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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 44476 - DR6524 - When deleting the competence, the process dependency warning for old version processes and the inability to delete the competence has been removed.

  • 45000 - DR6673- A tag has been created to print the related processes in the process model side by side on the same line on the process card:<@ReferenceProcessesInline>

  • 44997 - DR6623- When data entry is provided by selecting "Set as empty" on the data entry screen, the obligation to add documents has been removed even if the document addition is mandatory parameters are active.

  • 47869 - DR6413- Report card selection field has been added to System Definitions-Performance Management-Indicator Comparison Screen. In order to list the scorecards in the related field, the scorecard to be listed from the System Definitions-Performance Management-Score Card screen is opened with the edit button and the "Display in the indicator summary table" parameter at the bottom must be activated. When the report card is selected, the indicator and measurement location cannot be selected. After saving, the related report is listed in Reports-Dashboards. When the "Export" button is clicked, indicator selection can be made. When this field is left blank, all indicators are exported.

  • 46499 - DR6970- Reports-Performance Reports-Indicator Action Completion Report, the report card requirement was removed and Indicator and Measurement Place filters were added for indicators.

  • 50554 - DR8110- Grouping feature has been added for Report Card Details-Indicator Based display screen.

  • 53978 - DR8917- The data history of the indicators on the System Definitions-Performance Management-Data Entry screen can be viewed with the "Data Entry History" button. Year column has been added to bring the year information to this screen.

  • 55256 - DR9076- Additional Attribute heading has been added for the additional attributes in the element detail. Related additional attributes are listed under this heading.

  • 43871 - DR6329- System Parameters - General - Process Step Detail Options "Make description mandatory in process detail" parameter has been added. When the parameter is active, it is shown as " Description * " that the description field in the process detail is mandatory. When the parameter is active, the process detail cannot be saved without filling the Description field. "Process description cannot be empty." warning with orange background is given at the bottom of the screen.

  • 52223 - DR8406- After logging in on behalf of someone else from the options on the arrow next to the admin username logged into the application, the "Back to My Own Account" selection has been added to the same field. The user can return to his/her own login by clicking on this field.

  • 52230 - DR8425- Automatic skip to bottom line feature has been added for Connection descriptions used in the model.

  • 56282 - DR9207- Elements can be uploaded with template from Performance Management-Elements screen. "Measurement Place" sheet where measurement places are listed and "Report Card" sheet where report cards are listed have been added to the related template.

  • 45733 - DR6832- "End Date" column has been added to the Indicators tab in the process details and process step details. It was ensured that the end date of the indicator-measurement place was brought to the relevant field.

  • 46096 - DR6881- "Process Step Description" column has been added to Reports - Process Reports - Process Lane Relationship Report.

  • 46098 - DR6941- In System Definitions - Process Management - Processes menu, Model and Locked columns have been added to List and Inactive List view.

  • 52232 - DR8531- New 4 tags have been added to the process card to bring "Process code of sub processes". It should be used instead of the existing <@SubProcessesList> and <@SubProcessesListAddNoRow> tags. It should not be used at the same time. <@SubProcessesCodeList> (Code Only) <@SubProcessesFullList> (Code and process name) <@SubProcessesCodeListAddNoRow> (Code Only) <@SubProcessesFullListAddNoRow> (Code and process name)

  • 52235 - DR8493- New tags have been created that bring the organizational units associated with Input/Output. New tags added: <@ProcessInputsOrganizations> <@ProcessOutPutsOrganizations>

  • 46502 - DR7015-While additional attributes were defined in the "Text", "List", "Person" and "Department" data types, the "Show in Scorecard Grid" selection field was added to the performance relations tab. Elements or Indicator-Measurement Location Relationship can be selected from the relevant field. Depending on the selection made, the data with the relevant additional attribute entered in the element or indicator measurement location relationship is displayed in the "Indicator Based View" and "Classic View" tabs of the Report Card detail. After the adjustments made, additional attribute titles appear in the "Column Selector". It needs to be moved to the screen from here.


  • 50553 - DR8208- The button positioned on the upper right corner of the PRD graphs in the indicator details, accessed from the indicator tab, has been improved. By clicking on the relevant button, the full screen view of the graph was opened in the pop-up.

  • 53967 - DR8685- A new performance logging has been developed on LOG TABLE in order to detect functions that cause API and CPU bloat on Ensemble. For logging, the "Activate Resource Consumption Logs" parameter on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-General screen must be active. MethodExecution CPU, MethodExecution Memory expressions in the logs are logs that come with the parameter.

  • 56281 - DR9104- The icons shown in the "Train Series" column in the "Display by Indicator" and "Classic View" screens of the report card details caused the row ranges to expand. With the development made, the icon was made to fit without expanding the rows.

  • 44996 - DR6611- Graphics created from System Definitions-Performance Management-Indicator Comparison screen can be exported as bar or line according to user selection. When the "Export" button is clicked, the "Graph Display Type" field has been improved. Line, Bar and Default values can be selected from this field.

  • 46097 - DR6944- It has been ensured that the indicator details navigated from the indicator tab are displayed when the data entered in the indicator description in the details field is passed to the bottom line.

  • 46503 - DR7018- It has been ensured that indicators whose indicator measurement location relationship peak date is outside the application date are not brought to the indicator list opened when clicked on the My Indicators tab.

  • 47435 - DR7291- For the reviewed process, it has been ensured that the review information is shown in the Description column in the process history tab in the process detail.

  • 64825 - The grouping feature has been improved for the additional attribute columns on the Indicator Based View screen of the report card details navigated from the Score card tab. They can be grouped by right clicking on the relevant additional attribute column and selecting "Group by this Column". To remove the groups, right click on the column and select "Remove Group" or "Remove All Groups".

  • 73526 - DR11595-The transaction type of the review information in the process detail has been changed to "Review".

  • 65827 - The default width of the description fields of the connections used in the process model has been corrected.

  • 62991 - The following improvements have been made for Reports-Performance Reports-Indicator Action Completion Report. Indicators that are not related to the report card have been added to the indicator selection. If the same indicator is related to more than one report card, a single record has been added. 3)Indicators were introduced according to the model

  • 40729 - DR4202- It has been ensured that the indicator graphs viewed from the indicator knob dynamically acquire the color of the interval in which the actual series falls according to its period. In order to use the relevant feature, the relevant evaluation method must be opened by editing in the System Definitions-Performance Management-Evaluation Methods screen and the "Color the Default Series by Ranges in the Chart" parameter must be activated.

  • 51699 - DR7828- When using multiple QDMS, an improvement has been made in the Performance Management module to reduce Action and CAPA tasks to the relevant QDMS. To use the feature, it is opened by editing the model on the Performance Management-Model screen and QDMS access is selected from the QDMS field.

  • 52224 - DR8411- When the username and password are selected with ctrl+A on the login screen, they are colored.

  • 43046 - DR6163- When Version Management is turned on, users other than process management module administrators are prevented from being able to "Overwrite" a published process. In the case where Version Management is turned on, it was ensured that process management module administrators can overwrite only if the record maintenance mode parameter is active on the published process. It was ensured that only users who have 'Editing' and/or 'Restricted Editing' authority over draft processes can lock the process. When release is clicked on any locked process, information about which user the process is locked on was also added to the warning given if the process is not on the user who clicked it, and if it is not the module administrator. In cases where Version Management is turned on, the module manager cannot edit the process without releasing it in a published and locked process. In the list of Draft Processes and in the "list" view of published processes, a column indicating whether the processes are locked was included with an icon.

  • 44471 - DR6135- Target series data entries can be managed in different time periods. In order to use the relevant feature, the "Target Data Start Date" and "Target Data End Date" fields added to the definition and editing screen of the desired period in the System Definitions-Performance Management-Period menu must be filled. Additionally, the "Assign data period as target date" parameter on the definition and editing screen of series in the System Definitions-Performance Management-Evaluation Methods menu should also be activated.

3.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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