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Extra pagination is desired on the asset management page, the maintenance management page, or any other desired page. In Beam, this is the filter saving feature.


It is entered on the corresponding page. the desired page is entered and the desired filters are applied.

Step 2 After saying Apply and filtering, press the save button and add a shortcut from the relevant filter.

In this way, a lot of filtering is done and saved in the filter of the page.

Step 3 x can be entered into the system on a date, pressed in the load field, selected among the relevant filters and the desired data can be accessed.

It can be done in the same way on the work order page and on other pages. Pagination can be done by adding the necessary shortcuts in the filter on the right as the tab on the work order page. The Wanted Work order is easily accessible.

(filtering from status: Work order page> right auricle filter> code criteria> status. status code is in the criteria field in the filter)