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Change of Registration Number

The registration number change is done by the integration team. The change process is done in a planned manner and additional effort occurs. First of all, the changing records are checked, and then, if the data formats are appropriate, the proposal process is started. After the proposal process is approved by you, process planning is made. In order to change the registry, the test system must first be installed. The process is primarily done in the test system and then you are asked to check it. The control should be done in detail by you and you should report it in case of an error. After your checks are completed and approved, the work is done in a live environment. If your test system is not available, you need to create a request for installation via BSS. Below you can see the preliminary information text for the test system installation.

IIS must be installed on the new server, the .Net Framework version must be at least 4.8, and backups of QDMS, QDMS_BSMS AND ENSEMBLE dbs must be taken from the live server and restored _TEST to the new server. After the SQL Server installation is completed by you, a qdmsuser user must be created, this user must be given sysadmin authority and if you are going to change his password, you must notify us. Ex. QDMS -> QDMS_TEST QDMS_BSMS -> QDMS_BSMS_TEST ENSEMBLE -> ENSEMBLE_TEST In addition, in order to perform the empty installation, three empty DBs named QDMS_TEMP, QDMS_BSMS_TEMP and ENSEMBLE_TEMP must be created so that the SQL owner user is "qdmsuser" and the collethions are TURKISH_CI_AS. If a test installation is to be made on the same server; Backups of QDMS, QDMS_BSMS, and Ensemble DBs used by your QDMS application should be taken and restored with the same privileges and _TEST extension. . NETFramework should be 4.8. Ex: QDMS -> QDMS_TEST QDMS_BSMS -> QDMS_BSMS_TEST ENSEMBLE -> ENSEMBLE_TEST In addition, in order to perform the empty installation, three empty DBs named QDMS_TEMP, QDMS_BSMS_TEMP and ENSEMBLE_TEMP must be created so that the SQL owner user is "qdmsuser" and the collethions are TURKISH_CI_AS. You can get support from your IT team or database teams. After you meet the requirements, you can open a new record.