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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • No Improvements


  • 46121 – DR6950- "br" at the end of the line when Process Reports>Additional Qualification Report is exported expression was taking place. The error has been fixed

  • 46482 – DR7034- If there were two scorecards with the same name in the system, an error was received in the Scorecard Based Performance report. In order to eliminate the error, the symbol of the report card was also brought to the excel sheets.

  • 47182 – DR7326- If the same user is added to the principals in different process steps, Process Lane Relationship In the report, the data was multiplexed in the responsible parties field. The error has been fixed.

  • 47328 – DR7352- When more than one name change was made in the process steps in the visual model of the processes, a process saving error occurred. The error has been fixed.

  • 48488 – DR7671- It was not possible to log in to the application when there were Turkish characters in the passwords set by the users. The error has been fixed.

  • 46408 – DR7013- While getting the process card of the processes, there were cases where the responsible parties were not reflected on the card. The error caused by Redis has been fixed.

  • 47544 – DR7437- When exporting the classic view of scorecard details, the limit to the number of indicators exported was seven. With the development, this number was increased to nine.

  • 47162 – DR7322- When the user group name was changed via Qdms, it was not reflected in the lane, job and responsible fields in the visual model. The error has been fixed.

  • 47580 – A finding used in the process detail could be deleted from the System Definitions>Finding Types menu and continued to be displayed in the process in which it was used. With the development made, the findings used in the processes were prevented from being deleted by providing a warning at the deletion stage.

  • 47696 – The wastes associated with the process step were giving a warning associated with the process step and could not be deleted, even though the relevant process step was deleted. The same situation was also experienced in Process Maturity Assessment and Digital Transformation Discomfort Assessment. Errors have been fixed.

  • 47663 – Unauthorized users were able to add, delete and edit documents and document types in System Definitions>Documents screen. With the development made, the related authorizations of unauthorized users have been removed.

  • 47577 – The wastes used in the process steps of the processes continued to appear on the process step icon even when the relationship with the related process step was removed. The error has been fixed.

  • 47695 – The additional attribute value entered in one process step was also shown in other process steps of the same type in the process detail. The error has been fixed.

  • 49695 – To reorganize the expressions of the definitions in the application entered in the language table "empty value error" was given when requested and could not be edited. The error has been fixed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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