Customer-Supplier Integration
Data can be obtained from different sources as a data source for Customer-Supplier integration. If WebService and API are selected as data sources, additional effort is requested. If sources/methods such as sending data to View, Excel, SAP RFC or QDMS services are preferred, no additional effort is taken. For Customer-Supplier transfer, it is necessary to transmit a data format containing the following fields, respectively.
Customer/Vendor Code: The code defined for the relevant customer or supplier. Customer Name: The name of the customer or supplier. M/S Type: The code field in which the customer or supplier distinction is made. If it is a customer, the code 'M' must be sent, and if it is a supplier, the code 'S' must be sent. Supplier Group Code: It should be sent in accordance with the code on the supplier groups page. Workplace Code: It is indicated for which workplace the customer or supplier is located. If there are records belonging to more than one workplace, they can be added to the bottom lines and sent. Address: The address of the customer or supplier. Province Code: The license plate code of the province where the customer or supplier is located. Country Code: The code of the country where the customer or supplier is located. Phone: The phone number of the responsible person on the customer or supplier side. Mobile Phone: The mobile phone of the responsible person on the customer or supplier side. Fax: The fax number of the responsible person on the customer or supplier side. Responsible: Name and surname of the responsible person on the customer or supplier side. E-Mail: The e-mail address of the responsible person on the customer or supplier side. Language: The code of the language to be used (example: 'TR' for Turkish, 'EN' for English). Description: Additional information or clarifications.