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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • No Improvements


  • 56313 – DR9234- When the "Process Responsible" task attached to the process step from the System Definitions->Tools->Personnel Task Transfer->Process Management screen was transferred to a different user, it was not reflected in the visual model. The error has been fixed.

  • 59878 – DR9184- Reports->Process Reports->Process Summary Report could not be pulled when special html character (\) was used. The error has been fixed.

  • 59960 – DR9365- The process details of the processes and the "Competences" used in the process step were multiplexed in the process card. With the development made, it has been singularised.

  • 60723 – DR9492- MSG.15.26 coded "Process Approved" mail was not being sent. With the development made, it was ensured that the "Process Approved" mail was also sent to the users who received the "Process Published" mail.

  • 60724 – DR9501- The task transfer made in the "Doer" information from the System Definitions->Tools->Personnel Task Transfer->Process Management screen was not reflected in the visual model. The error has been fixed.

  • 61015 – DR9544- In MSG.15.22 message body, <LINK> tag was not working in custom mail status. The error has been fixed.

  • 61470 – DR9616- When the risk added to the process was revised and deleted from the process, the old version risk was displayed in the Process Reports->Process Risk Relationship report. The error has been fixed.

  • 61540 – DR9635- When the "Process Code Template Format" parameter on the System Parameters->General screen was left blank, a new process could not be created. The error has been fixed.

  • 62079 – DR9687- When the "Use version management in processes" parameter on the System Parameters->General screen is off, the "Approval Matrix" can be viewed and edited in the process details.

  • 60138 – DR5650- Process buttons such as process card and edit in the processes were not shown on the screen when they did not fit on the screen. With the development made, the disappearance problem was solved by removing the text on the button depending on the number of buttons and the number of parent processes.

  • 61017 – DR9560- In Reports->Performance Reports->Performance Report, when the "Period Breakdown" field was filled in and the report was pulled, only the data in the Measurement Frequency column for the relevant period breakdown was coming. The error has been fixed.

  • 56090 – Import from Visio can be done with the import button on the visual model screen of the processes. There were two different types of connection arrows in the visual models imported from Visio. With the development made, the error was fixed and the default connection arrow was used.

  • 56117 – Level columns were removed from the "Competences" sheet of the template created from the Tools->Import Process Detail Data screen.

  • 60043 – The passive control attached to the process step in the visual model of the processes was shown in the process detail but not in the process model. The error has been fixed.

  • 60790 – On the System Definitions->Process Management->Competencies page, an unauthorised user could perform operations for "Competency Group" and "Competency Levels". The error has been fixed.

  • 60917 – Fixed the problem that the total number shown in Process Management tasks in my QDMS pending jobs does not match the number listed when clicking on the task.

  • 61139 – The problem that the risk added to the process step in the visual model of the processes cannot be deleted from the process step after it is revised has been fixed.

  • 61337 – When the "To Whom Revision Requests Go" parameter on the System Parameters->General screen was left blank, the System Parameters screen did not open. The error has been fixed.

  • 61547 – In the process management module, when the position was selected for authorisations, the authorisations could not be transferred to the user corresponding to the position. The error has been fixed.

  • 61923 – In the process detail and model, it was ensured that the input output added in the "Input- Output" type appears as Input or Output in the type added.

  • 62096 – For users who are not module admins, an error was received when opening the System Definitions->Tools->Multiple Process Review page. The error has been fixed.

  • 62206 – Data was also coming for the draft process in the Process Review Report. The error has been fixed.

  • 49683 – When the steps defined from the System Definitions->Process Management->Process Step Types screen were used in the process visual model and the font and border settings were changed, the old settings remained in the relevant process and the edits made were not reflected. The error has been fixed.

  • 63446 – For processes with long process names and parent process names, their names did not appear in the process detail. With the development, a character limit has been introduced for the display of the parent process and the name of the process above the process detail.

  • 62223 – Selected data such as the process owner department was not reflected in the My Processes task in pending jobs. The error has been fixed.

  • 55042 – When the colour of the process associated with the process step was changed from the System Definitions->Process Management->Process Step Types screen, it was not reflected in the visual model. The error has been fixed.

  • 55683 – In System Definitions->System->System Parameters->Indicators screen, when the parameter "Display the indicator detail icon under the process step symbol when modelling the process" is active, there is an icon under the process steps where indicator information such as target, actual, interval name is displayed. In case the user who is not the module administrator was not authorised to see the indicator-measurement place, he/she could view the data information of the indicator from the relevant icon in the process steps of the visual model of the processes. With the development made, unauthorised users were prevented from displaying indicator information such as target, actual, interval name of the indicator and lighting according to the data.

  • 61576 – In the performance management module, when the position was selected for authorisations, authorisations could not be transferred to the user corresponding to the position. The error has been fixed.

  • 61745 – There was no size control while uploading images on Performance Management->Score Card and Element Type screens. The error has been fixed.

  • 62205 – The "Recalculate" button on the report card detail screen was not working. The error has been fixed.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version must be installed.
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