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What is a Process Review Report?

Based on the review deadline and review period of each process, it can be understood whether the time for review has come or not. In this context, the Process Review report detailed below can be used.

Those to be reviewed/not reviewed are listed as those who are "to be reviewed" when they are active, and those who are not selected but have reached their period but have not been "reviewed" are listed.

If to review/not reviewed, incoming records are records that still point to a future date after the period of months has been added to the last review dates.

For example; Suppose a process has a period of 8 months, if the last revised date is July 14, 2019, then this record comes to the report as a "to review" record because the value of March 14, 2020, which is formed when 8 months are added to the last review date, is greater than the current time.

The report says "July 14, 2019" in the Review Date field, which is less than today, but is treated as a process to be reviewed because it has a period of 8 months.

If the choice of what will be reviewed/not reviewed is not made, here's what happens:

As in the process above, we add months to the last review date of the process, then we look at this date.

We expect this date value to be smaller than the present time.

In this case, if the time for this process to be reviewed has come (or has already passed), it is treated as an "Unreviewed" process.

When a process is reviewed, the Last review date for that process is updated.

With this update, the process falls into the class of processes to be reviewed until the next period comes.