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eBA Document Management: Creating a Publishing Workflow


In the eBA Document Management: Creating a Publishing Workflow document; document management Explains how to create the publishing workflow for the earned document and how to publish the document.

1. Create an eBA Publishing Workflow

1.1 Choosing the Publishing Workflow in Document Management

The document gained to the Document Management can be sent to the desired user / users approvals and sent to a certain user group as an information after the approvals. After the document is added for this process, the defined publishing workflow is started by clicking the Publish button. To select the publishing workflow process for a document added to the library and directories in document management, click Properties in Figure 1 after selecting the corresponding object.

![](Şekil%201:%20Özellikler%20Ekran I-CF1A0FC0-CE7F-427B-B7CB-C6CC3B974C6E.png)

Figure 1: The Properties Screen

In Figure 2, under the Document tab, under the Publishing Workflow heading, the process to start the publishing process is selected and then the Save button is clicked.

![](Şekil%202:%20Yay Inning%20Work%20Streaming%20Selecting%20Screen-1cc0f999-71e5-4311-886e-de868cd91877.png)

1.2 Create the Publish Workflow Process

A new process for the publishing workflow is defined in Workflow Studio. In the sample process to be carried out, when the document is requested to be published, the document will be submitted to the approval of the Quality Specialist first and the document will be sent as information to the users selected with the approval of the process. When we create a new process, the Create Document and Document objects that come by default are deleted from the flow. Because as long as the existing document is will be added, no new document will be created. The flow will be designed as shown in Figure 3.

![](Şekil%203:%20İş%20Ak light%20design%20screen-c9d70e7f-e415-4fa3-99c3-51671994bd03.png)

Figure 3: Workflow Design Screen

A new variable is added to the stream. This variable name must be filename. When the flow is triggered

![](Şekil%204:%20Dosya%20Değişkeni%20Ekleme%20Ekran I-2C48FA74-C002-4323-BA33-0022C62F9EF2.png)

Figure 4: The Add File Variable screen

In Figure 5, the General option is selected on the Connection tab so that the variable is accessible from the outside.

![](Şekil%205:%20Dosya%20Değişkeni%20Genel%20Ekran I-C2EF86E7-9E3C-4C6F-96A4-C5CC439B022A.png)

Figure 5: The File Variable General Screen

In Figure 6, a new document object is inserted. The document name can be given as desired.

![](Şekil%206:%20Yeni%20Doküman%20Nesnesi%20Ekleme%20Ekran I-60d89508-76a6-49d9-9db7-9b9f0996a540.png)

Figure 6: The screen for adding a new document object

The function added to the workflow is written with the code in field 2 in Figure 7. Placed in area number 1

![](Şekil%207:%20İş%20Ak light%20Code%20Screen-46d53fe2-811a-465a-b054-50477b7a8e8e.png)

Figure 7: Workflow Code Screen

The eBAPI.dll file is added to the process. In Figure 8, the Project Properties are clicked by right-clicking on the relevant process.

![](Şekil%208:%20Proje%20Özellikleri%20Ekran I-47f7032f-b5ab-4c0a-8687-d6f750035fe1.png)

Figure 8: The Project Properties screen

![](Şekil%209:%20Yeni%20DLL%20Ekleme%20Ekran I-AF1793DB-E065-4E87-A6B3-FC4229CE6C05.png)

Figure 9: The Add New DLL screen

When the process is sent for approval, the attached document object is defined in the position so that the Quality Specialist can view the document. In Figure 10, double-clicking the position object opens the Properties window. Docs tab, the inserted document object is selected by clicking the icon number 3. In the same operation informational object is provided for the information users to view the document.

![](Şekil%2010:%20Pozisyon%20Nesnesi%20Doküman%20Ekleme%20Ekran I%20-a1f16b8a-7b90-4ddd-961d-56a5803e11af.png)

Figure 10: The Position Object Document Insertion Screen

After the operations, the project is compiled and saved. The document that will start a publishing workflow in document management opens. The Publish button is clicked.

![](Şekil%2011:%20Doküman I%20Broadcast%20Screen-7b3a8062-e2d5-4a1d-9d1b-a97a32762325.png)

Figure 11: The Publish Document screen

In Figure 12, the publishing stream selected in the Approvals box of the selected user in the stream was triggered. When the user views the process, they will view the published pdf file. Upon approval of the process, the flow will appear in the Notifications box of the information users.

![](Şekil%2012:%20Kullan Approves%20Screen%46f6e0fb-bf2b-4957-903a-b0dda1b9b9f1.png)

Figure 12: The User Approvals screen

In the sample process, the Quality Specialist only viewed the published document and the document was in the flow Sent to users who were added to the informational object. If desired, the form of the process can be displayed together with the document to be published for the approval of the Quality Expert and it can be ensured that the information users are selected and the document is sent to these users as information. As in Figure 13, the Document, Create Document, and Function objects are added to the flow.

![](Şekil%2013:%20Ak Works%20New%20Objects%20Insert%20Screen-606cc9d1-ec7b-4651-86e3-4057b6bfc127.png)

Figure 13: The screen for adding new objects to the stream

In Figure 14, double-clicking on the inserted document object eBAForm selects the process and form to be displayed to the user.

![](Şekil%2014:%20eBA%20Form%20Doküman I%20Add%20Screen-927604d0-4cf4-4b62-86a8-3294a45a1191.png)

Figure 14: The eBA Form Document Attachment Screen

In Figure 15, the document object to be created is selected with the inserted Create Document object.

![](Şekil%2015:%20Doküman%20Nesnesine%20Form%20Ekleme%20Ekran I-fcfdd9d5-5bb9-41b4-a6ca-7b4abdeeaa48.png)

Figure 15: The screen for adding forms to a document object

In Figure 16, the Informational object is opened by double-clicking the object to assign the user in the table that is added to the form side. Click on the button in field number 2. In the window that opens, after selecting the From Document Object option, click the Next button.

![](Şekil%2016:%20Bilgilendirme%20Nesnesi%20Ekran I-d403703C-E625-490D-ADA2-D49D8F31E198.png)

Figure 16: The Information Object Display

In Figure 17, clicking button 1 selects the form in which the object is located. From the Object Type field It is selected whether to add users from the table or the details object. The Table Object option is selected because the table object is added in the sample process. Whether to retrieve user or position information from the selected object Data Type After being selected from the field, click the Next button.

![](Şekil%2017:%20Bilgilendirme%20Nesnesi%20Ekran I%202-065b59b2-151a-4679-8f49-c58c63bd983d.png)

Fig. 17: Informational Object Screen 2

In Figure 18, the table object on the form from field 1, and the field number 2 from the fields in the table After selecting the field corresponding to the user code, the Finish button is clicked.

![](Şekil%2018:%20Bilgilendirme%20Nesnesi%20Ekran I%203-88793548-3688-4383-834a-3f84f5ee6480.png)

Fig. 18: Information Object Screen 3

Figure 19 shows the user information field from which to retrieve the table object added to field 1. Ok button and the window is closed.

![](Şekil%2019:%20Bilgilendirme%20Nesnesi%20Ekran I%204-3e497ffd-1f43-4793-88e9-37565bb3f7c1.png)

Fig. 19: Informational Object Screen 4

A document object named eBAForm is inserted, which is inserted to show the form created in the corresponding position. In Figure 20, double-click the position object named Quality Expert to select the document object with the Insert icon under the Docs object. By selecting the editing option, the user is authorized to make changes to the document.

![](Şekil%2020:%20Pozisyon%20Nesnesi%20Doküman%20Ekleme%20Ekan I%202-0BE5309-7A4A-4F1B-B08F-0D5E35F1115B.png)

Fig. 20: Position Object Document Insertion Attachment 2

After clicking the Publish button for the relevant document in Document Management, the eBA Form and the related pdf file are listed in Figure 21, field 1 for the relevant position approval. The user can submit the desired document can display. Editing can be made on the form by clicking the Make Change button.

![](Şekil%2021:%20Kullan Transmitter%20Stream%20Display%20Screen-628897b3-90af-4ae5-bd28-ac2b7053bd5d.png)

Figure 21: The User Flow Display Screen

In Figure 22, after adding the users to whom the notification will be sent to the table object, the flow is advanced with the Confirm button.

![](Şekil%2022:%20Bilgilendirme%20Kullan Maker%20Add%20Screen-db4fb470-ff24-4460-b65c-108d0ba474ea.png)

Figure 22: The Add Notification User screen

![](Şekil%2023:%20Ak work%20History%20Screen-a09ae063-3f74-4a44-9584-49b4e8ec6fbf.png)

Fig. 23: The Flow History screen

After the relevant document is published, the publication information is kept in the Published field in Document Management. To set the publish value to true for documents with a publish stream, tap the stream side An inserted function object is assigned a value of true at the desired step of the flow.

![](Şekil%2024:%20Doküman%20Yönetimi%20Ekran I-76105580-E470-447B-9B87-08DEE96C92F6.png)

Figure 24: The Document Management Screen

The code in Figure 25 is written in the Function 2 object that we add to the stream. If this code isn't added to the flow, click Document The Published field in Management will remain false for the corresponding document.

![](Şekil%2025:%20Yay Initiated%20Code%20Insert%20Screen-eb6fcd64-5584-47ad-b11c-3b489c0aa435.png)

Note: In order for the user to view the document that comes to him as a notification, in the Document Management It is necessary to define the authorization to view under security. If no authorization is defined, the user will not be able to view the document. How the authorization process is carried out is described in the eBA Document Management: Authorization Document.