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In the audit module, questions can be transferred to the question pool in a collective manner. For this, System Infrastructure Definitions > BSAT > Configuration Settings > Transfers > Audit Question Transfer menu should be opened. The transfer template is downloaded by clicking the "Download Template" button on the page.

![]( im%201-3540cfc5-4d4b-4186-9a85-4932d3aca08b.png)

You can access the link below to access the necessary directions and instructions for filling out the downloaded template.

After filling and saving Excel is completed, click the "Upload Template" button on the same page. On the screen that opens, click the "Browse" button and select the filled excel and wait for the installation.

![]( im%202-1b6f62bc-5df3-4fbb-bfa7-4c5e9cb12295.png)

After the installation process is completed, click the "Check" button on the page. After clicking the corresponding button, the system will check whether the data is suitable for transfer. If any errors are found, the error detail and the line number in the template are shown on the screen. The line number appearing in the error message must be checked in the excel template.

If the data is suitable for transfer, a notification "Data is eligible for transfer" will occur.

![]( im%203-92e26fa5-c845-4170-a6e6-e3900b38545d.png)

After this notification, the "Transfer" button will be active and when this button is clicked, the questions will be transferred to the system collectively.

![]( im%204-6bbd62bd-a072-499f-a184-82617a024322.png)

After the transfer process is completed, the transfer details will appear, including the number of questions automatically transferred by the system and detailed information about the questions. After the transfer is successfully completed, the transferred questions can be checked by opening the Question Pool page > System Infrastructure Definitions > Audit Activities.

![]( im%205-9abbbf9d-7380-4628-9e04-31690b6cb5a6.png)