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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • 34178 – DR2620-New Field Request in Process Principals Report Improved the "Reserve positions for user groups" selection so that when principals are selected from user groups, the position information of the relevant user group members can be displayed in the Process Principals report.

  • 35154 – DR3358-Ensemble - eBA Token development With the latest version of the Eba application used in the infrastructure of the Ensemble application, it was ensured that the Ensemble could work in an integrated manner.

  • 35131 – DR761-LCW2- 692 When it is desired to establish the relationship of the document with the process, it is ensured that if there is a draft version of the process, the relevant draft process is specified.

  • 34571 – DR2429-Ability to Copy Process Details Improved development so that Process Details can be copied. By clicking on the three points and process through the process lists, the copy process was provided with the Copy Process Detail option.

  • 35140 – DR3140-Process revision in draft not required to be shown in details Ensured that draft processes are not shown in the indicator details.

  • 34570 – DR2424-Type "Link" Added to Process Detail and Process Step Request to Display Names of Documents on Process Card Documents of type "Link" added to Process Detail and Process Step are displayed on the Process Card.

  • 34939 – The OldMeasureId field added on the indicator when copying the indicator is updated with the idsi of the original copied indicator. Added the Use old indicator data parameter under System Parameters/Indicators. When this parameter is full and there is the old measure Id value on the show, the number of periods to be shown in the PRD values on the Göstrege detail screen is set, the old indicator information is added backwards and affects the graph.

  • 34929 – User groups data is provided from redis.

  • 34716 – Can be exported in Visual Model Vector (SVG) format

  • 34959 – Visual model shadow distance and angle values are stored on the model so that they appear in preview.


  • 35167 – Regarding DR3413-Ensemble Test Problem Improved the IsOracleVersionIsLowerThanTestedVersion hidden parameter for the late opening issue of the Element Hierarchy in versions higher than Oracle 12c.

  • 34744 – DR3260-Ensemble - QDMS Risk Relationship Issue Link control of processes and process steps displayed in the QDMS risk module was provided.

  • 34210 – DR1850-Unable to receive data in newly developed fields in the Processes tab Fixed the issue of not being able to receive data in the fields "Processes for which I have authority", "Processes for which I have consent", "Processes for which I have authority".

  • 34974 – DR3344-No Mail to Vision Matrix When Process is Sent to Feedback (Custom Mail) Fixed an issue where when Custom Mail is used when the process is sent to the view, mail is not sent to users in the vision matrix.

  • 34748 – DR3246-Step name not appearing in process step risks Fixed an issue where step name was not visible in process step risks.

  • 34940 – DR3319-Action Notification When Target Not Entered Fixed an issue where action task is in pending jobs when the value to generate an action task in data entry is set to blank.

  • 35485 – Fixed an issue where indicators, regulations and documents added to the process step were deleted from the list when the process detail was edited and saved.

  • 35495 – Fixed an issue where data added to a process step is deleted from process step information contained in a process detail when the process detail is edited and saved.

  • 34986 – Fixed the failure of the ok button to work as a result of the conflict caused by the addition of the responsible person who produces the input output added to the process step details and the user who does the work to the responsible.

  • 34959 – Visual model shadow distance and angle values are stored on the model so that they appear in preview.

  • 34946 – Visual Model Search header tooltip edited.

  • 34666 – Fixed an issue where the link type fill value after the Visual Model line color assignment would fill up.

  • 34782 – Process - Lanes relationship report fixed that those responsible for the process steps did not show up and the position name did not come up.

  • 34730 – Fixed an issue where the process step type was incorrect in the Process Indicator Relationship Report.

  • 35012 – Fixed an issue where the indicators tab fails to make calls.

  • 34761 – Fixed an error where the indicator type field was mandatory when loading elements with template when "Indicator Type is mandatory parameter" was passive when editing elements.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version should be installed.