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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features



  • 66923 – DR10659- The QDMS document added to the process detail and process step was multiplexed by bringing old versions in the process card when the document was revised. The error has been fixed.

  • 67114 – DR10705- In the System Definitions-Performance Management-Indicator Measurement Place Data screen, only the indicators for which the user is responsible for data entry were visible for users who are not module admins.With the development made, only the indicators that the user is authorised to see in the indicator owner and indicator measurement location relationship indicators are also brought to the screen. If the parent element is not a weight element, viewing permission must be given to the relevant parent element.

  • 67251 – DR10737- The hierarchy could not be established for the indicators for which the indicator owner and data entry officer were responsible. The error has been fixed.

  • 68061 – DR10914- The problem that the responsible persons added to the process step in the visual model of the processes do not appear after the process revision has been fixed.

  • 68157 – DR10934- The process added from the processes tab on the risk screen in the SubQdms interface was not visible. The error has been fixed.

  • 69241 – DR11043- In the System Definitions-Tools-Batch Process Card transfer screen, automatic selection of the top process in the tree breakdown was prevented and the processes were selected one by one.

  • 67874 – DR10843- The process details can be copied with the "Copy Process Details" option by right clicking on any process on the System Definitions-Process Management-Processes screen. It has been ensured that the details that are not copied while performing the relevant operation can be copied. The data in the CAPA and Action tab are not brought by copying.

  • 69251 – DR11053- When transferring on the System Definitions-Tools-Batch Process Card transfer screen, the additional attributes of the parent process did not appear on the child process card. The error has been fixed.

  • 67107 – In QDMS application, the problem of incorrect display in my pending jobs in Pending Jobs-Process Management-New Process Requests has been fixed. The data is displayed in the same way as Ensemble.

  • 70213 – The problem of not having stakeholder information in the draft process that occurs when the process is revised has been resolved.

  • 68048 – In the demo environment, tab names such as Overview, Results, Actions, etc. in the indicator details were disappearing. The error was fixed by determining the height.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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