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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • 34479 – DR2616- "Report Card Based Performance Report" was developed. In order to use the relevant report, first of all, from the System Infrastructure Definitions-BSAT-Definitions-Authorization Group Definition screen via the QDMS application, Reports to the authorization group of the relevant user group (ENS. Common)-Performance Reports-Report Card Based Performance Report menu authorization should be given. The "New Report" button on the relevant screen should be used to create the report. Model, Name, Performance Target, and Scorecards are mandatory fields that must be filled in. After the relevant fields are filled and saved, they are downloaded in excel format with the report button on the right side. The report includes the scorecard name, measurement location name, indicator name, data for the relevant period and indicator status. Each scorecard that is added to the report is displayed in a different excel sheet.


  • 35981 – Added "L=Limited Authorization" option to the "Who to Go to Review Task" parameter on the DR3782- System Definitions-System-System Parameters-General screen. To create a review task for users with limited privileges, the parameter must be filled in with the letter "L". For example, if the review task is to go to the process owner and restricted authorization users, the parameter should be filled in as "S,L".

  • 35670 – DR3089- When the PRD and YTD values in the performance management and BSC modules are hovered, the information screen is opened in the color adjusted according to the indicator score. Since the font color on this screen is white, it becomes difficult to read when the score is in light colors (example: yellow). In order to eliminate this situation, the font color was improved to be dark according to the score color.

  • 36261 – Version update for the gojs tool used by the Ensemble application for process drawing and modeling. The current version uses gojs v2.2.18.

  • 9631 – The hierarchical view of the Competencies menu on the Process management-Competencies screen did not include the delete option. Added "Delete" selection to the features that can be made by right-clicking on a competency or competency group.

  • 36269 – Speed up the reporting time of Reports-Process Reports-Process Analysis Report.


  • 36430 – DR3974- Documents defined through the QDMS application can be added to the process detail and process steps. When the added documents were revised through the QDMS application, they were disconnected from the relevant process. This bug has been fixed.

  • 36172 – DR3854- In the Reports-Process Reports-Process Analysis Report, the revision number of all processes was 0 when the report was received by selecting only "Include Process Steps". Improvements have been made to bring up the current revision numbers that appear in the application.

  • 33756 – DR2644- When the "Send indicator mails to indicator owners" parameter on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-Indicators screen was active, mail was not sent to the owners of the indicator measurement location. The relevant problem was fixed and when the parameter was active, the e-mail was sent to the owners of the indicator measurement place.

  • 35703 – DR3682- The data entry supervisor could not enter data on the indicator-based data entry screen. This issue has been addressed with the improvement made.

  • 34575 – DR2458- QDMS document can be added to the process step and process detail. The version number did not change in the processes added after the revision of the QDMS document. Related issue fixed. In the added processes, the current version number comes after the revision.

  • 36467 – DR3871- If there was an indicator with a sub-breakdown of the indicators associated with the scorecard, it would appear in the first row independent of the sequence number set on the report card detail screen. With the improvement made, it was ensured that it was listed in the determined ranking management.

  • 36412 – DR3932- When the relevant process is viewed from the "Processes Waiting for Feedback" task, there is a "Give Feedback" button. However, when the relevant process was viewed from the process waiting for feedback mail, this button was not included. The bug has been fixed with the improvement made.

  • 36188 – There was case sensitivity when typing the indicator name and searching the indicators tab in the Oracle database. For example, when the "Test" indicator was searched for "test," it would alert "No information to show." This issue has been addressed with the improvement made.

  • 35521 – When an image was added to an element type from the System Definitions-Performance Management-Element Type screen, the image could not be deleted. For this reason, a cross button has been added so that the uploaded image can be removed.

  • 35736 – The owner of the indicator measuring place could only enter data on the indicator-based data entry screen. With the development made, it can also enter data on the old and new data entry screens.

  • 36980 – In Oracle database, the owner of the indicator measurement place could not enter data on the new data entry screen and the legend based data entry screen. This issue has been fixed.

  • 36025 – The "Require disclosure on data entry?" and "Require document attachment on data entry" parameters on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-Performance Management System screen did not work on the new data entry screen. This issue has been fixed.

  • 36107 – When entering data with a template on the System Definitions-Performance Management-Data Entry screen, an error was received when using a period and comma caused by the decimal and group symbol set in the unit. For example, the value entered 80.2 appeared as 802 in practice. In order to prevent this situation, whatever the language and format are in the region settings on the server where the application is installed, the group and symbol of the unit used in the application must be set the same.

  • 36104 – When defining elements with the template from the System Definitions-Performance Management-Element screen, when the template is loaded into the application without filling in the indicator symbol, the message "The template has been successfully loaded" is received, but the related element is not loaded. With the improvement, it has been ensured that the error message is given in the templates loaded without filling in the indicator symbol. When establishing the indicator measurement location relationship through the template, the owner of the measurement place had to be filled in. As with manual definitions, the requirement for measuring place owner has been removed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version should be installed.