log to system with "logText", "logDetailsText" and "exception" parameters

public void AddLogSync(eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogItem logInfo)

Adds synchronous log to the system with "logInfo" and "debuglevel" parameters

public void AddLogSync(string logText)

Adds synchronous log to the system with the "logText" parameter

public void AddLogSync(string logText, string logDetailsText)

Adds synchronous log to the system with "logText" and "logDetailsText" parameters

public void AddLogSync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId)

Adds synchronous log to the system with "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType" and "userId" parameters

public void AddLogSync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId, int debuglevel)

Adds synchronous log to the system with parameters "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", "userId" and "debuglevel"

public void AddLogSync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId, System.Exception exception)

Adds synchronous log to the system with parameters "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", "userId" and "exception"

public void AddLogSync(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId, System.Exception exception, int debuglevel)

Adds synchronous log to the system with parameters "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", "userId", "exception" and "debuglevel"

public void AddLogSync(string logText, string logDetailsText, System.Exception exception)

public void AddLogSync(string logText)

Adds asynchronous log to the system with "logText", "logDetailsText" and "exception" parameters

public eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogItem CreateLogItem(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId)

Creates a log element of type eBALogItem with parameters "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", and "userId"

public eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogItem CreateLogItem(string logText, string logDetailsText, eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType logType, string userId, System.Exception exception)

Creates a log element of type eBALogItem with parameters "logText", "logDetailsText", "logType", "userId", and "exception"

public void Dispose()

closes the log object connection and empties the object contents

public eBALogAPI(string applicationName, string instance)

Creates a new object instance from the eBALogAPI class, given the parameter values "applicationName" and "instance"

''public System.Collections.Generic.List<eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogFileInfo> GetFiles(string path) '''

Returns files in the specified path

public string[] GetFolders(string path)

Returns folders in the specified path

public string[] GetLogDays(string application)

A method that keeps log logs as a directory

public byte[] GetLogFile(string path)

A method that holds log files as a byte directory

public byte[] GetLogFileTail(string path, long index)

Log is the file queuing method

''public System.Collections.Generic.List<eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogItem> GetLogs(string application, System.DateTime logDate, int logTime) '''

It is the method that fetches the logs

public void WaitPendingLogs(int timeout)

It is a method that keeps the hung logs waiting for a certain period of time


public string ApplicationName { get; }

The value is the name of the application

public string DefaultLogUser { get; set; }

The default is the log user value

public bool HasPendingLogs { get; }

The value is whether there is a hung log

public string Instance { get; }

The value is Instance

public bool ResumeOnException { get; set; }

Exception is state information to continue

##1.2 eBALogAttachment

The Log Attachment class is a log attachment.


public eBALogAttachment()

Creates a new object instance from the eBALogAttachment class


public byte[] Content { get; set; }

The content value is

public string Name { get; set; }

The value of the name

##1.3 eBALogFileInfo

The Log file is the information class.

The log file information class.

public eBALogFileInfo()

Creates a new object instance from the eBALogFileInfo class


public string FileName { get; set; }

is the file name value

public string Size { get; set; }

The value is the dimension

##1.4 eBALogItem

The Log element class.


public void AddAttachment(string name, byte[] content)

A method that adds an attachment with the "name" and "content" parameters

public void AddAttachment(string name, System.IO.Stream stream)

A method that adds additional parameters with the "name" and "stream" parameters

public void AddFileAsAttachment(string filename)

is the method that attaches the specified file as an attachment

public void AddFileAsAttachment(string name, string filename)

A method that attaches an attachment to the file specified by the "name" and "filename" parameters

public void AddTextAsAttachment(string name, string text)

A method that inserts text as an attachment

public eBALogItem()

Creates a new object instance from the eBALogItem class


public string LogDetailsText { get; set; }

The value is the verbose log text

public string LogText { get; set; }

The value is the text of Log

public string UserID { get; set; }

The id value is User

''public System.Collections.Generic.List<eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogAttachment> Attachments '''

eBALogAttachment is a list of attachments of type

public eBALogAPIHelper.Helper.eBALogType LogType

The value is Log Type


The log type is a list of values that hold values.








Example Usage:

Log printing in the flow code section:


using eBALogAPIHelper.Helper;

namespace logRetention


public partial class FlowCode


eBALogAPI logApi = new eBALogAPI("SampleProject", "WSHttpBinding", "http://localhost/eBALogService");

public void WriteLog(string caption, string description, Exception ex = null)


logApi.AddLogAsync(caption, description, ex == null ? eBALogType.None : eBALogType.Error, "", ex);


public void FlowScript1_Execute()


WriteLog("Customer SAP", "I_CUSTOMER Entered Loop" , null);


