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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 47436-DR7070-Performance - Management-Model screen, when the "Use Indicator Based Data Entry Screen" parameter of the related model is active, the Data Entry screen opens as an indicator based view. In this data entry method, it was not possible to upload data with a template. With the development made, "Create Template" and "Load Data" buttons were brought and data entry with template was enabled.
  • 47436-DR7325-Formula elements are also reported when reporting from the Indicator Detail screen. Before the development, only the last period data of the formula elements was reported, but with the development made, it was ensured that the formula elements were reported as much as the period of the main indicator.
  • 47864-DR7299-When the process relationship with risk, document and indicator is established and removed, the information of the relationship established has been added to the Process History of the relevant process. In the Process History, the date and time of the operation, the operation performed, the information of the data added, the user who performed the operation and the version of the process in which the operation was performed are shown.
  • 47867-DR7342-If the Impact, Likelihood and Score fields in the risks are in the scored list type, the Ensemble has been developed to show both the definition and score information (e.g. 5 (VERY GOOD)) of these fields
  • 48539-DR7476-The parameter "Display Passive Department in the lanes?" has been removed and the display of passive data used in the lane has been linked to the parameter "List passive positions and show with (P)".
  • 48960-DR7550-Name and Code information of the draft version has been added to the revision warning given when the published processes whose Name and Code change during revision are opened.
  • 48962-DR7632-The period columns shown by the graph in the "Results" tab of the indicator details navigated from the Indicators tab have been edited to include only the start and end dates of the measurement location.
  • 49565-DR7921-Change Cancellation Approvers option has been added to the options of the process in Cancellation Approval. With this option, the user that the process waits for cancellation approval can be changed.
  • 50044-DR7977-System Definitions-Performance Management-Indicator Comparison Screens, indicator selections were made in hierarchical view while defining and editing. With the development, the "List View" tab was also added.
  • 51701-DR8377-System Definitions-Performance Management-When defining and editing from the Elements menu, the filter/search field has been added to the "Top Element" selection screen to search from the hierarchy.
  • 51707-DR8486-System Definitions-Performance Management-A "Date of Inactivation" column has been added to the Inactive Elements tab to show the date on which the elements inactivated from the Elements screen were inactivated.
  • 52233-DR8472-Tags added and edited for custom mails are as follows.
    • 15.33 Process Publishing Notification: <REVIEW> Published ("Description written by the approver" for the "Description" field)
    • 15.20 Process Opinion Completed: <REVIEW> Returning from Opinion ("Comment" field "Comment written by the commenter")
    • 15.23 Process Rejected in Control: <REVIEW> Rejected in control ("Description" field "Reason for Rejection")
    • 15.27 Process Rejected on Approval :<REVIEW> Rejected on approval ("Description" field "Reason for Rejection")
    • 15.34 Process Change Request: <REVISION_REQUEST_NOTE> Revision request ("Description" field "Request Description")
  • 52239-DR8603-Process and step details Element Type column has been added to the Indicators tab.
  • 53968-DR8696-Development has been made to add customer, supplier code in the process of adding customer, supplier in the detail of process and steps.
  • 53969-DR8697-The following tag supports have been added to the process card that brings the documents with their codes:For process detail; <@ProcessDocumentsWithCode> <@ProcessDocumentsListWithCode> <@ProcessDocumentsListAddNoRowWithCode> For the process step; <@ProcessStepDocumentsWithCode>
  • 53972-DR8847-System Definitions-Tools-Personnel Task Transfer-Performance Management screen, "Indicator Authorization Matrix" button was used to transfer report card and indicator-measurement place authorizations in addition to indicator authorizations. With the development made, only indicator authorizations can be transferred with the "Indicator Authorization Matrix" button. "Scorecard Authorization" button for transferring scorecard authorizations and "Indicator-Measurement Place Authorization" button for transferring indicator-measurement place authorizations have been developed.
  • 60449-DR9445-Reports-Performance Reports-Data Entry Overdue Indicators report has been added "Data Entry Responsible", "Indicator Owner", "Measurement Place" and "Indicator Type" filters,
  • 64314-DR9562-Percentage display of weights has been added to the Pie Charts on the Graphic View screen of the report card details navigated from the Report Cards tab. Percentage display is located next to the indicator name and is shown when hovering over the pie slice. It is also next to the indicator name in exports.
  • 67295- If a process is used as a process step in another process, when the process is revised (when the revision processes are completed and the new version is published), a revision request has been created for the process used.
  • 67299-DR8615-he following improvements have been made so that each method can be used by changing each method in all processes with the new method of Process Maturity Assessment:
    • The Process Maturity Assessment page has been changed to Process Maturity Assessment Questions.
    • A new menu was created as Process Maturity Assessment Method and the definition was written and selected from the questions defined on the other page.
    • Existing relationships were created with the process type name in the update and transferred to the Process Maturity Assessment Method. On the process type definition page, this list of related questions was selected. In new registrations and updates, the Process Maturity Assessment Method relationship on the process type can be updated or deleted.
    • The Process Maturity Assessment Method to be evaluated for the processes will automatically come from the process type, and the user will be able to change the Process Maturity Assessment Method if desired (Process definition first tab). If the Process Maturity Assessment Method is changed and the questions of the current question list have already been answered, the user will be warned that the answers previously given will be lost and the user's approval will be obtained.
    • Process Maturity Assessment Method questions selected in the process have also been made answerable in the maturity tab.
    • Question weights have been defined on the Process Maturity Assessment Method and the calculation has been made modifiable method-specific.
  • 77462-DR8249-In the lanes in the process model, when it is desired to add new data to the lane, it has been enabled to add new ones while preserving the previous ones. In order to delete the data added to the lane, a cross icon has been added next to it.
  • 78761-DR11260-The "Period Breakdown" column has been added to the "Indicators" tab on the process detail screen to show the period information.
  • 93473-DR12101-13 new diagrams have been added to process step types.
  • 94374-DR12984-In the "Display by Indicator" screen of the report card detail opened from the report cards tab, there were pages of pages depending on the number of indicators. With the development made, all indicators independent of the number were displayed on a single page.
  • 98628-DR12761-A bracket has been developed to determine the column cells and headings on the "Display by Indicator" screen of the report card detail navigated from the report card tab.


  • 90158-DR9562-Percentage display of weights has been added to the Pie Charts on the Graphic View screen of the report card details navigated from the Report Cards tab. Percentage display is located next to the indicator name and is shown when hovering over the pie slice. It is also displayed next to the indicator name in exports.

3.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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