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Product Name: Ensemble Version Info:

1.Highlights / New Features

  • No New Features


  • No New Improvements


  • 40858 – DR5503- When the documents defined on the QDMS are revised, a revision request is created for the processes to which the relevant document is attached and an e-mail is forwarded. In this e-mail, the information that made the request appeared as the user defined in the system. The error was fixed by bringing "system" to the user field that forwarded the request.

  • 41027 – DR5547- Process requests were not sent to the user groups defined in the "Which user group should the process requests go to" parameter on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-General screen. The bug has been fixed.

  • 41721 – DR5881 – In cases where the user selected as the process owner does not currently have a counterpart in the QDMS application, it gives the message "Your cancellation request has been successfully sent to the process owner". With the development, the warning message "The process cancellation request could not be sent because the Process Owner and/or the user who created the process is empty" was provided.

  • 41779 – DR5896- The user who sent the process review mails received their information from the "Who should send confirmation mails" parameter. With the improvement made, it was ensured that the sending user information was received from the "Opinion request mails from whom" parameter.

  • 38408 – DR4709- When the "TDA Integration" parameter on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-General screen was activated, there was a result not found error on the process step. The error was fixed and the TDA data was restored.

  • 41030 – DR5615- The sequence number was displayed in the Process Analysis Report when the "Use alphanumeric sequence number in process step details" parameter was active on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-General screen. While the error was being fixed, the alphanumeric sequence number was introduced.

  • 41236 – DR5719- The names of user groups added to the process authorization matrix in the process details and to the authorizations of the indicators on the Elements screen were not visible. The bug has been fixed.

  • 40691 – DR5396- Older versions of processes added to the risks defined in the QDMS implementation were also listed. This caused an error in the approval phase of the risk. The improvement ensured that older versions of the process were not listed on risk.

  • 42647 – When only "H" (author) data was entered and saved in the "Who to Go to Review Task" parameter on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-General screen, the parameter was not saved and the parameter value appeared to be empty when the page was refreshed. The bug has been fixed.

  • 43050 – Reports-Process Reports-Process Analysis Report did not bring data. The bug has been fixed.

  • 31714 – The "View by indicator" screen of the report cards listed in the Report Cards tab sounded incorrect when exported. The bug has been fixed.

  • 36022 – While the "Send data added from the data entry template for approval?" parameter on the System Definitions-System-System Parameters-Performance Management System screen was inactive, the approval flow for the data entered with the template was started. The bug has been fixed.

  • 41590 – When defining the measurement location with a template from the System Descriptions-Performance Management System-Measurement Place screen, the English equivalent of the measurement location name could not be transferred. The bug has been fixed.

  • 41591 – The details of the processes listed in the processes area of the indicator details accessed from the indicators tab would not be opened. The bug has been fixed.

  • 42663 – The Results, Actions, Actions, Processes, Processes tabs of the indicator details accessed from the Indicators tab did not open. The bug has been fixed.

  • 39728 – When any permission group was deleted on the System Definitions-Users-Permission groups screen, the corresponding users still saw menus. The bug has been fixed.

  • 43069 – The details of the report cards listed in the Report Cards tab were not disclosed. Bug fixed

  • 43082 – When the Reports-Performance Reports-Indicator Authorization Report was exported, the data in the KPI column came in as only "no". The bug has been fixed.

  • 43084 – When making new definitions and arrangements on the System Definitions-Performance Management System-Element Type screen, the "Element template counter" could receive a negative value. With the improvement made, when the negative value is given, the warning "Element Template Counter cannot take a negative value, edit it and try again." was provided.

4.Breaking Changes

  • Ensemble version and QDMS version should be installed.