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Add Field to Complaint General Report

You can follow the directions below step by step; -First of all, SAT-BSAT-Config. After selecting the relevant complaint module in the Settings-Language settings menu, type one of the fields you added to the TR section. (Ex. Quantity) Make a note of the Name of the incoming parametric field. (Ex: lblPARAM1) Note the same way in the Other fields that you passed in the screenshot!! -Then you need to check which report corresponds to which format from the DMS parameters. If you type 'Template' in the Description section in the parameters, you can see the formats of the reports in the Reports section. Let's take the External customer complaint report as an example here. Its format is used as DMS_RAPOR_GENEL.xls. -After finding the report format name, select SAT-BSAT-Config. Find and download the relevant report format from the Settings-Report Formats menu.  -After opening the excel you downloaded, add the tags of the relevant fields to the columns. You can see how to add tags below;

Field Type -----------Name Part in Language Settings ------ Tag to Add to Report
Text lblPARAM1 ```<```PARAM1```>```
List lblLPARAM1 ```<```LPARAM1_VALUE```>```
Monetary lblNPARAM1 (In ```<```NPARAM1```>``` ```<```NPARAM1_BIRIM```>``` Monetary and Measure type fields, value and unit are added to separate columns in separate tags.)
After adding these fields, save the template and reload it from the Report Formats menu with the same name. You will be able to see these fields after you take your report